Carpathia IV: Episode 178 - Hop to It
Bridge, NCCS Shadowdancer-A
With the Shadowdancer safely parked on orbit and the necessary crew in attendance on the bridge, Aire, standing forward of the helm console, began the briefing.
Aire: Our mission is simple. This planet is top on our list for future colonization. We will go down to the planet and scan everything. We'll also be taking samples of flora. As a reminder, Carpathia has visited this planet many times and classified it as Safety Rank A. That said, Rank A doesn't mean there are no hazards, only that no previous teams have encountered any and even the safest planet can kill you.
Aire paused, giving the crew a chance to nod their understanding.
Aire: Most of the crew will be participating. We'll be breaking up into teams and spreading out around the planet. First, our senior officers will take a runabout and establish a base camp, which we hope will be the beginnings of a permanent base, and then filter out to their respective teams. Mikado and Darius, safety protocols don't allow you to join many surface missions, but this one qualifies, so I hope you enjoy yourselves.
Darius: Very excited, Captain!
Mikado: Looking forward to it.
Aire: Teren will lead the initial setup team, along with Ramei, Amenaru, Kit, Nalma, Phobos, several other crew now being briefed by their supervisors, our cadets, and Tuomas, who will be documenting the mission.
Aire was about to ask if there were any questions when a conspicuous throat-clearing occurred towards the bridge stern.
Nalma: Sorry to interrupt, Captain, but perhaps it would be better if I stayed here for now to monitor atmospheric conditions for the first team's descent?
Aire paused before answering. Not an unreasonable request, but an unusual one coming from Nalma, who was not the sort to pass up an active role for a mundane task that could easily be handled by a subordinate. Nevertheless, his presence wasn't mission-critical, or even close to it, but Aire did file a mental note in his head to follow up later.
Aire: In that case, Baal will take your place. If there are no other questions, dismissed. Commander Joust, you have the bridge.
Those set to board the runabout immediately made their way to the lift, followed by Aire. Joust, however, did not take his seat and instead strode to Nalma's console.
Joust: Lieutenant, let's talk in the ready room.
Nalma frowned and nodded, with a pretty good idea what this was about.
Nalma: Yes, Commander.
Joust: Trex, you have the bridge. I'll only need a few minutes.
Trex: Understood, Commander.

Ready Room, NCCS Shadowdancer-A
Joust entered and, with a single, hard flap of his wings, sailed from the door to the chair behind the desk.
Joust: Have a seat.
Nalma nodded again and sat in one of the chairs.
Joust: I think I understand now, this incident you mentioned last night. Tell me, what did you do to Tuomas?
Nalma started his tale with the day he went to Tuomas's quarters to begin his portrait and interspersed that story with details about his encounter with Tuomas and his decision to reform himself from there. He told every detail except one, leaving out the part where Tuomas threw the small bottle at him.
Joust: I see. And you've been beating yourself up ever since.
Nalma: A human way of putting it, yes. Not just for that, but for everything else I did.
Joust: For that particular incident, it seems like you weren't especially involved in the worst part.
Nalma: Only because I got there first to block his path. If one of my so-called friends had gotten there first, I'd have been the one yanking on his tail or pulling his ears. There's no difference as far as I'm concerned. That also doesn't change the fact that I ran away.
Joust: Perhaps. As it stands, I can't punish you for something that happened long before you joined the Academy, but what happened then is starting to affect your work. I'm ordering ten sessions of counselling.
Nalma could do nothing in the slightest to contain his horror at this order. His wide eyes and gaping mouth said all even before he verbally registered his shock.
Joust: Lieutenant, you've made your feelings about Tokkastran culture regarding therapy quite plain earlier, but I remind you that you have chosen to serve on a Carpathian ship and this is how we do things. If it makes you feel better, nobody but you or I will know about this. I will see to that.
Nalma hung his head low, nodding again, slightly, as it went down.
Nalma: I see, Commander. I'm sorry for my outburst, Commander. Just one question. Does it hurt?
Joust squinted out of one eye as his wings gave a little wiggle.
Joust: Does counselling hurt? Wow, this really is an entirely alien concept to you, isn't it? No, it doesn't hurt. It's just talking. Everything you say will be strictly confidential. Even I won't know about it unless it's determined you're a danger to yourself or the ship, but that would be a very extreme situation that most certainly won't apply to you. Think of a counsellor as a neutral third-party guide.
Nalma remained silent for awhile.
Nalma: I guess... That doesn't sound too bad. You're sure nobody will find out?
Joust: Therapists are bound by strict confidentiality rules and don't underestimate me either. I'll make sure you can get to and from your appointments without issue. I'm also going to have a chat with Tuomas. I know something of his history and that he has had some therapy, but it seems he's had a bit of a setback. And don't worry about that either. I can talk to him without any hint that you're involved.
Nalma: Thank you, Commander.
Joust: Now, that just leaves the issue of the mission itself. I'm not going to order you to to ask Captain Valro to re-join the mission, but I strongly suggest you do. I can call down to the shuttle bay to inform him that we chatted things out.
Nalma nodded, knowing good and well that whenever an officer said something like "strongly recommend," it may as well be an order, even if there was no punishment for refusal. Ultimately, saying no would make him look bad. Regardless, he wanted to go, now regretting his decision to bow out earlier.
Nalma: You're right. I was letting this affect my judgement. I would like to join the mission.
Joust: Very good. I'll call the Captain and let him know you're on your way. Now hop to it!
Nalma: Yes, Comm...
Nalma froze halfway out of his seat. He finished his rise slowly, glaring down at Joust with a wry smirk on his face.
Nalma: Really, Commander? "Hop to it?"
Joust: Not a good moment for that one? I'll make a note of it.
Nalma: Not the best timing, Commander, but as you say, I shall hop to it.
Joust: Dismissed, Lieutenant.
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