Carpathia IV: Episode 19 - The Void
Space, Centaurus Void, NCCS Shadowdancer
After an uneventful two weeks, most of which was spent in transit to the next mission, the Shadowdancer took up position in the Centaurus Void, an area of space with very few stars and ample radiation that hinders communications. Adell stood and walked around his console with his hands folded across his chest. His audience would be the entire crew and he would gaze out of the bridge window into space as he addressed them.
Adell: Kit, open the ship's comm.
Kit mearly had to tap a single button to carry out the order, a feat that the captain could have accomplished himself, though he was nevertheless grateful for the attention.
Kit: You're on, Captain.
Adell took a deep breath and delivered his speech.
Adell: Attention crew of the NCCS Shadowdancer. This is your captain speaking. We are now embarking on the most important task of our mission. We are now within the Centaurus Void, farther from our home planets than anyone has ever traveled. Radiation in this region of space hinders our ability to communicate with other ships, so to ensure the safety of future exploration of this new region, we are going to test our new communications modules with the Sentinel, in position eight light years from here. The results of our tests will help us determine where to deploy communications relays so that we can explore more safely. Now let's get to work. End transmission.
Kit tapped his console, closing the intercom.
Kit: Communication closed.
Adell returned to his chair and glanced at his console.
Adell: Okay, you know what to do. Kit, start sending test messages to the Sentinel. Amenaru, monitor transmission clarity and work on adjustments. Both of you share your data on the command consoles here. Bugs, as long as we're here, conduct continuous scans to test the sensors. Teren, keep an eye on internal systems to make sure we don't have any more glitches popping up.
The bridge crew immediately set to work on their respective tasks.
Kit: Starting test transmissions.
Amenaru: Monitoring communication quality.
Kit: Receiving reply.
Amenaru: Adjusting frequency.
As the communications tests carried out, Adell leaned toward his first officer for a different conversation.
Adell: Have we found out anything new about that thing we found in the asteroid?
Aire: Not much. It is very old, just like Ryuu said, and we don't know what it does. No evidence of weapon damage, as far as we can tell.
Aire wished he had more to say, not just to report to the captain, but to satisfy his own curiousity at all. Once again, he was reminded how much he enjoyed being on a ship again, having been presented with a mystery, but at the same time, a part of him wanted it solved immediately. It was a thrill of anticipation that he hadn't felt in a long time.
Adell leaned back in his chair and studied his console, monitoring Amenaru's and Kit's progress.
Adell: Hopefully we'll eventually learn more when we get it back to Polaris Deep.
Neither Adell nor Aire had to do much while the communications tests continued, each spending most of their time listening and watching their consoles for progress. Occasionally, Adell would give a brief order, such as to begin testing of verbal communication, but otherwise, there was little need for intervention while Amenaru and Kit worked together, gradually improving the signal quality.

If it were a rule that important jobs were always the most exciting, this job was breaking that rule. Hours passed of tedium while Adell and Aire watched the progress of the communications tests on their consoles. One point of interest was the rapport that Amenaru and Kit developed through the entire assignment, with Kit running the tests and Amenaru analyzing the results. Over time, and seemingly without realizing it, they developed a clear, almost musical, rhythm to their work.
With signals between the two ships cleared to a reasonable level, Adell decided it was time to move to the final step.
Adell: I think it's time we tried visual communication. Kit, contact Captain Yoshida and...
Before Adell could finish his instructions, Nalma urgently interrupted him.
Nalma: Captain, I have an unidentified vessel entering sensor range bearing 303 mark 115.
Adell and Aire exchanged equally befuddled glances.
Aire: That's even farther into the Void than we are. Couldn't be one of our ships.
Adell: Highly unlikely to be tokki either. Bugs, put it on viewer.
Nalma spent several moments tapping at his console while shaking his head.
Nalma: I'm afraid I can't, Captain. It's too far away for visual with all this interference. Power output doesn't match Carpathian or Tokkastran designs. There's not much else I can tell you unless we get closer.
Several seconds passed in silence during which time Aire stroked his chin and started speculating aloud.
Aire: Couldn't be an Earth ship. They can't even make it out of their own solar system. Could it be...
Adell: I was thinking the same thing. All evidence is pointing to a new civilization we've never encountered.
Aire: I suppose we should send them a greeting. Something short and friendly would be best, I think.
Adell stood and gave his uniform a tug and positioned himself in front of his console.
Adell: Sounds like a plan. Status of the communications system?
Amenaru: We will have trouble sending a visual signal and we don't know what the other ship's capabilities are. They may be able to receive us, but if they're having the same trouble we are, they might not be able to reply.
Kit: We also don't know if they have any sort of universal translator.
Adell: It will have to do. Kit, open a channel on all bands.
Kit hesitated, for it was an unusual order. It had been decades since Carpathia had encountered a new species in space and thus such an order was exceptionally rare. Adell was patient while Kit searched for the right commands and in fact was grateful for the delay so that he might have time to consider his words carefully.
Kit: Communication channel open, Captain.
Adell placed his hand on his console to steady himself and took a deep breath.
Adell: This is Captain Adell Amaranth of the Carpathian exploration vessel Shadowdancer. We bid you welcome to our region of space and we would like to know if you would be interested in meeting in person.
Adell said no more, keeping his greeting short as Aire suggested. Briefly, Adell turned to Kit and nodded.
Kit: Channel closed. Awaiting response.
Adell exhaled somewhat dramatically and returned to his chair.
Aire: Let's hope the tokki universal translator is up to the task if they do respond. If they're a insect species or something, it might not be of any use.
Adell: That would make things more difficult.
Nalma: Captain, the unidentified ship has altered course. They are headed toward us.
Adell: I'll take that as a sign. Kit, contact the Sentinel.
Kit: Yes, Captain. Opening a channel.
A moment later, Captain Yoshida appeared on the main viewer, barely visible through significant distortion and static.
Keiichi: Practicing your first contact skills with our communications tests?
Adell: Not practicing, Keiichi, no. We have detected an unidentified vessel that is neither Carpathian nor tokki. We're sending our sensor data to you now.
Adell pointed at Kit as he said this prompting Kit to immediately begin transmitting the sensor data.
Adell: We're going to set a course to intercept. Please relay our data to Polaris Deep. After that, I think it would be best if you join us. We haven't been able to establish communications yet, but they have already altered course toward us.
Keiichi raised an intrigued eyebrow.
Keiichi: Very interesting. Yes, I agree that we should join you. I will relay your data and set course.
Adell: Thank you. We'll apprise you of any new information. Adell out.
Adell shifted in his chair as the rest of the bridge crew tensely manned their stations professionally, but with all ears trained on Adell's next orders.
Adell: Well, Commander, we're about to make some history. Let's do what we can to make it good.
Aire: Indeed. Teek, set course to intercept the mystery ship at Q8.
Teek: Yes, Commander.
Commissioned art in this episode from:
All city pictures from SimCity 4