Carpathia IV: Episode 176 - Darksaver
NCCS Shadowdancer-A
Once Hana left the ship, he asked the other cytos to once again move the asteroids to give the Shadowdancer a clear line away from the planet. When they cleared the field Aire ordered the helm to tip the starboard nacelle before engaging quantum engines. Not that the cytos would know what that meant, but, with time, it he thought it might enter their lexicon.
Aire took this chance to have some alone time in his ready room to get some paperwork done, but not before having a chat with Admiral Zhang. Nothing official, and they simply meandered around from topic to topic before finally landing on Kit.
Admiral Zhang: I recall that the Admiralty, myself included, opposed Adell's insistence on giving Ensign Savea a bridge assignment. I am very confident that assessment was incorrect.
Aire: I first met Kit just before my posting on the Shadowdancer and only a couple of months after he joined the ship. I believe your concern was valid.
Admiral Zhang: I had thought Adell might have put him on that position out of pity.
Aire: I wouldn't deny that as at least partially possible. The thought entered my mind of giving him a promotion. Exceptional as he is, I want him to continue acclimating himself to his role. I don't think he's ready to have his own staff yet.
Admiral Zhang: I defer to your judgement, Captain, and I understand your reasoning. I also look forward to reading your report on the cytos. What would be a summary of your impression so far?
As Aire already had a draft of his report finished, he didn't have to take long to mull. It was just a matter of listing the main points.
Aire: Intelligent, enthusiastic, empathetic beings. They took a very keen interest in Sylvar, especially when he told them stories about himself. They have a devotion to their elder that appears like a religion and we don't know how deep that goes. I would also say they're too trusting. To be honest, the right answer to the question if we can build something on their planet perhaps should have been no. We've only met twice and the first time didn't go well.
Admiral Zhang: I look forward to reading the full report. Zhang out.
Admiral Zhang disappeared from Aire's desk holopad. As someone hopelessly busy himself, he knew to appreciate a casual conversation with Admiral Zhang, a thing that did not happen often. It was good timing that Admiral Zhang signed off when she did, for Aire also had an appointment approaching shortly.
When the door chime sounded, Aire tapped at his console to bring up his next meeting information before calling out.
Aire: Enter!
The door slid open revealing Joust and Tuomas.
Aire: Have a seat.
Joust bounded in first, with a delicate leap from behind the chair, landing neatly in the seat with his legs crossed. Tuomas took a more conventional approach, simply walking in and sitting down, wrapping his tail around his right side.
Aire: Something caught my eye recently when I was reading through Commodore Amaranth's tenure on the old Shadowdancer. It seems that there used to be a "Men of the Shadowdancer" calendar activity that he did when there was time for it. Each one had a different theme. I think it's time to bring that back.
Tuomas: A photoshoot, then, Capatain?
Aire nodded.
Joust: I'm in. What's the theme?
Aire: Good question. There's a swimwear maker that makes a brand called Darksaver. Sort of a swimsuit slash elite special ops parody thing, all in black. Pretty sexy, if you ask me. Have you heard of it?
Aire's question was met with several seconds of disbelieving silence and befuddled blinking from both of his guests.
Aire: What?
Joust and Tuomas glanced at each other, silently negotiating which one would say what they are both thinking.
Joust: I'm on board with that, but dare I say this is quite a surprise coming from you.
Aire nodded while he leaned back in his chair.
Aire: Yes, I suppose everyone would think that. I have come to the conclusion that, perhaps, mysterious, aloof Captain style isn't the correct choice on this ship. I don't even go to the sento if anyone else is there.
Joust: In short, you think you need to loosen up.
Aire: You know, I would have been irritated if you'd said that to me a year ago, but you're absolutely correct. I don't intend to change who I am. Just hide it less. I'll need to find a good balance. Anyway, to that end, Tuomas, I'd like to be your first photo subject for our Darksaver activity. They sell some Darksaver swimwear in the atrium shops and I took the liberty.
If bats had a weakness to the way which they hide their true intentions, it was their wings. Sometimes, when surprised well enough, wings will wiggle involuntarily, and that's what was happening to Joust now. Aire didn't notice, or, at least, pretended that he didn't as he pulled open a drawer and produced a small black swimsuit, barely big enough to cover the naughty bits, a pair of leg guards and a pair of arm guards. Joust and Tuomas leaned forward, staring at the garments with great interest.
Joust: Wow, you really went and did it.
Tuomas: I know these things. There's supposed to be a top to go with it.
Aire: This is true. I have it, but I won't be wearing it. It will cover up half my tattoo.
Joust's wings froze in mid-wiggle as though this latest revelation simply broke them.
Joust: Captain, you are full of surprises today. I half expect you to tell me you have a piercing on your... nevermind. I don't think I want to know.
Aire smiled an uncomfortable sort of smile that might lead Joust to believe that there might, indeed, be something he wouldn't want to know.
Aire: Tuomas, if you'd like to do it now, I'll get changed while you go fetch your camera. I'll leave it up to you how you want to organize everything else. You can see Commander Joust if you need any assistance.
Tuomas: I can get my camera right now, Captain!
Aire: In that case, dismissed. I'll see you back here soon.

The next day...
Amenaru and Kit made their way through the corridors, each carrying a little bag with Darksaver gear. Amenaru was in high spirits indeed, almost dancing his way to Tuomas's quarters, while Kit followed, a bit unsure of what was happening.
Amenaru: I can't believe this was Captain Valro's idea!
Kit: I'm not really sure what this is about. Wouldn't something more fashionable make sense? Or we could just go naked. Carpathians seem to like that.
Amenaru: Hmmm... It's not easy to explain the appeal of teasing and titillating to tokki, who have no problem flinging their clothes off at any time. Just follow my lead. It'll be fun!
Kit: If you say so.
Arriving at Tuomas's door, Amenaru pushed the call button and almost immediately, Tuomas beckoned them in.
Tuomas: Enter!
Amenaru touched the door key and the door slid open, revealing Tuomas inside, his painting supplies now sidelined in favor of photography equipment.
Tuomas: Welcome. Not surprised you're the first to volunteer. We can do something in here with one of the backgrounds, do a digital background, or we can find someplace more real if you want. I suggest you flip through the backgrounds and look through some of the digital ones too before making any decisions.
Amenaru: Sounds good. Kit, let's pick something we both like.
Kit nodded and they both went to thumb through the backgrounds.
Amenaru: Must have been an interesting meeting when Captain Valro suggested this.
Tuomas: The even bigger surprise was that he volunteered to go first. I'm already working on editing his shoot.
Amenaru stopped immediately, all thoughts of his own shoot and the backgrounds having flitted right out of his head.
Amenaru: He volunteered? I wanna see!
Tuomas: It's not a secret, so sure.
Amenaru charged to Tuomas's desk like a kid on Christmas morning while Tuomas called up the pictures.
Amenaru: Yow, that's some tattoo! Is it real?
Tuomas nodded.
Amenaru: Captain has some surprises... and a nice butt.
Amenaru thumbed through the rest of the pictures until he got to the end.
Amenaru: All back shots. I was kinda hoping to see the front.
Tuomas: Captain Valro felt it best to have all pictures of the back. He wanted to show off his tattoo and he also thought that the crew might get jealous if they saw any from the front.
Amenaru's eyes widened.
Amenaru: You mean his...
Tuomas: Yup.
Amenaru: How big?
Tuomas: Biggest I've ever seen.
Amenaru clenched his limbs together and looked away from the screen, rather embarrassed, uncharacteristically so, by the enlarging bulge in his pants.
Amenaru: Um, maybe I shouldn't think about that. Let me look through he backgrounds more!
Tuomas: Let me know if you have questions. I'm sure we can come up with anything you like.
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