Carpathia IV: Episode 15 - Spacewalk
Space, NCCS Shadowdancer
Captain Amaranth leaned back in his chair with his mouth scrunched. Before him was Minnie, standing on the other side of the desk and with several tablets in hand.
Adell: This is really the best option?
Minnie: I'm afraid it is. With the atmospheric evacuation system in that section compromised, putting a small hole in the hull to blow the gas out is the best option. The other options are too slow and we need to act quickly. Our most recent scan shows that the gas is degrading systems in that area quicker than we thought.
Adell leaned forward and tapped his own cabin number into the communications panel.
Adell: Artemis, could you meet me at Airlock 12? Bring Phobos with you.
Adell rested his elbows on his desk while Minnie raised an eyebrow.
Adell: If time is important, then we should use the person who can do this fastest.
Minnie still seemed confused as Artemis answered.
Artemis: Why Phobos?
Adell: Time-sensitive problem and he's the best one for the job. I'll explain when we get there.
There was a pause, during which Adell could swear he heard Artemis grumbling under his breath.
Artemis: Fine, we'll be there in a minute.
Adell stood and rounded his desk.
Minnie: Sorry, Captain, but what does your son have to do with this?
Adell: It's not really a secret, but we don't talk about it either because Phobos prefers to be taken for an ordinary nekohuman. He's actually an android and he doesn't need to spend a half an hour putting on a space suit to go outside.
Adell could tell from Minnie's slack-jawed face that she had many questions, but wasn't sure which to ask first.
Adell: I'll explain on the way. Shall we?
Adell gestured to the door and they headed out together.

Artemis and Phobos were already waiting by Airlock 12 when Adell and Minnie arrived. Phobos was his usual, giddy self, tip-tapping from foot to foot and clearly excited even though he had no idea what was about to happen. Artemis was also anticipating news, but in a very different way. He was leaning against the bulkhead with his arms folded across his chest and a scowl deeply etched on his face. As they approached, Adell didn't even have a chance to get a word out before Artemis grabbed him by his collar and yanked Adell down to his height.
Artemis: I have a pretty good idea what you're planning and you'd better have a damned good reason for it.
Adell smiled, gazing at the face of his grumpy kitty.
Adell: In about ten minutes, we're going to start having power problems all around the ship. Phobos can get the job done quickest.
Adell watched in amusement as Artemis's nose wrinkled and his mouth shifted around his face. Adell knew this face well the one Artemis always made when he was trying to think of a point against and failing at it.
Adell: Phobos still has his magnet feet and boosters still installed?
Artemis: I've told you before that they're not magnets! They're...
Artemis suddenly stopped and rolled his eyes.
Artemis: Whatever. You said ten minutes? We should get started.
Now turning their attention back to Phobos, they found Minnie fawning over him.
Minnie: I don't believe it. Everything about him is so perfect! The hair feels so natural and this looks like real skin!
Phobos now started looking rather annoyed while Minnie continued scoping him out.
Adell: Ahem, Lieutenant. The gas.
Minnie froze momentarily and then sprang over to as storage cabinet near the airlock.
Minnie: Of course!
Phobos stamped his feet indignantly.
Phobos: Dad, this is why I don't like it when people know what I am.
Minnie emerged from the cabinet carrying a shoebox-sized device with lots of blinking lights on it and handed it to Phobos.
Minnie: Here we go. If you can take this outside, we'll direct you to the location and give you instructions from there.
Adell stepped to the airlock and opened the door.
Adell: Best get going, then.
Phobos once again reverted to his happy mood and pranced into the airlock with the device. Adell closed the door and tapped the console, starting the decompression process. Meanwhile, Artemis worked on a computer display terminal nearby.
Artemis: I'll patch communications through here.
After several seconds, Adell tapped the control to open the outer airlock door.
Adell: All ready. Minnie, directions.
It was a rare occasion indeed that Minnie didn't give an immediate response, and this was one of those times.
Adell: Minnie? Phobos needs to know where to go.
Now, Minnie suddenly snapped to attention and charged over to a nearby ship schematic display.
Minnie: Oh! Sorry, Captain. About ten meters toward the ventral side and then 30 meters aft from the door. I'm marking the location.
Artemis: Transmitting coordinates.
Phobos slowly stepped out of the airlock and disappeared down the side of the ship. From Artemis's monitor, they could see what Phobos saw as he stepped down the side of the ship. Now, they only had to wait until Phobos reached his destination.
Adell: You alright, Minnie?
Once again, Minnie didn't answer right away and hung her head low.
Minnie: Captain, I must apologize. I should know better than anyone what it's like to have a secret about identity. I have so many questions and I let myself get carried away.
Minnie paused again with her hand on her chin.
Minnie: I guess I have a better idea how other people felt about me. I feel a bit stupid for my behavior.
Adell: It's okay. Phobos is not the sort to hold a half a grudge.
Minnie: That's good. There is one more question I'm killing myself to ask, if you don't mind.
Adell nodded and gave Minnie a sincere gaze.
Adell: Shoot.
Minnie: Phobos really is amazing. Can't you build more like him?
Adell: Unfortunately, no. Artemis and his father built him and he was just a robot, a highly advanced robot, at the time. A freak, one-time occurrence somehow infused him with sentience. Nobody really knows how it happened, but there he is. Our boy. That was 20 years ago. He is recognized as a sentient life form by the Carpathian government and was given full citizenship.
Minnie: That is good to hear, but also sad that you can't make more. He is...
Minnie paused again, considering her words carefully.
Minnie: I was going to say he is a remarkable achievement, but that's kind of thinking of him as an object, isn't it?
Adell: Both right, if you ask me. He is an achievement and also a person at the same time.
Minnie: If he will allow it, I'd like to get to know Phobos the person better.
Adell: I'm sure he'd like that. Just make sure to keep his true nature to yourself.
Minnie: Of course! That's something I can surely do.
Ahead of them, Artemis turned away from his display.
Artemis: I know you two are having a moment over there, but Phobos is almost at the coordinates.
Both Adell and Minnie rushed over to the display. There, they could see through Phobos's eyes and a glowing indicator before him indicating the coordinates.
Minnie: Okay, just put the bore unit up against the hull and hold it there.
Phobos: Alright.
Minnie blinked rapidly a few times, not expecting Phobos to respond.
Minnie: How can he talk in space?
Artemis: He's transmitting his thoughts. He's not actually using is mouth.
Minnie: Oh, I should have guessed!
On the screen, they watched as Phobos placed the device on the indicated location on the hull.
Phobos: Okay, what next?
Minnie: You'll see two buttons labeled "Primary Lock" and "Secondary Lock." That will secure the unit to the hull. Push the Primary Lock button first.
Phobos did as he was told as they watched him press both buttons one after the other.
Minnie: That will ensure that the evacuation doesn't damage the hull besides the hole. On the keypad, set the bore width to 25mm. That should be enough.
Phobos tapped the keypad with the number indicated.
Phobos: Done.
Minnie: Once you press the start button, you'll have ten seconds to move away before it starts drilling. Go ahead and press it when you're ready and then back away.
Right away, Phobos pressed the start button and moved away from the device. As Minnie said, ten seconds later, the device came to life and began drilling into the side of the ship. After a few more seconds, it stopped and gas began to shoot from the hole that it left behind. It took some time for all the air and gas to blow through the hole and they all watched until it finally blew itself out and there was nothing left.
Minnie: That's it. Just leave the unit there and come on back.
Phobos: Okay!
Minnie took a deep breath and turned to Adell.
Minnie: It's been an interesting day. I'll get a team out there to patch the hull and repair that compartment right away. We should be at normal operations by morning if all goes well.
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All city pictures from SimCity 4