Carpathia IV: Episode 147 - In Love
Engineering, NCCS Shadowdancer
Minnie received a response quickly from her message to Artemis. So quickly, in fact, that Mikado contacted her from the bridge before Phobos's diagnostic was even finished.
Mikado: Bridge to Engineering. I have a communication request from Dr. Artemis Leingod.
Minnie: Already? Patch him through to the lab console.
Mikado: Understood. Patching him through.
Moments later, Artemis appeared on the screen next to the Phobos diagnostic computer.
Artemis: I got your message. What's going on?
Minnie: Thank you for responding so quickly, Dr. Leingod.
Phobos: Hi dad.
Artemis: Phobos? What are you doing outside of your body?
Phobos: I'm having a deep system scan. Memory problems.
Minnie: Our working hypothesis is that he's in love.
Artemis's eyes widened and his ears popped, fluttering on the top of his head.
Atremis: Really? If that's true, it would be quite a breakthrough! Is his scan done yet?
Minnie glanced at the progress bar.
Minnie: 91%
Artemis: Send me the results when it's finished. I want to see this for myself. You're familiar with how he became who he is?
Minnie nodded.
Minnie: He was a very sophisticated AI at first until the wormhole energy somehow affected his circuitry, making him sentient.
Artemis: When I first programmed him, I gave him just about every personality characteristic I could think of that could be switched on and off at any time. There was one that I couldn't manage. Love wasn't too difficult, but being in love was something very different and I simply couldn't define the parameters. If he is in love, then that means he has exceeded the parameters of his programming for the first time since he became sentient. Tell me, what lead you to that hypothesis?
Minnie turned Phobos's diagnostic screen toward Artemis so that he could see the new mind map and then she waved her hand around the newly-generated portions.
Minnie: Take a look at this section. All of this was created in just the last couple of months and it's all focused on one individual.
Artemis leaned in closer to his screen and squinted at the diagnostic monitor.
Artemis: That's a lot of new data in a short time. I doubt he's lost anything, but the high rate of expansion might have interfered with some of the base functions. Best case scenario is that his brain sorts everything out on its own. If not, then I'll have to get in there and do some tinkering. Phobos, I want you to have a deep scan diagnostic every day until I say otherwise. Minnie, send me the results. This requires close monitoring.
Minnie: Agreed.
Phobos scrunched up his face and gazed directly into the Artemis monitor.
Phobos: Dad, that's going to be a pain. Do I have to do that?
Artemis: I see your diagnostic is done. Unplug yourself and come closer.
Phobos did as he was told, happily able to be rid of the uncomfortable cable sticking out of his chest. He removed it and closed the access doors on his chest. Free and clear now, he scooted to the end of the diagnostic table and sat down, cross-legged.
Artemis: Do you remember the last time I tinkered with your program?
Phobos: Back when you built my new body?
Artemis: That was just an interface and it was mostly in the new body. I mean the last time I made any serious intrusion into your programming.
Phobos: Right, that was the time you gave Deimos and I complete autonomy over our personality subroutines.
Artemis nodded.
Artemis: That's right. Your body and mind are yours entirely and I don't want to touch any of that again unless it is absolutely necessary. I want you to grow and develop yourself as you are. If your life is at stake, I will come immediately and that's why I want updates. The alternative is for me to take you apart now and remove this new boyfriend of yours from your mind. Do you want that?
Phobos went silent for a moment as he accessed each of his new memory sectors of Baal one by one, taking each in to their fullest. Baal's sculpted body and red hair. His nervousness when he presented the flowers. His intense curiosity at Phobos's mannerisms. Finally, Phobos shook his head.
Phobos: No, I don't want that.
Artemis: I didn't think so. I believe you are entering the next stage of your life and your systems are adapting. There are going to be difficult times for you and you'll have to adapt too, just like any other person. For now, I recommend proceeding as normally as you can. Now, tell me, who is the lucky guy?
Phobos: His name is Baal Morningstar. He's the head of Stellar Cartography.
Artemis's left eyebrow shot straight up, as did his ears.
Artemis: That sounds like a demon name!
Phobos: It is. He is.
Artemis: I have to say I didn't see that one coming. Obviously you like him. He likes you?
Phobos: Actually, he's the one who started flirting with me.
Minnie: He's not a typical demon.
Artemis: In that case, patch me back to Communications. I want to have a little chat with this Baal.
Phobos narrowed his eyes and glared at his dad.
Phobos: Dad. What are you planning?
Artemis: Me? Nothing. Just a little chat. Show off the new antimatter warheads I'm working on. Let him know which part has his name on it if he ever makes you cry.
Phobos: Dad, don't embarrass me!
Artemis: I'm your dad! It's my job to be embarrassing! Toodles!
Artemis disappeared from the screen while Phobos stood and pointed at his outer body.
Phobos: Chief, can you help me back in? I think I'm going to need to bring Baal some clean underwear.

Ready Room, NCCS Shadowdancer
Aire leaned forward on his desk, hands folded together in front of him, as he scanned the crew reports from the rescue mission. He was nearly finished when his door chime interrupted him.
Aire: Enter!
The doors slid open and Shep stepped inside.
Shep: You wished to see me, Captain?
Aire tapped at his monitor, putting it to sleep, and turned to the center of his desk.
Aire: Yes, Corporal. Have a seat.
Shep nodded and did as he was told, rounding one of the chairs and perching himself upon it, straight-backed as though he were at attention.
Aire: Relax. I just wanted to check up on you and discuss what you'd like to do next. How's your team?
Shep: We are physically healthy. Of course, you understand that we're sad for the loss of one of our own. He was our newest member.
Aire: Understandable and I'm very sorry for your loss.
Shep: Thank you, Captain.
Aire: That leaves us with a bit of a pickle. After all, you have no ship. Right now, there are two choices. We can put you on the next ship we encounter headed towards Polaris Deep or you can remain here for now. I have permission from Admiral Zhang for you and your team to remain on board for now. Our mission takes us in the same general direction as yours and, in case of overlap, we can divert. There's no need to make any decisions now, but it's something to think about.
Shep: It's a tempting offer, Captain. I would like to discuss it with my teammates before giving our answer.
Aire: Of course. Take a couple of days and get a good idea of the sort of ship this is before your team makes a decision.
Shep: "The ship of misfits," they call it. I believe most are familiar with the reputation.
Aire: The reputation continues, Corporal. Shall we move to the lounge behind me? You can ask anything you like.
Shep: I would like that, Captain.
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