Carpathia IV: Episode 197 - Wedding
Outside Amenaru's House, Andrast
Aire: "They take some getting used to." That's what Admiral Zhang told me when she approved my transfer to the Shadowdancer. She wasn't wrong. I often wondered what I'd gotten myself into. Now, I wouldn't want to be anywhere else. It's been a joy watching this crew work together and grow closer together and nowhere is this more evident than with Amenaru and Kit.
Aire continued pontificating on the Shadowdancer crew, but mostly on Amenaru and Kit, hitting the highlights of their relationship development and definitely not missing any of the more amusing moments. He kept it short, less than 10 minutes, and then came to the end.
Aire: I understand there is to be an exchange of tokens.
This was, evidently, the cue for the cadets to step forward, each carrying a little pillow with a garment perched on top. Aire leaned forward, trying to get a better look. When he realized what he was looking at, he straightened back up and gave the audience a smirk and an eye roll.
Aire: Silk bikini underpants. How very Tokkastran and Shadowdancer at the same time.
The crowd giggled while Amenaru and Kit each took one of the underpants and then stuffed it into the chest flap in the other's uniform.
Aire: Saving those for later, I see. Very well. Next, we shall move on to exchanging of vows. Amenaru, please begin.
Amenaru took a deep breath and squeezed Kit's hands.
Amenaru: When we first met, I was past the darkest time in my life, but there was always something missing. After I met you, it still took some time to realize that what I was missing was having you as a part of my life. I pledge to stay by your side always.
Kit: When we first met, I did not know how to interact with other people and all I wanted was to keep to myself. I pushed you and everyone else away, but then you saved my life and that's when I decided that way was not the way I wanted to live. I want you as a part of my life. I pledge to stay by your side always.
Aire: By my authority as Captain of the NCCS Shadowdancer, I now pronounce you married. Distinguished guests, I present to you the wedded couple.
Applause and cheers broke out amongst the assembled guests as Amenaru and Kit turned to wave. Together, they strolled down the center aisle toward the reception area just at the bottom of the hill. From there, they mingled with the crowd and managed to take the time to grab a few bites to eat in the midst of it all. It took some time, but Amenaru's siblings finally managed to squirt through the crowd to pay their respects.
Meri: Congrats, bro!
Ramses: I never thought you'd actually get married someday.
Meri: He cried like a baby through the whole thing.
Ramses: I did not!
Meri gave a slow turn and glared at Ramses with raised eyebrow.
Ramses: Okay, maybe a little.
Amenaru smirked and then hugged each of them in turn.
Amenaru: Thanks, guys. You'll keep me up to date on what you're up to after we leave tomorrow, right?
Meri: For sure!
Ramses: Definitely!
The reception party continued long into the night, long after Amenaru and Kit retired back to the house. To Amenaru's bedroom, specifically. Not the most exotic location for a honeymoon, but they didn't need anything like that since they wouldn't be paying any attention to any sights other than each other for rest of the evening.

Library, the Next Day
Once again at the shuttle landing area near the library. This time, not for a cheerful reunion, but a tearful good-bye. James, however, did not have any trepidation at all in giving Amenaru a giant burly squeeze that lingered on a bit too much for comfort. Physical discomfort, for although he was fully healed, being squashed for that long had its downsides. Kit was not immune to this squish-by-dad and received the same treatment. Finally, Sylvar, while Meri and Ramses both stole a glance at each other at the same time. All more sappy than usual, even for James.
James: I'll miss all three of you. You come back to use safe, alright?
Sylvar: Thank you for having me.
James: Nonsense! You're my son. You come any time.
After some time of lingering goodbyes, Amenaru took an awkward step back toward the shuttle.
Amenaru: Well, we gotta get going. I love you, Dad.
James: Take care!

James, Meri, and Ramses waved as the shuttle took off and rocketed into the sky. After the shuttle faded into a little shiny dot and disappeared, the three lingered where they were, staring off into the distance at nothing in particular.
Meri: I don't believe it. Of the four of us, I thought Amenaru would be the last to get married, if he ever did at all.
Meri and Ramses heard a sniffle and turned to see a tear running down their dad's cheek.
Ramses: Dad, are you okay?
James rubbed his eyes and gazed longingly at each of them in turn.
James: Let's have a seat. We need to talk.
They quickly spotted a bench nearby and James sat first, letting his body drop wearily on the center. Ramses and Meri sat next, flanking him on either side.
James: The situation is bad up there. Far worse than the news media would have us believe. Or even knows about, if I'm being honest. Amenaru told me a little of what he knows, but I'm certain he was holding back. Still, holding back or not, what he said was horrifying.
James continued with what he knew, mostly limited to the massive Vashta ship that Amenaru saw when he was dead and his limited knowledge of Lazmaedia.
James: Amenaru is living in his moment. He has to. He didn't say it, but he knows. He got lucky last time, and that was just a freak accident. When the Vashta show up, we'll all be in danger and he'll be on the front lines.
James paused, taking several deep breaths, before he could continue.
James: Every time we see him might be the last. I'm sorry I didn't say anything sooner. I really wasn't sure if it would be better to say something before or after he left.
A time of awkward silence passed again.
Meri: I knew something was up. It all kinda makes sense now.
James: I suppose I should start working on dinner. We'll have to start thinking about what we're going to do too. If the fleet can't stop the Vashta, we're going to have to escape. We'll need a plan.
More silence, until James grunted his way off of the bench.
James: I am... so happy for Amenaru. He and Kit are a good match. I'm proud of them both and I'm proud of Sylvar. We've gained so much. I just hope we don't lose everything.
With heavy hearts, James, Meri, and Ramses headed back to the house and an unknown future.
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