Carpathia IV: Episode 155 - The Twitch
Ready Room, NCCS Shadowdancer
Whatever Nyana was doing took quite a long time. This was fine for the Shadowdancer crew, for it gave plenty of time to prepare and Aire used it to conference between Admiral Zhang, Azrael, Minnie, and Sylvar. After an hour of hastily planning for as many contingencies as they could come up with, mini Admiral Zhang on the desk holopad turned to Sylvar.
Admiral Zhang: Sylvar, assuming all goes according to plan, what can we expect on the Vashta ship?
Sylvar gave a little twitch, leaving Aire unsure as to whether he was a bit nervous being addressed directly by an admiral or over the situation in general. Nevertheless, he kept his composure and answered quickly.
Sylvar: Booby traps. Vashta ships are very compartmentalized. Engineering staff are not allowed to leave their section, nor are bridge crew, save for a few executive officers. There's almost no cross specialization. Engineering only know engineering. Navigators only know navigation. Weapons crew only know weapons and nothing else. If you try to cross into a section without knowing how, you're likely to come to a bad end.
Admiral Zhang: Not that it matters for our purposes, but whatever for?
Sylvar: Prevents mutiny. It's probably also the reason why Nyana is taking so long.
Admiral Zhang: Would you be able to disable the booby traps?
Sylvar: Probably. At least, I know where they would be. Vashta ships of that type are identical and I know where the section dividers are.
Admiral Zhang: And you know how to operate such a vessel?
Sylvar: Better than any vashtari! I spent months crawling through every little corner of that ship we stole. There is one more thing, though. We should not allow that ship to get within ten light years of Polaris Deep, not until we jettison the engine somewhere safe. Not gonna lie. That engine gives me the willies.
Teri: From what I've heard, I would agree. In that case, Chief Specialist Pendergast, I'm giving you a temporary field commission of Captain. If and when we are able to take control of the Vashta ship, you will be in charge.
Sylvar did more than twitch this time, rearing back with his eyes wide.
Sylvar M... me?
Admiral Zhang: You're the only one who's qualified. Keep in mind that a field commission is lower ranking than a formal commission, so you'll still take orders from Captain Valro and Captain Azrael. You can select crew from both of their ships, with their permission, of course.
Aire: Your first two picks should be first officer and chief engineer.
Azrael: I can ask Commander Tyler if she's interested. She is highly competent and she can help you with any support you need.
Sylvar gave an unsteady nod.
Admiral Zhang: Take your time. I know this is a bit much to process, but you'll not be going anywhere quickly.
Sylvar: That's good. I'm going to need some time, but I think I know one decision, if you'll permit me. Chief, can I steal Lieutenant Sokari? I've already chatted with him a lot about Vashta engines and I think he'd be interested.
Minnie: You have my blessing, so you can go ahead and ask him yourself.
Admiral Zhang: That will be all for now. You can patch me in when Nyana contacts you again. In the meantime, I have requested that the dragon ship swing by Polaris Deep to pick me up. It's a minor diversion and Kuro agreed. Zhang out.
The little Admiral Zhang disappeared from the holopad, leaving Aire with Azrael on his console screen and Minnie and Sylvar in front of him.
Aire: Nothing left to do now but wait. Minnie, how long for the shield modifications?
Minnie: About half an hour, Captain.
Aire: Get right on that. You my return to your stations. Dismissed.

Bridge, NCCS Shadowdancer
After the ready room meeting, Aire returned to the bridge to await the results of whatever it was that Nyana was doing. This did not take long and a beep from Kit's console indicated that, at least, an update was on the way.
Aire: Go ahead and put her on viewer, Kit. Patch Admiral Zhang and Captain Azrael in when you reach them.
Kit: Understood, Captain.
Nyana appeared on the viewer, hair disheveled and dress askew, while Kit worked to call the others.
Aire: A moment, if you please, while we bring in some more participants.
Nyana: Take your time, Captain Valro. Everything is sorted here.
Aire took a mental note that this was the first time Nyana didn't put any sort of emphasis on his name. Soon after, Admiral Zhang and Captain Azrael appeared on the view in quick succession.
Aire: You're familiar with Captain Azrael, of course. I would like to introduce you to Admiral Zhang. She is in charge of this sector.
Nyana's face became immediately brighter, even to the point where Aire thought he could detect a bit of a smile. Nyana spoke before Admiral Zhang had a chance to.
Nyana: It's so nice to meet you! Finally, a female! I didn't think I could take dealing with these males any longer. Maybe now I will get some real answers here. You must be the one in charge of their ships.
And then Aire saw it. Admiral Zhang's face twitched, a subtle movement just between her left eye and the left side of her mouth. It was a thing of legend, so much that many weren't even sure that it was something that happened, for most of those who'd ever seen it never served in Exploration Force again. Aire determined it would be best to keep his mouth shut for the time being.
Admiral Zhang: Madam, I am in charge of the sector, but Captains Valro and Azrael are in full command of their respective ships. Their gender is of no consequence to their positions. Now, state your intentions.
Nyana's mouth hung open for a moment or two before she finally responded.
Nyana: We have dispatched Kali and those who support her. I give this ship to you. In exchange, we ask that you not send us back to Lazmaedia.
Admiral Zhang: The proper term for that would be requesting asylum, and we will give your case a hearing. Before we get to that, Captain Valro told me of Kali's fate. What of the others you claim to have dispatched?
Nyana: Well... um... they are all dead, if that's what you're asking, Admiral.
Admiral Zhang: I see. You should know that Carpathia does not generally condone murder unless there is an immediate threat to one's own person. You will have your hearing and at that time you may testify your case, but until then you understand that we have no reason to trust you. You see my point of view here.
With each blast from Admiral Zhang, Nyana seemed to get smaller and smaller like a piece of lettuce shrivelling up in the hot sun.
Nyana: I do, Admiral.
Admiral Zhang: Good. And how many on your ship?
Nyana: About 250.
Admiral Zhang: Under the circumstances, we will not allow you to remain aboard your ship. You will direct your remaining crew to your shuttle bay. Shuttles will be dispatched to transport you to the Shadowdancer where you will remain under guard in the atrium area. You will be scanned before boarding the shuttles and after disembarking. In the Shadowdancer's atrium, you will be provided food and shelter until we can transfer you to the dragon's ship and they will take you to Draconis. We have a colony there with the permission of the dragons and your hearings and introduction to Carpathian society will begin there. Finally, the Shadowdancer's shields have been modified to encompass the entire ship, except for the atrium. If you give us reason to believe that this is all a deception and that you intend to cause harm to anyone Captain Azrael can destroy the dome without damaging the rest of the ship. Do you agree to these terms?
Aire had a strong impression that Nyana hadn't entirely thought her plan through. He didn't think her note was entirely spur of the moment. Perhaps she was looking for any chance that presented itself and took this one. Either that, or something more sinister was afoot, but only time would tell if that were true. By the end of Admiral Zhang's terms and conditions, Nyana wasn't even looking at the screen anymore, crouched and hobbled, looking like she might fall apart at any moment.
Nyana: I agree to your terms. However, could you tell me one thing? If our asylum hearing ends in failure, will we be executed?
Admiral Zhang: There will be possible options, but execution is not one of them. It is not my place to speculate on other possible outcomes. At any rate, since you have agreed to my terms, I require you to order your crew to your shuttle bay immediately. There will be no preparation time. I assume you have a means by which to communicate with all crew at once?.
Nyana gave a small, jerky nod and pointed to one of her officers at her side.
Nyana: Attention crew. Report to the shuttle bay at once. I repeat, cease whatever you're doing immediately and report to the shuttle bay.
Another glance at her communications officer and the broadcast ceased.
Nyana: I will personally see to it that everyone complies.
Admiral Zhang: Much appreciated. The Shadowdancer will be keeping tabs on the movement of life signs in your ship. If anyone gives you trouble, contact either Captain Valro or Captain Azrael immediately rather than going straight for the killing, if you please. We will determine how to deal with them.
Nyana: I understand. We await your shuttles.
Admiral Zhang: If I may finish with one last thought. We are operating on a hope for the best, prepare for the worst philosophy. It is clear that you have a lot to learn about other ways a society can function. It will not be easy, but if you can keep an open mind, I think you will find much to appreciate in a new life.
Nyana: That is reassuring, Admiral. Thank you.
Admiral Zhang: Captain Valro, Captain Azrael, I leave the situation to you. Zhang out.
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