Carpathia IV: Episode 195 - Proposal
Amenaru's Bedroom, Andrast
Amenaru's upper bedroom, though windowless other than some air vents, was still usually cozy, with the Victorian-style mini tower responsible for sucking away the heat and humidity. An old-timey air conditioner, one might call it, and it worked well. Sometimes, however, when a steady breeze took hold and the temperature outside sank to a pleasantly toasty level, the lower bedroom, fully open to the elements, was an ideal place to be.
The day after Kit's and Amenaru's impromptu concert on the sandbar was just such a day, a lazy day, perfect for leaning on the balcony rail and gazing out at the bay, especially after finishing a hearty lunch.
Amenaru: I hope you don't mind my asking, but where did you learn to sing like that?
Amenaru hoped he didn't overstep. He knew what Kit's life was like before the Academy and the Shadowdancer and suspected this was something in his past that he may not want to think about.
Kit: My dad. He demanded that we learn to sing patriotic songs and not just that... to sing them well.
Amenaru's ears flattened and his tail went limp.
Amenaru: I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked.
Kit: You can ask me anything. You know, I didn't even realize that singing could be done for fun until recently. It was fun, actually.
Amenaru: I'm glad you had fun.
For awhile, silence, while they leaned against the railing and enjoyed the breeze and the view.
Kit: It's a nice day.
Amenaru, only half listening, watched the waves lap onto the shore. Too far away to hear, but his imagination filled the gap that his ears could not. His body was now on autopilot, even his tail, which slowly swayed back and forth as if propelled by the wind.
Amenaru: Yeah.
Kit: Nice breeze.
Amenaru: Yeah.
Kit: Good temperature.
Amenaru: Yeah.
Kit: We should get married.
Amenaru: Yeah... wait, what?
Amenaru's tail froze at the height of its sway to his right and his ears began to do the dance of a thousand butterflies, if there is such a thing, on top of his head. Kit, however, suddenly became sullen.
Kit: No? I thought maybe we should.
Amenaru stuttered and sputtered while his ears still danced. For at least a moment, he thought Kit was joking, a little test to see if Amenaru was listening, but Kit's somber mood tempered that notion. Finally, his ears stopped and flattened on his head.
Amenaru: Kit, do you know what marriage is?
Kit's eyes drifted upward while a grunt, possibly involuntary, passed from his mouth.
Kit: Ummmmmm... I've seen it in movies and read about it in books. I looked up up a little.
Amenaru: I think we should sit down and have a chat first. I don't want to agree to anything until I'm sure that you know what all that means.
Kit's head tilted and his face scrunched up, a meaning so clear that Amenaru could almost see an entire herd of little question marks pop out of the top of his head. Amenaru took a few steps over to his chaise and sat down, patting the empty space beside him.
Amenaru: Come on. You can tell me what you know. I'll fill in the bits you might be missing.
Kit gave a nod and joined Amenaru on the chaise.

Amenaru's House, Living Room
Amenaru and Kit descended the stairs, hand in hand, and peered around the living room. Everyone present, but for Amenaru's mother. The rest looked like they were getting ready for dinner. Not that this was a surprise, for it was the smell of the cooking that prompted them to wrap up their conversation in the first place. At first, nobody noticed and the kitchen droned on with the sounds of cooking, dinnerware tinking together, and TV going on by itself in the background. Some sort of entertainment news program, by the sound of it. James was the first to see them coming.
James: There you two are! I was just about to send someone to get you.
James grinned and he didn't have to say anything more. Amenaru knew the implication. He was almost always the first downstairs when food was involved. That he was late unquestionably made his dad believe that they were up to some shenanigans in the bedroom.
Amenaru: We were busy. I see everyone but Mom. Is she here?
James: She's out getting her nails done with friends and said she was going to eat at Whiskas later.
Amenaru knew he couldn't wait, for he'd barely be able to eat, holding in such big news, and frantically had a hushed conversation with Kit while everyone stopped what they were doing and watched.
Amenaru: You want me to tell them? You can do it if you want.
Kit: What about your mom?
Amenaru: She probably won't get back until late. We can tell her then.
Kit: I can do it.
Amenaru: Go right ahead!
When Amenaru and Kit turned back to the family, they were still staring and James had his hands comically gripped to his hips.
James: Now what are you two goobers up to?
Kit: We're getting married!
After a few moments of astonished pause, the house erupted into cheers, congratulations, and hugs.
James: We're going to have to get to planning, then.
Amenaru: Yeah, about that. It's not like we know when we'll be able to come back, so I was thinking of asking Captain Valro to officiate when the Shadowdancer comes back to pick us up.
Ramses: That only gives us three weeks!
Sylvar: We have to get to work!
Meri: What are you going to wear?
James reached up high and clapped his hands together.
James: Alright, everyone! No need to panic. We can do this. I assume you'll wear your dress uniforms?
Amenaru: That's right.
James: See? One problem solved already. I know someone who does barbecue catering and works last-minute. I'll give her a buzz later.
Lots of murmuring and planning started, but Amenaru's ears swivelled in the direction of the TV. Up to now, he paid it no mind, but his ears caught something—something important—before his brain could compute.
In other news, they're calling him "The Tokki with the Golden Voice!" Passengers on the Great Eastern replica were treated to an impromptu concert yesterday coming from a nearby beach. One of the passengers got a video of the encounter. Let's listen!
Sheer, unbridled panic gripped Amenaru in that moment and everyone in the room stopped what they were doing as soon as he started shouting.
Amenaru: Somebody turn off the TV!
Too late. Before Amenaru even finished, the hosts played the clip with Kit in mid-song.
And Kit was splat on the ground once again.
Amenaru: Dammit. I thought we were alone but I forgot about the ship behind me.
James: He'll be alright. Let's get him to the couch.
No urgency now, turning off the TV. James scooped Kit up into his arms and carried him to the couch. Once he was settled, Amenaru went to turn off the TV, and that's when he learned that the hosts weren't quite finished with them yet.
Say, isn't that other one the guy who electrocuted himself with a vibrator?
Why yes, Cleo, I believe it is.
Amenaru dropped his head into his hands and remembered the words of his family from last month. "Everyone knows about that."
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