Carpathia IV: Episode 12 - Sunstone Nebula
Space, NCCS Shadowdancer
In the days since departing Polaris Deep, shipboard life swiftly returned to its usual routine for most. For Aire, however, there was no routine for him and his endeavor was to create one. Naturally, he wrote himself some duty shifts, but beyond that, it was up to him to find a new life rhythm. For now, however, life consisted entirely of working, eating, and sleeping. Meetings with Captain Amaranth consumed much of his work time. Most of the rest was familiarizing himself with the crew and systems.
As they approached the destination of their first mission, the Sunstone Nebula, Aire found himself in yet another meeting in Adell's ready room.
Adell: I got word that the Sentinel has arrived at Polaris Deep for her trials. Captain Yoshida will be taking command of her while the Furious Spectre is laid up for her overhaul.
Aire nodded. Out in deep space where he knew nobody, it was nice to hear a name he recognized again.
Aire: That's good. He'll be helping us out for our mission in the Void?
Adell: That's the plan. It's good for both of us, since Keiichi will be able to test the Sentinel's comms and we'll be able to work on ways to cut through the interference in the Void.
Aire: Win-win, then.
Adell nodded.
Adell: The Shadowdancer is next on the list after the Furious Spectre's refit. They're going to go through and update just about every system. I plan on some shore leave to visit some friends on New Berengaria and Draconis, since they won't need me here for that and I don't want to be anywhere near Minnie when they start taking apart her engines. When the time for that gets closer, you can see if there are any volunteers of our crew to stay on during the overhaul. After that, we'll be taking command of the new Cerberus for her shakedown near the end of Shadowdancer's refit.
Adell paused, noticing Aire's grin.
Adell: It's all very mundane, but I'm glad you seem to like it.
Aire cleared his throat, taking a moment to compose himself.
Aire: I've been stuck behind a desk for the last four years, so what's mundane to you is something to me. Things are actually happening now! Before, it was just papers in, papers out.
Adell leaned back, looking very pleased with himself while Aire suddenly had a revelation.
Aire: Speaking of, a few years ago, you tried to requisition a bowsprit and figurehead for the Shadowdancer. What was that all about?
Adell sunk even further in his chair and tented his fingers, turning slightly so that he had a view out the window.
Adell: I know you're aware of the Shadowdancer's reputation.
Aire only needed a moment's thought to understand what Adell was talking about.
Aire: "The ship of misfits," they call it.
Adell: That's no accident. I became a captain when I was quite young, at 32. For my first command, I naturally tried to recruit top people, the ones with the best grades, the ones with glowing reviews, and the ones with stellar letters of recommendation. That didn't go well. Most didn't want to serve with me. The ones who did looked down on me, and I couldn't function as an effective captain with a crew like that. The next time, I started digging deeper into service and academic records, looking for indications of under-utilized and under-appreciated talents. I looked for people who had trouble finding their way. Once I did that, I started finding a lot of amazing people lurking around that others didn't notice.
Aire scrunched up his body, pulling his arms and legs in close.
Aire: You're talking about me?
Adell: You, Amenaru, Kit, Teren, Bugs... erm... Nalma, Minnie. Teek and Sorchae are the only ones of the senior and bridge officers who were assigned here rather than chosen. Sorchae has adapted well, but Teek is having some adjustment issues, so keep an eye on him. Anyway, I put in that requisition on purpose. I knew it would never get approved, but I wanted it on record that I asked. I want my ship to be attractive to the sorts of people like all of you. I went through quite an ordeal when I was younger with another little gang of misfits and we got through it because of who we were, not in spite of it.
Aire allowed a pause to endure while he put his hand on his cheek and considered past events.
Aire: This explains the "dramatic music" from earlier.
Adell: That's part of it, yes. You let me know if I ever go a little too far. Anyway, speaking of Teek, I understand he has a hibernation coming up? We'll have to fill his position for two weeks.
Aire: I thought that Tayet could get some hands-on experience there, under supervision, of course. I noticed Lieutenant Sokari in engineering was on helm back in his early days. I can ask him if he'd like some nostalgia.
Adell: That's fine. How are our cadets doing?
Aire: Tayet's knowledge of all the systems is impressive, but he doesn't seem to quite grasp yet that knowledge and experience are two different things. I'm sure he'll learn. Quenya has been taking it slowly in the engine room, being useful but not overeager, which is probably a good idea. Minnie has taken to her well enough. Funny, though, that Minnie seems more upset that she ruined the meatloaf at Quenya's welcome dinner more than anything else.
Adell sat back up in his chair and straightened his uniform.
Adell: Sounds about right. We'll be arriving at the Sunstone Nebula soon. Will there be anything else?
Aire: I think that will do for now, thanks.
Adell stood, followed immediately by Aire, both giving their uniforms a tug and a brush.
Adell: In that case, you have the bridge, Commander. I'm going to head to Engineering to check up on their preparations. Amenaru and Kit will be liaising between them and the bridge while we collect gas samples. Kit is still calibrating the new communications modules, so I'll pick up Amenaru on the way down.
Adell rounded his desk toward his door with Aire following close behind. Upon entering the bridge, Nalma, sitting in the captain's chair, immediately rose and awaited orders.
Adell: You may return to your station, Bugs. Commander Valro will take the bridge. I'll be in Engineering.
Nalma stepped over to his station while Aire took his place at the captain's chair. Before Adell left, however, he made his way to Kit and leaned over, placing his hand on Kit's shoulder.
Adell: You can go straight to Engineering when you finish up here. I'm headed that way now and I'll pick up Amenaru along the way.
Kit: I understand.

Whenever possible, Adell liked to go on-site to see the goings-on of his ship, not only to see the activity in person, but moving around allowed him to see for himself the current state of the vessel. He rarely found problems, but he did find areas where work was done and maintenance performed recently. His strolls were a real-life survey of his living ship.
Reaching Amenaru's quarters, Adell pushed the call button next to the door and Amenaru's cheerful voice responded through the speaker.
Amenaru: Come in!
Adell tapped the control next to the door, which slid open. Looking inside, Adell smirked and raised an eyebrow while trying not to laugh. Inside was Amenaru, standing right in the middle of his cabin, perfectly positioned to be fully visible within the frame of his door, completely naked, with one foot in his zebra-striped undies and about to insert the other foot.
Amenaru's ears started flitting around as his face began to flush. Adell quickly stepped inside and tapped the door closed, before anyone could walk by and see while Amenaru quickly pulled up his teeny bikini briefs.
Adell surveyed the situation while he held his hand up near his mouth in case laughter overcame him.
Adell: So, Ensign, just how long have you been standing naked in the middle of your quarters waiting for Kit to show up?
Amenaru's ears suddenly squished flat on the sides of his head.
Amenaru: Um... about 20 minutes. How did you know?
Adell rolled his eyes and rubbed his forehead.
Adell: I think Kit is the only person on this ship who couldn't tell exactly what you were doing. He probably would have been mad that you weren't dressed yet.
Amenaru looked deflated as his shoulders and face sagged.
Amenaru: Oh. Well, he's kinda cute when he's mad, actually.
Adell: You seem to be the only person Kit opens up to, at least a little, so I hope you two can develop a rapport. Remember, though, Kit is monotype, so I expect you to behave with honorable intentions and not like... well, me, when I was your age.
Amenaru: I kind of thought Kit might be the sort of tokki who preferred a relationship. He's not like Nalma at all.
Adell nodded knowingly.
Adell: I think Nalma has bedded nearly all the single men on the ship at least once. How many for you so far?
Amenaru: Four.
Adell: Yup, sounds about right. Anyway, time for you to get dressed, but those aren't standard issue underpants, are they?
Amenaru looked down at himself, having forgotten that he was nearly naked.
Amenaru: Um... no. Sorry, Captain. I'll put on the right underwear.
Adell: Don't bother. I don't wear that scratchy, unpleasant government-issue underwear either. Just hurry it up. I'll be outside.
Adell turned and, after tapping the door control, stepped into the hallway to wait.
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All city pictures from SimCity 4