Carpathia IV: Episode 162 - Pussyfoot
Bridge, NCCS Shadowdancer
Aire leaned back in his chair, attentive, but a bit pensive, as he usually felt whenever anything involved a Vashta ship. On the viewer was Sylvar and Azrael on split screen.
Sylvar: Ready to go when you are, Captain.
Aire nodded at the viewscreen, wondering if this could really be the beginning of the end of this most recent Vashta mess. Still, he remained wary and preferred to take the advice of the expert.
Aire: Captain Azrael and I will accompany you. What formation do you recommend?
Sylvar: You and Captain Azrael flanking us will do fine. I did all I could to purge every booby trap I could find out of the system. There was one that set the engines to overload if we went a particular speed. There could be more that I don't know about. We'll have to keep on our toes.
Azrael: So we may not quite be out of danger.
Sylvar: I'm afraid not. I just have to hope I found everything.
Aire: In that case, we shall follow your lead, Captain Pendergast. I have a few important appointments to manage and my first is due in five minutes, so I'll let Commander Joust handle the details with you.
Sylvar: I just need to discuss a couple of details with my crew. I'll get back to you in a couple of minutes. Neptunus out.
Sylvar disappeared from the screen, as did Azrael a moment later. Aire rose from his chair and gave a luxurious stretch of his back. With a tug at his uniform, he turned to Joust.
Aire: The bridge is yours, Commander. I'll leave a comm open in my ready room in case something happens.
Joust: Understood, Captain.

Ready Room, NCCS Shadowdancer
Aire strolled past his desk to the sitting room at the bridge wing point, where he had only just started getting settled, thinking about which drink he might pour for himself, when his door chime rang.
Aire: Enter.
The door swooshed open and in came Trex followed immediately by Lamia. Aire poked his head out from around the wet bar and beckoned them to the back.
Aire: This way, if you please.
Trex nodded and escorted Lamia to the sitting room.
Trex: Reporting as ordered, Captain.
Aire: Thank you, Trex. Lamia, please come in. There's something I'd like to ask you.
Lamia stepped forward cautiously, her head moving all around taking in all the details of the room.
Aire: Ever the bodyguard, I see. Not a problem. Look around as much as you like. Care for a drink?
Lamia looked around more, carefully examining everything from the floor to the ceiling, before she answered.
Lamia: I shall have whatever you're having.
Aire gave a nod while Lamia continued her inspection.
Aire: Very well. In that case, I'll let you choose what we both have. I have a variety of spirits, cider, both with and without alcohol, and a collection of juices made from fruits from all over Carpathia.
Lamia: A fruit juice will suffice. You may select whatever you like.
Aire nodded as he opened his mini-fridge, producing a carton of pineapple juice.
Aire: Most demons seem to like this and so do I, so let's give this a try.
Lamia watched with laser focus while Aire produced two glasses from his cabinet and poured a healthy amount of pineapple juice in each. When he finished, he placed the carton back into the mini-fridge, all the while sensing the distrust in Lamia's eyes. Whether it was by sheer instinct, having grown up in Vashta society, that she was still wary of him, or a little of both, he wasn't sure.
Aire: Take whichever you like.
Lamia shot Aire a skeptical glare before reaching out and taking the glass furthest from her. Aire took the other and immediately had a gulp.
Aire: Please have a seat wherever you like.
Again, Lamia scanned the vicinity. Two chairs and a couch. Lamia elected to take the chair facing the stern of the ship. Aire sat in the one opposite. While Lamia swished her drink around in her glass and gave it a few sniffs, Aire invited Trex to sit.
Aire: Trex, you can sit too. Can't be all stuffy, right?
Trex: Heartily agree, Captain, thanks!
Aire turned his attention back to Lamia just as she took a sip of her drink. Judging from her face, eyes wide and eyebrows raised, she seemed to like it. However, very demon-like, her next words were of serious matters.
Lamia: You took my swords.
Though tempted to give a little smirk, amused as he was by the bluntness, Aire kept it inside and simply nodded.
Aire: I did. I won't apologize, however. I believe I had good cause to do so.
Lamia gave Aire a long stare that she did not break while she took another drink of her juice.
Lamia: I would have done the same.
Lamia downed her drink all in one gulp and slapped the glass on the coffee table.
Lamia: When I first met you, you were evasive. Later, you were angry. Now I see that you can be refreshingly direct. I judge from this demeanour that you wish not to consider me an enemy any longer.
Aire: I believe it would be beneficial to both of us if we were not enemies. Carpathian society is based on freedom and self-determination and we hope you can become a part of that.
Lamia: Sir Baal has provided me with an updated Demonic Code. It is much different from the one I knew.
Aire: Yes, I have spoken to Baal. We have already taken in a group of refugees fleeing the Vashta, including another demon, Kain. He has assumed a sort of mentor role to the others and I'm pleased to say that they are thriving. This situation, however, is different. Given the hostility of Nyana and several of the others, we feel it's best to keep them and your crew's komodo and some of the male vashtari separated. Those that need extra help will receive it, but I expect a long and difficult road for Nyana. As for the others, they need guidance and many are very frightened. If you would agree to help, I think you can help their journeys go more smoothly.
Lamia: A demon shall hold compassion, reason, and wisdom over all established institutions and systems. I shall help them.
Aire: The tenth tenant. I see you have already memorized the code that Baal gave you.
Lamia: I have. What do you have in mind?
Aire: Our first goal is to identify which vashtari are most hostile to new ideas and change. After that, we'll go from there and we will welcome your advice.
Lamia: I will give it. Shall we begin?
Aire nodded and thus began a long conversation about details and logistics of what to do about the vashtari.

After an hour and a half of serious discussion about policy, procedure, and other minutae, Aire was ready for something a little more light-hearted to occupy his time. During the conversation, he could see through the windows the ship turn and speed away with the Neptunus and the Cerberus, which he assumed went to plan since Joust did not feel any need to contact him. At the end, Aire offered Lamia quarters, which she happily accepted.
After Lamia and Trex left, Aire only had a minute to relax before his next appointment showed up. Outside his door, the one leading to the top level, he could hear frantic voices.
Darius: You push it!
Mikado: No, you push it!
Aire: Enter!
The chattering came to an abrupt end, but still, nothing happened. Aire couldn't help but giggle to himself.
Aire: ENTER!
This time, the door slid open and two heads poked in from both sides. Aire, still in his sitting room in the back, but with a clear view of the door, beckoned them to enter. In their anxiety, each tried to enter at exactly the same time and momentarily got stuck in the doorway.
Once Darius and Mikado managed to extricate themselves from the door, they shuffled through the ready room to the sitting area at the back. Both looked around, marvelling at the view from all the surrounding windows, truly a beautiful sight with the ship at speed and the stars streaking by.
Darius, in particular, didn't take much time to stargaze, but rather stood straight and stiff with his arms pressed firmly against his sides and Mikado followed suit.
Darius: Reporting as ordered, Captain!
Aire's head tilted to the side and he gave them both a wry smile.
Aire: At ease, Darius, before you hurt yourself. Come in. Have a seat wherever you like. Something to drink?
Darius and Mikado both glanced at each other, both confirming that they really heard what they thought they heard. Darius was the first to inch in a little more.
Darius: Um... A cola will do fine for me.
Mikado: I'll have a virgin banana daiquiri!
Aire was just about to reach for one his cola cans when he stopped cold at Mikado's order and couldn't help but let out a small chuckle. The cheek. The nerve. The audacity. The gumption. And he was living for it. After days worth of dealing with grumpy vashtari and placating a skeptical demon, this could only strike him as delightful. As if to put an exclamation mark on it all was Darius's astonished expression, eyes as big as teacup saucers and mouth flopped open.
Aire: A virgin banana daiquiri it is, then!
Before Aire turned his attention to the wet bar, he caught sight of Darius raising a shaky paw.
Darius: Um... Can I change my order?
Aire had a good idea about what was coming and he looked forward to it.
Aire: Sure you can. What would you like?
Darius: Have you ever heard of a pussyfoot?
Aire: I certainly have. You guys just hold on while I take care of that.
Fortunately, Aire's wet bar was designed to keep everything easily accessible. A blender simply popped out of a panel with the push of a button. The freezer had a special holder for a chilled shaker. It only took him a few moments to obtain everything he needed.
Aire: Before I get started, I called you here so that I can commend both of you for your actions after the explosion. Above and beyond the call of duty for cadets and I will be putting a note in your service files.
Darius brightened even more and Mikado put on a big grin.
Darius: Oh, thank you, Captain!
Mikado: Thanks very much!
Aire returned their thanks with a smile and a nod while he started placing daiquiri ingredients into the blender.
Aire: It'll only take me a minute or two to fix these up. After that, I'd like to have a chat about how things are going for you on the ship so far. Have a seat on the couch and I'll be right with you.
Aire started the blender, kicking up a raucous noise, while Darius and Mikado happily rushed to the couch and chattered about the sorts of things they might say.
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