Carpathia IV: Episode 186 - A Weird Day
Amenaru's Bedroom, Andrast
After picking absentmindedly at his breakfast, Amenaru trudged back up the stairs to his room. He had to get ready for work, but what did that entail? After climbing the ladder, he turned toward his bed and spotted a pack of cigarettes on his headboard. Yes, of course, he had to take those. He picked them up and the next stop was his wardrobe again. Now, the contents made perfect sense. Button-up shirt and slacks, the same thing he wore to work every day, not these ratty old jeans and ugly t-shirt.
Amenaru kicked off his jeans and pulled off his t-shirt and tossed them both into the bottom of the wardrobe, picking out crisp shirt and pleated slacks after. Putting those on felt much more correct and natural. He then noted the designer handbag tucked into the back of the wardrobe. Yes, this was also correct. Much different than when he woke up in his room and nothing felt right. This time, it all felt right.
All that was left was to brush his teeth and apply some gel to his hair to make it slick and shiny and he was off to the train station.

Train Station
Amenaru didn't remember just yet where he worked, but somehow, he knew how to get there. Hopping onto the subway, it was just a four-stop ride to the main station at the city center. Not as big as the Starlight City megalopolis, but it held its own with several hundred thousand people. As he emerged from the station, he noted that the crowd was a bit thin, as it was just past rush hour. Even though he still didn't know his destination, he knew the route as he exited the station and strode down the street.
While he walked, he started feeling strange. A little weak in the limbs and a quiver in his lip and that's when he remembered the cigarettes in his bag. He took out the pack and lit one, taking a few tries to cup his hand around the lighter to block the wind. After a few drags, he felt normal again. No more weak knees or quivering lip and he continued on his way.
Once Amenaru arrived at his office, all became clear as day. A simple, cold concrete box structure, barely noticeable walking by on the street unless you were looking for it. He remembered this place and what he did. Accounts auditor, university services. Feeling a little more secure about himself, if not the time of his arrival, he strode inside and found his cubicle. There, his computer screen awaited with totals and receipts from university services during the previous week. Right away, he got to work verifying all the totals. He was at it for an hour before something caught his eye.
Amenaru: Oh, the university cafeteria is 37 sen short.
Amenaru grinned gleefully at the screen and said his next words at the computer screen with a singsongy voice.
Amenaru: 🎶 Somebody's getting fired. 🎶
Amenaru flagged the file for further review while he finished up the receipts for the rest of the food services. Before he finished, his boss, an agonizingly dull man both in speech and appearance strolled past. He wore his usual pinstripe blue button-up shirt with the white collar, the sort of shirt middle managers wore to mimic the style of the big players and in his hand was his ever-present coffee cup with "#1 Boss" printed on the side. He leaned up against Amenaru's cubicle wall and took a sip of his coffee, complete with breathy "Ahhh" at the end.
Mr. Lumberg: Hey, Amenaru. How's it going?
Amenaru excitedly started scrolling back through the system to find the cafeteria information.
Amenaru: Pretty good, Mr. Lumberg! I found something interesting. Just a second while I...
Mr. Lumberg: I think we need to have a little chat.
Amenaru: Sure thing, Mr. Lumberg. Just let me find this first.
Mr. Lumberg: It's only Wednesday and you're already late for the second time this week.
Amenaru's ears pricked up and he abruptly stopped scrolling through his files.
Amenaru: Sorry, Mr. Lumberg. It's been a strange...
Mr. Lumberg: You were late three times last week. This is a pattern with you.
Amenaru: I'm very sorry, Mr. Lumberg.
Mr. Lumberg: I'm afraid I'm going to have to let you go.
Amenaru: What? No, I'm really very sorry! I'll do be...
Mr. Lumberg pointed at a security guard standing behind him, who Amenaru did not notice until just then.
Mr. Lumberg: The guard will stay here while you pack your stuff and then escort you out of the building. I wish you the best of luck for your future.
Amenaru lost his words and could only stare slack-jawed as Mr. Lumberg turned and walked away, leaving him face to face with a very large and stern security guard glaring back at him with his arms folded across his chest. With a heavy sigh and a final glance at his screen, he shut off his computer and started shoving what little personal effects he had on his desk into his bag.

With nary a farewell, Amenaru was back out on the street, handbag a little heavier than before. He couldn't... he wouldn't go home now. It would immediately invite uncomfortable questions, so he decided to meander around town for the rest of the day to calm himself and think about what he might do next. Thinking wasn't easy, as his mind was still a fog. He knew he had another life, but he couldn't remember much of anything about it. For now, a cigarette would calm his nerves, so he dug around in the bottom of his bag until he found the pack and took one out.
Lighting up gave some relief while he moseyed down the sidewalk. Aimless. Directionless. The more he tried to think of what his life was like before, the more of it he lost. Soon, he wasn't even sure that he used to have another life. As those memories faded, he felt more like himself in this life, but he couldn't shake the feeling that something was very wrong, missing, at the same time.
Walking past the library, he thought that would be a nice place to cool off. Maybe look at a few books or check for employment opportunities. Before he had a chance to enter, a cheerful nekomi waved to him from behind a coffee stand.
Vendor: Hey, Amenaru! You're early today!
Amenaru ears pricked up as he shifted his stride to the coffee vendor, who was now dispensing a cup.
Vendor: The usual, I presume? Medium coffee and a pack of Seven Stars.
Yes, Amenaru thought, he did stop by every day. And of course it was early.
Amenaru: Hello, Kau. I suppose I am early. Yes, coffee and Seven Stars.
Kau nodded and finished the coffee. After putting the lid on it and setting it to the side, he reached down into his cabinet and pulled out a pack of Seven Stars.
Kau: That's 13.60.
Amenaru took out his phone and held it close to the reader. With a beep, the bill was paid.
Kau: I see you don't have your chicken wing bento yet. Is that why you're early? Decided to come here before the convenience store?
Yes, the convenience store. Amenaru remembered now, the colors. The cheery ding-dong sound every time the doors opened. The refrigerator case with the bento. The shop clerk tossing his bento in the microwave. Yes, that is what he did nearly every day.
Amenaru: Ah, yeah, I forgot. I'll head there next.
Kau's eyes narrowed as he cocked his head from side to side.
Kau: You alright? You seem a little out of it.
Amenaru: I've been having a weird day.
Amenaru wasn't sure why he called the day "weird." It was certainly a bad day, but something in his brain determined that "weird" would be better.
Kau: Well, I hope tomorrow is better for you. See you then!
Amenaru nodded and went on his way again, this time with a destination in mind, the convenience store, only a ten-minute walk away.
Amenaru went straight for the refrigerated section in the back and picked out his favorite chicken wing bento, the one with the applewood smoked sauce on it and took it to the counter. While the clerk had the bento in the microwave, he decided at the last second to add a newspaper. He'd never bought a physical newspaper in his life, but somehow, he didn't feel so confident with looking things up on his phone. The way he had it organized seemed to have slipped his mind somehow.
With nice, hot wings and rice in one hand, coffee in the other, and a newspaper tucked under his arm, he found a spot by the fountain near the train station to sit while he ate and read. The headline was massive and bold, important news indeed, and it took up so much space that he could only see the top quarter of the accompanying picture before it disappeared below the fold.
Unknown Vessel Detected Near Void! Could This Be First Contact?
The first few paragraphs of the article were a mixture of hopefulness and caution, but, when Amenaru flipped open the newspaper to see the rest of the picture, all that he could feel was intense dread.
The article continued to say that the image was picked up on long range sensors from a civilian outpost in deep space and no contact has been made yet. The ship was massive, the article said, over 20,000 meters long.
After laying the newspaper on his lap, Amenaru took a massive gulp of his coffee and opened up his new pack of Seven Stars. He could hardly light his cigarette with his hands this shaky and he had no idea why he felt this way. He'd never seen that ship before. He'd never seen anything even remotely like that ship before, and yet the image of it somehow knifed him deep into his body. He should turn the page and read something else. Yes, that would be better.
On the next page, he found another space article. Inquiry Into Loss of Shadowdancer Continues. New Piece Found.
This was no better. Had he heard of Shadowdancer before? Something about this seemed familiar, but he did not know why.
Another piece of the NCCS Shadowdancer was found near the Void and experts say this one displays the clearest evidence yet of damage from weapons fire. The piece, a 50-meter long section of the outer hull, appears to be a large chunk from the starboard pylon leading to the quantum nacelle. This is the most significant piece found since the Shadowdancer was lost and presumed destroyed over a year ago...
This wasn't any better than the previous article. It was worse. Suddenly, he was barely aware of where he was as a flood of images flashed through his brain. Kit! Captain Valro! The other crew on the Shadowdancer! He was supposed to have been there. He didn't know how or why, but nevertheless, he knew he was supposed to be there. His being here, now, like this, was wrong. It was all wrong. Also, he knew that Mrs. Tiggywinkle was involved.
Amenaru: Tiggy!
He called out, but nothing happened except for the befuddled stares of passersby. Paying them no heed, he called out again.
Amenaru: TIGGY!

Amenaru's House, The in-between
In a blink, Amenaru found himself again in the foyer of his house, with Mrs. Tiggywinkle sitting in front of him in the middle of the floor, tail swishing back and forth. Her brow furrowed, she glared at him with a very cross expression.
Mrs. Tiggywinkle: Welcome back, dickhead.
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