Carpathia IV: Episode 114 - Homecoming
Space, Near the Andrast Shipyard
For a three-week flight, there were at least things to do aboard the runabout. Full access to the network's entertainment library. A few games on board. They even improvised a shuffleboard game behind the cockpit area that went clear down the corridor to the stern of the ship.
Nevertheless, three weeks on a runabout was quite enough for all involved and the nearer they came to the Andrast Shipyard, the greater the anticipation became. Now, they were only a few hours away. Amenaru and Sylvar manned the cockpit for the last leg of the trip.
Sylvar: Almost there. I have to admit, I'm both excited and a little nervous.
Amenaru: I suppose I should warn you that my family can be pretty intense, particularly my dad. Don't worry, though. I told them all about you and you're bound to make some mistakes. Just take it easy and you'll be fine.
Sylvar: The fewer mistakes the better. I don't think I asked you about your place. What's it like?
Amenaru: It's pretty nice. Lots of space. Lots of food. A bit old-timey style. You'll be staying in the northeast wing. That's the guest room.
Sylvar: "Northeast wing?" Sounds pretty fancy.
Amenaru: Ha! We just call it that. We're not rich, but we are resourceful. No way my parents could have afforded a house like the one we have, but Mom knew a guy who got us the leftover materials from the massive library they built nearby. It all cost next to nothing and land is cheap in Shenah. It's a nice area, a designated culture zone designed to attract artists and craftspeople of all sorts to move in. Lots of green space and long, red sandy beaches. I think you'll like it there.
Sylvar: Sounds nice.
Amenaru: I hope you like humidity, because it's typically around 70 to 80 percent.
Sylvar: That sounds not so nice.
Amenaru: After eight weeks, you'll find the air on the ship too dry.
A beep from Sylvar's side of the cockpit interrupted them.
Sylvar: Another communication from Tokkastra.
Amenaru: Another one? That's gotta be at least fifty by now. I've lost count. Send it on over to our cabin then.
Sylvar tapped at his console, sending the communication to Kit.
Sylvar: Done. Any idea what they're all about?
Amenaru: I've asked, but he hasn't told me yet. Probably just boring administrative stuff relating to joining the Elais.
Sylvar: Something to do to pass the time, I guess. By the way, I read in the manual that we should contact Andrast Shipyard for an approach plan before we arrive. Should we do that now?
Amenaru: Let's give it another hour. They usually get a little grumpy if you contact them too early.

The approach and docking at Andrast Shipyard went smoothly, but what happened next was just as irritating, if not moreso, as landing in a regular spaceport. Waiting... shuttle... waiting... shuttle... waiting... yet another shuttle, while navigating the labyrinthine facility in between. The good news, at least was that there was a shuttle landing pad right by the library, less than a kilometer from Amenaru's house. As soon as they stepped off the shuttle, suitcases in hand, Amenaru spotted his dad waiting for them with a broad smile and his arms in the air.
James: There's my spaceboy!
A moment later, Amenaru's dad had him in a snuggly, but crushing hug which, thankfully, ended after only a few seconds. Before he was squished to death.
Amenaru: Love you too, Dad. Where's everyone else?
James: Couldn't fit everyone and you lot in the car together, could I? We're not far from the house anyway, so, go on. Introduce everyone! This must be Kit. Am I right?
Kit squeezed his limbs tightly together and nodded. In stark contrast to the power hug that he just gave Amenaru, James took Kit's hand and gave it a little kiss.
James: Enchanté, my friend. I've heard a lot about you.
Kit glanced aside at Amenaru, unsure of how to respond.
Kit: Um... thanks?
Unfazed, Amenaru's dad moved on to Sylvar.
Amenaru: This is Sylvar, the Vashtari rebel I told you about.
James took Sylvar's hand in both of his and held it tightly, giving him an earnest, friendly look in the eye.
James: Now yours is an interesting story and I look forward to hearing more of it! I'm honored to be the first to welcome you to Andrast.
Sylvar: Thanks! I'm excited to be here!
Mrs. Tiggywinkle: Meow!
James grinned broadly as he kneeled and scooped up Mrs. Tiggywinkle in his arms.
James: There you are, Tiggs! Oh, I missed you too!
James gave Mrs. Tiggywinkle several smooches on her head while she returned the favor with nuzzles.
James: Let's get you home!

Pendergast Manor, Andrast
For Amenaru, familiar sights, familiar smells. One thing wasn't so familiar, however. Somehow, he never remembered the humidity being this bad. Sylvar was feeling it too, conspicuously wiping his forehead.
Sylvar: Whew! You weren't kidding about this humidity!
Amenaru: It feels worse than usual.
James: Too much time in that perfectly climate controlled spaceship! You'll get used to it.
Together, they walked through the front door and into the expansive living room and dining room area, all very old world style. Dark, wood flooring with white walls. Four chiseled marble columns as the main supports. Decorations included armor stands plus various medieval weaponry hanging above the windows. Thankfully it was, at least, air-conditioned. There, they found Amenaru's younger brother and sister waiting for them. Meri, his sister, was the first off the couch to give her big brother a hug.
Meri: Hi, Amey! Good to see you again!
Meri danced in place while Amenaru had a good look at the dress she was wearing. Unique as always, it was mostly black with pink accents with frills on the bottom and lapels on the top.
Amenaru: Hi, Meri! New dress? Did you make it?
Meri giggled and did a little twirl.
Meri: You noticed! I've made lots of new dresses, but this one is my favorite.
Amenaru's younger brother, Ramses, chose this time to muscle his way in and thrust a comic book in Amenaru's face.
Ramses: Amenaru! Look! Look! I'm getting published! You wanna read it?
Amenaru winced and did his best not to look at the cover.
Amenaru: Aw, Ramses, I've told you before that I feel weird reading my little brother's porn comics.
Undeterred, Ramses kept trying to maneuver the comic into Amenaru's line of sight.
Rameses: This one's about a tokki and a nekohuman!
Amenaru suddenly stopped trying to look away and focused on the cover, featuring two slightly feminine-looking characters who were indeed a nekohuman and a tokki. He knew enough about Ramses's art style to know that just because they looked a bit feminine, that didn't necessarily mean they were girls.
Amenaru: Gay or straight this time?
Ramses: It's a yaoi.
Amenaru sighed and held out his hand.
Amenaru: Alright. Gimme.
James: Alright, alright, you three. Let's get everyone introduced, shall we?
A few minutes to go around introducing Amenaru's siblings to Kit and Sylvar. After that, it became necessary to address the two missing people.
Amenaru: I have an older sister, Sera. She works for a video game company in Carpathia City. Still, where's Mom? I expected she'd be here.
James: Ah, you know how your mother is when she's napping.
James turned and gave Sylvar and Kit a little nudge, because they were the two who didn't know.
James: Raa himself couldn't wake her up.
James next directed everyone's attention at a large box just inside the living room.
James: Now, Amenaru, what's this box? It arrived for you just a few days ago.
Amenaru's ears popped up on his head.
Amenaru: Box? For me?
Amenaru looked and it was no small parcel. The box was as big as a nightstand and, indeed, it said "For Amenaru" in large letters on the label. After staring quizzically at it for a moment, he reached under the flaps and popped the top. He couldn't see clearly whatever the large object inside was, but on the top was a note with a data card attached to it. He took the note out and read it.
Amenaru: "Dear Amenaru. Thanks for the jam! Here's a video for you to remember it by. Reuli."
Amenaru blinked several times and re-read the letter to himself again. He had to, or else he couldn't bring himself to believe it.
Ramses: Reuli? The Reuli?
Amenaru: Turn on the TV!
Amenaru rushed to the TV and occupied himself with finding the slot for the data card while his dad turned it on. After excitedly fumbling with the remote for a minute, he finally navigated to the video. It started immediately with Amenaru already behind the drums and Reuli prancing onto the stage.
Meri: Is that...
Amenaru: It is!
Ramses: How did...
This time, James, already watching in rapt attention, interjected with a shush.
James: Shhh! Watch!
And watch they did, Meri and Ramses with mouths agape, but James was on another level entirely, looking as though he might explode into a shower of confetti at any moment. Several songs passed, and then the moment came. The moment that Reuli invited Amenaru to sing. Gaping mouths were now accompanied by wide eyes. When it was all over, James couldn't contain himself any longer and rushed over to grab Amenaru in a big bear squeeze.
James: Look at you, living the dream! I know I said I was wrong before, but I was really wrong to oppose your joining the Exploration Force!
Mercifully, James did put Amenaru down before he was asphyxiated.
James: When did you get that glorious singing voice?
Amenaru had a hunch what else was in the box and getting to it gave him just enough time to catch his breath. After digging out the packing materials, he pulled out a large cube-shaped object and set it on the floor.
Amenaru: Reuli told me he's been helping work on a nekohuman voice enhancer, so that people like me can sing decently. I think that's what this is.
Indeed, in the bottom of the box was another note, which Amenaru took out and read.
Amenaru: "P.S. Please enjoy this nekohuman voice enhancer prototype!"
James: Marvelous! We're going to have a lot of fun playing with this. Ah, but come! Sit! Let's talk! I haven't even asked you what you'd like to drink yet.
James took drink orders and everyone settled in for a comfortable night conducting the important business of catching up.
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