Carpathia IV: Episode 109 - Personal Specs
Space, Elai Ringship
The ringship couldn't travel full speed, not while towing the Shadowdancer behind it. At 25% of full speed, it would take a couple of weeks to arrive at Polaris Deep. In the meantime, the Elais were enthusiastic hosts. The first day was a day of remembrance, a memorial service for the lost crew of the Shadowdancer, of whom, thankfully, Amenaru was not a member.
The next day, and many days after, had a feel more like a cruise instead of a journey of shame back home. Culture activities. Theater performances. Concerts. Buffets piled high with Tokkastran food. For the nekomi on board, meat from animals hunted on the planet sufficed and the tokki synthesized plenty of high-protein foods to supplement this, ensuring they would not run out of food for anyone on the trip back. The tokki did leave the meat-handling to the nekomi, however, understanding that their biology required it but feeling a little nauseous about it at the same time.
Some of the Carpathians took part in anything and everything that was available. Others relaxed in their quarters. A few, like Teek and Minnie, availed themselves of the Tokkastran medical facilities. Whether one did everything, nothing, or something in the middle, nobody felt neglected by their hosts. For all, there was some time for reflecting.
Ramei did much of this, having had little time to think over the last two weeks after taking over Chief Engineer duties from Minnie. All he had left after the crash and sinking to wear, besides his uniform, was his underwear and the stupidest t-shirt he owned, something he'd inexplicably kept from his academy days, though he never thought he'd wear it again. A plain, white shirt with the phrase, "Party 'till you puke" in giant, neon colors. Of all things to survive, it had to be that.
Ramei laid on top his bed covers, staring at the ceiling and taking in the sensual feel of the comforter. It was amazing, he thought, that the tokki got anything done. How could anyone think about work when every surface felt like a cloud? A fluffy, enveloping, arousing cloud. Maybe, he thought, they were just used to it.
With the door chime, Ramei sat up on the edge of the bed and pulled his shirt down. He wasn't sure how the tokki ship worked. Did he have to open the door himself or would a simple, verbal invite be enough? He decided on the latter.
Ramei: Um... Enter!
The door parted down the middle and slid to the sides, revealing Phobos on the other end. Not little, blue Phobos, but Phobos back in his normal body.
Ramei: Phobos! You're back to your body again!
Phobos stepped inside and the doors slid shut behind him.
Phobos: I thought the spare body I kept on the ship would be ruined, but the tokki managed to dry it out and fix it pretty quickly. It's nice not to have to look up at everyone anymore.
Ramei: I'm glad for you. I hope the tokki have as much luck with everyone else's stuff.
Ramei slouched on the edge of the bed and let out a long exhale.
Ramei: I owe you an apology, picking you up and waving you around like that.
Phobos: It's okay. I could see how frazzled you were after. Besides, Commander Calloway's life was at stake. Not like there was time for chit-chat.
Ramei suddenly jumped from the bed and headed for a mini-fridge in the corner of the room.
Ramei: Oh, but I forgot! Would you like something to drink? No alcohol or caffeine on this ship, of course, but they do have some interesting teas and juices. We could try...
Ramei froze midway through rummaging through the fridge and shook his head, holding a can of apple juice.
Ramei: Ah, but of course, you don't need to drink, do you?
Closer to him than the bed was a desk chair and Ramei plopped himself down in that.
Ramei: I know I'm a bit of a spaz and everything. Sometimes my brain gets ahead of my mouth...
Ramei paused, unsure if he said that phrase correctly.
Ramei: ...or is it the other way around?
Phobos nodded.
Phobos: It's the other way around. I can and do drink, actually. The first body Dad and Grandpa made for me couldn't take it, but they've made tweaks and upgrades over the years. I can not only eat and drink if I want, but the liquid can also supplement my cooling system if necessary.
Ramei: You really are amazing, you know. Not just how you're made, but who you are. Did they give you... you know...
Ramei twirled his finger around, pointing in the general area of Phobos's crotch. In response, Phobos put his hands on his hips and stamped his foot.
Ramei: Nope, nope! You're right! That was not appropriate.
Phobos let his arms go limp to his sides. He did, in fact, come to make a request, and now seemed the best time.
Phobos: If there's one thing this experience has taught me is that I need more than one doctor just in case something happens. Commander Calloway has my schematics and knows how to fix me if I need it. I want to give you those schematics too. For now, you're an engineer and I know you're curious, so I'll just tell you that my calculation speed is 20 exaflops, my storage capacity is 300 petabytes, and I am programmed with 2,720 distinct sexual techniques.
Reylen froze solid in mid-sip of his apple juice. Phobos arched an eyebrow and took a second, a literal second, to retreat into his mind and have a chat with Deimos.
Phobos: Deimos, why did you throw in that last part?
Deimos: Come on. You're both off-duty and you know you want to.
Phobos: You just want to watch!
Deimos: And you want to play. Now go make us both happy.
With a giggle, Deimos disappeared, leaving Phobos back in reality with Ramei, his lips still stuck to his juice can. It took a little time, but Ramei finally mustered up some words.
Ramei: Um... that's... um... So... want to... try some of those out right now?
Phobos did sort of a cross between shaking his head and nodding, but nevertheless, gave into Deimos's scheme.
Phobos: Not while you're wearing that stupid shirt. Take it off.

One who did not participate in any of the festivities at first, aside from the memorial service, was Captain Valro. He spent the last two days since departure holed up in his cabin. Nobody knew what he was up to in there, aside from the fact that he wasn't receiving any visitors. Communications with Admiral Zhang and the admiralty? Perhaps. Most of the crew were too distracted to really care anyway.
If any suspected that Aire was buried in work, they'd be half right. In his downtime, he read the books that survived the flooding. It wasn't easy to concentrate on anything, the decor of the ringship affecting him just as much as anyone else. He was in the middle of reading, leaning back in his chair behind his desk, when the door chime rang. Right away, Aire slammed his book closed and tossed it on his desk. Quickly, he scooched himself as close to his desk as he could, pressing the edge against his abdomen. He sat up straight and stiff with his hands clasped in front of him.
Aire: Ahem... Come in!
The door parted revealing Joust on the other side, who flounced in extravagantly.
Aire: Commander. How is the crew holding up?
Joust: Everyone's pretty much the same, Captain. Horny. The tokki sure do know how to make an atmosphere.
Aire: There was never much hope of enforcing rules against fraternization with this crew even under ideal circumstances. They may as well let it all out.
Joust: Oh, yes, indeed! I'm doing my part too. Six tokki so far!
Aire flinched, wondering if he'd heard that correctly. Still sitting tall and straight, pressed up against the table, he continued to maintain his composure.
Aire: Six? Did you say six? In two days?
Joust: That was just today. It didn't feel right doing it right before or after the memorial service. Don't tell anyone, but I intend to get the most.
Aire: Commander, are you sure this is a good time for one of your games?
Joust: Ah, no worries! I ran the idea by six of the tokki here and they think it's hilarious.
Aire: Six again, eh? Quite a coincidence.
Joust: Anyway, I came here to check up on you, Captain. We haven't seen you at all since yesterday. Are you holding up okay?
Aire sat up even straighter than before, desperately trying to maintain an air of confident nonchalance.
Aire: Me? Oh, ha, I'm fine. No problems at all, really. Yep, doing just dandy. No problems at all, right?
Joust smirked and nodded, as though he'd just gotten the answer to an invisible question.
Joust: That's what I thought. You're not as good at hiding it as you think you are, Captain. You're just as afflicted as everyone else. My advice? We don't know what's going to happen when we get back. Try to enjoy yourself a little between now and then.
Without waiting for a response, Joust pranced out the door just as flamboyantly as he came in. Aire pushed himself away from the desk and finally allowed himself to breathe normally again. Perhaps, he thought, Joust had a point. Aire stood from his chair and straightened his uniform, now on a mission to find Reylen to ask his advice.
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