Carpathia IV: Episode 160 - Working Together
Bridge, NCCS Shadowdancer
The lift doors parted and Aire plodded out with Sassinesa in tow. Joust dropped from the ceiling and was just about to welcome him back to the bridge when he realized he and Sassinesa were still talking.
Aire: I appreciate the offer of help. I think it might be best if you keep out of sight and only use your time freeze ability when it's absolutely necessary.
Sassinesa: I was just about to say that. I don't think most of those vasthari goobers would react well to another demigod showing up and I'm just too lazy to put up with it.
Aire: Then we agree. There's just one more thing I want to ask you before you go to the atrium. When Wyn exploded, I had this feeling like time slowed down and I thought it was just my feeling in that extreme moment. Now, I wonder...
Sassinesa: If I did it? I did. You and Teren would be in bits if I hadn't. I wish I could have done better at it, but I'm not nearly as strong when I'm in my energy form. No demigod is.
Aire: I was wondering where you came from. I thought you couldn't change form at all?
Sassinesa: Not past the usual. All demigods have an energy form and a corporeal form. The energy form is how we travel through space. I just can't do anything besides that.
Aire paused, taking a moment to wonder just how much he didn't know about demigods.
Aire: I suppose there's a lot more to you than we know.
Sassinesa: Oh, there's a lot you don't know and even things you shouldn't know, but that's a conversation for another time. Right now, it's atrium time. Toodley-oo!
Instead of simply walking away, Sassinesa gave a fingery wave with is paw while he slowly faded away until he was nothing more than a wisp of vapor and then vanished completely.
Joust: Well, that's one way to make an exit.
Aire didn't respond, taking a silent moment while running his fingers through his hair and then down around to his chin.
Joust: I'm glad you're okay, Captain. How are you feeling? Any word on Teren?
Aire: I'm mostly fine, thanks to Teren. The doctor has been working on him for the past couple of hours. We'll hear about him when Sorchae is ready. I'll be in my ready room. If Sorchae contacts me, patch it through right away.
Joust: Understood, Captain.
Joust took note of Captain Valro's weariness as he trudged from the lift to the staircase leading to his ready room. There was more going on with him than just the explosion, of that he was sure. Without another word, Aire ascended the stairs and entered his ready room.

A half hour passed and all remained blissfully quiet on the bridge. No new explosions or reports of any vashtari mischief, though tension remained high, especially when any noises emanated from Kit's console. When one did, all eyes and ears pointed in his direction immediately.
Kit: Transmission from the Vashta ship, Commander. Shall I relay to the Captain.
Joust paused and considered Aire's disposition from earlier.
Joust: Inform the Captain of the transmission and then put the Vashta ship on viewer.
Kit was already tapping at his console when he responded.
Kit: Understood, Commander. Already receiving response from the Captain. He requests one-way feed to the ready room.
Joust: Make it happen. On viewer.
Joust stood from his chair at the same time as Sylvar appeared on his screen, lounging quite luxuriously on Nyana's chaise atop the plinth at the center of the bridge. However, all was not quite so serene, as the medic who joined them from the Cerberus was behind him, bandaging his right shoulder.
Sylvar: Greetings from the Neptunus, Commander!
Joust: Greetings from the Shadowdancer. I see you've taken the liberty of giving her a name.
Sylvar: Commander Tyler suggested that I do that, so I thought about some of my culture studies. Neptunus seemed a good choice.
Joust gave a nod before getting down to business.
Joust: Good to see you, Captain Pendergast. How goes the mission?
Sylvar: The mission goes well, Commander! I was expecting Captain Valro. Is everything okay over there.
Joust: The Captain is fine. We've had a few issues over here, but I won't trouble you with that for now. I hope you have good news for us?
Sylvar: We do. We have taken control of engineering and the bridge. We can worry about other sections later. Lieutenants Sokari and Pendergast have stabilized the microsingularity core. Commander Tyler is on the bridge working on the console language converter. Ensign Rinc is studying the helm. As you can see, our good nurse from the Cerberus is working on me right now.
Joust: I can see that. Nothing serious, I hope.
Sylvar: I'll be fine. I got a little too frisky with one of the phase gun traps near the bridge. The good news is we should be ready to move in... Commander, what's the estimate now?
Ivy slipped into the viewer range and gave a little wave.
Ivy: Hello, Joust. Around an hour and a half to two hours, we think.
Joust: That's good. The sooner we can rendezvous with the dragon ship, the better. The vashtari are already wearing out their welcome.
Ivy: If we don't have any surprises, we should be good to go by then. If you don't mind, I'd also like to say that I think my vocabulary of swear words has doubled, thanks to Ramei.
Joust: That is one of the things he's best at. Anything else to report?
Ivy: The Captain says we won't need to access any of the other areas before we get to Polaris Deep, so we just need to carry on with what we're doing.
Sylvar: We should work out a place to jettison the core before we get there. I suppose you can study it if you want, but I'd recommend destroying it at a safe distance.
Joust: I'll put you in touch with Admiral Zhang later on that.
Sylvar: I look forward to it.
The medic put the final touches on Sylvar's bandage and he leaned back on the chaise, draping his arm over the side like a decadent Roman emperor.
Sylvar: Now, Commander Tyler, peel me a grape.
Ivy: Don't push it, Captain.

Ready Room, NCCS Shadowdancer
Aire lounged in his chair, absentmindedly cradling a glass of bourbon in his hand, with nothing but the background hum of the engines and various systems keeping him company. So far, the only disturbance was Sylvar's report from the Neptunus and, of that, he was glad. That meant he could sit in peace and that nothing that required his attention was afoot.
Aire spent a solid hour nursing his bourbon, more content to hold the glass and have an occasional sip, and watch the stars and the Vashta ship out of the window. Piercing the quiet, his door chime sounded and it could only be two possible visitors, Joust or Sorchae, and the thought of Sorchae and the news that she might deliver filled him with dread.
Aire: Enter.
The door slid open and it was, indeed, Sorchae, who stepped in toward his desk at first and then stopped when she realized he wasn't anywhere near it.
Aire: I'm in the lounge, Doctor.
Sorchae's eye caught his and she gave a quick nod and strode past the desk to the lounge.
Sorchae: Teren will be okay, but it will take time. The explosion did a number on his back and he'll need time to heal.
Sorchae gave a glance at Aire's bar.
Sorchae: May I?
Aire: Please do, Doctor. And that is good news.
Sorchae took a glass from the shelf and a little pewter ice scoop from her hands and started picking ice cubes one at a time, each one landing on top of the other with a little clink.
Sorchae: If he were any other species, he'd be dead. Fortunately, nekomi are extremely flexible and that saved him.
Finishing with the ice, Sorchae scanned the various drinks on the bar shelves.
Sorchae: What would you recommend, Aire? Sick bay has quieted down and I could use a little sit down.
Aire: In that case, how about the Alim River Whiskey? I find it best when it comes time to relax. Not too strong, but definitely soothing.
Sorchae moved her finger around the bottles on the shelves until she found the one Aire mentioned. She took it and began to pour.
Sorchae: Andrastian drinks are very mellow. I think that's just what I need right now.
After replacing the bottle, Sorchae first took a step toward Aire and held out her glass. Aire leaned forward and tapped his glass to hers.
Aire: Cheers.
Sorchae took a seat in the chair opposite Aire and had a sip of her whiskey.
Sorchae: I see there's something on your mind besides Teren. The word is that the man who blew himself up shared your last name. Does it have something to do with that?
Aire: Unfortunately, it's worse than that.
Aire recounted everything that happened in the brig, from his conversation with Nyana all the way to the end when Lamia asked to speak with Baal.
Sorchae: Well, that's some tale. I can't imagine how disappointing this must all feel. First, you find out a demigod is ruling your homeworld and now you find out your ancestry is one of subservience.
Aire: That is all true, but there's something else. I used to wonder where my people came from and I know a lot of komodo, demons, elves, and bats felt the same way. Like many, I always felt Rameweti, and later Carpathian, but that I was something else too. Now, you might say, I feel more Rameweti and Carpathian now than I ever did. I can't say I feel much in the way of kinship with any of the vashtari I've met. I pity them. I am angry at what they've done to themselves. I can't say I relate to them.
Sorchae: You know that humans are split too, so I can relate. I'm proud of what the humans of Carpathia have accomplished and I also don't feel any kinship with the humans of Earth, who descended into violence and squalor. It just goes to show that any culture could go either direction. Still, I think that, maybe, one day the humans of Earth could choose to change. I'm sure there are many who look at their lives and imagine things could be better. I think the same must be true of the vashtari.
Aire: You're probably right, Sorchae. However, I think you'll appreciate that for you, the question is academic. For me, it literally exploded right in front of me.
Sorchae: When you put it that way, yes, I can see how this would feel much more immediate.
Aire: I think we have a better chance of reaching the non-vashtari first. Lamia already seems intrigued by Baal. Maybe we can have our komodo crew get to knew theirs.
Sorchae: It's a start. They all have a long road ahead, but it is a start.
Sorchae took one last gulp of her whiskey, downing it all in one go.
Sorchae: In the meantime, why don't we get you back to the bridge. There will be time for reflection again later.
Following Sorchae's lead, Aire drank his glass clean as well.
Aire: Sounds good.
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