Carpathia IV: Episode 208 - Tour
Shuttle Bay, NCCS Shadowdancer-A
Once again, into the shuttle bay to await a new guest. With the hotoh shuttle already on the way, Aire gave some last minute orders while he waited in the shuttle bay. There wasn't much time to prepare, as Alka signalled his readiness to visit quickly and Aire figured it best not to waste any time. It was a bit of a rush to get ready, but since most crew were at general quarters already, there was minimal running around. When Shep arrived, he could tend to his last order of business.
Shep: You wanted to see me, Captain?
Aire: Thank you for coming quickly. I want you and your team to secure Engineering. We will be passing through and I just want to make sure nothing happens. I don't anticipate problems and we'll take care of things if they get a little too handsy. This is simply precautionary.
Shep: Intervene only if the situation becomes untenable, then?
Aire: Either that, or I will make eye contact and give you a nod.
Shep: Understood, Captain. I shall arrange my team.
Shep sprinted away, leaving Aire to focus exclusively on anticipating his new guest.
Teren: That completes our to-do list, Captain.
Nalma: The shuttle is approaching, Captain.
Aire: Perfect timing. Open the door.
First, an alarm and red lights as a warning and then the shuttle bay door cranked open. The hotoh shuttle was close indeed, and smaller than Aire expected. Not much room for more than 3 people, maximum, he guessed. The markings bore similarities to their mothership with the same blue and gold coloring and was similarly shaped, though without the lobster-like claws on the sides.
The ship touched down gently on the deck and powered down, the low thrum of the engine fading to nothing. On the side, a door flipped up to open and Alka stepped out. Aire awaited more, but none came.
Aire: Welcome to the Shadowdancer! Just you, is it Alka?
Alka: Just me, and thank you for the welcome.
Aire held his hand out to his side to direct Alka to Teren and Kit.
Aire: These are the two who will accompany us on our tour today. First is Commander Teren Unas.
Teren: A pleasure, esteemed sir.
Aire: And Ensign Kit Savea. He will be keeping a record of our activities today, which I can provide you if you wish.
Alka: I would like that very much. I see you allow them to have last names!
Aire: That is not by my allowance. It is their right as citizens of the Commonwealth keep their birth names or have the name of their choosing.
Alka remained silent for a moment while he squashed his lips together.
Alka: I see that I perhaps make too many assumptions. Maybe I should observe and ask more questions instead.
Aire: I hope you don't mind if I do the same. Shall we begin? Our shuttle bay often becomes a mission hub when we're exploring other planets. It has everything we need to run a mission, including a supplemental medical bay for emergencies.
Alka: Medical... I guess you have advanced medical knowledge with a ship like this.
Aire took note of this, that of all things, Alka picked up on the medical angle over all else in the shuttle bay. A very long list indeed of potential subject matter, including potential engineering topics. Given the state of their ship and the weakness of their weapons, tech would have been his first guess for interest. Aire took this note and silently filed it in the back of his brain for later consideration.
Aire: We have our strengths. Our chief medical officer is accomplished in comparative xenobiology and our tokki friends are especially adept in treating infectious diseases. We will be stopping by medical as part of the tour.
Alka: I look forward to that.
Aire: Our first destination is the bridge, where our Admiral Zhang would like to greet you from Polaris Deep.
Alka: Oh, a bridge! What does it cross?
Aire took a slow step forward and invited Alka to do the same.
Aire: We can chat as we walk, if that's okay.
Alka nodded and lined up beside Aire, together strolling out of the shuttle bay.
Aire: A bridge is an old term, from sail and steam days. The command center of a ship used to be on a bridge that connected paddlewheels on each side. Eventually, it became a standard word for a vessel's command center.
Alka: I see. I did not expect a linguistic lesson.
Aire thought to ask him why he came alone, but he quickly noticed that Alka was now busy taking in the sights as they strolled side-by-side down the cooridor, taking particular interest in the various species of crew that they passed along the way.
Alka: I've never seen species working together like this.
Aire: It is one of our culture's defining characteristics. No species of Carpathia has a majority, not even close, and we all work together as equals. My planet only recently joined the Commonwealth and I am the first elf to achieve a Captaincy. Another from my planet was promoted at the same time as I was and he's a demon.
Alka: Really? I would never expect a demon Captain. I notice some here look similar to you but have round ears.
Aire: They are humans. It is from their language that we call ourselves elves. We only use vashtari for followers of Lazmaedia.

Bridge, NCCS Shadowdancer-A
It took longer than Aire anticipated to get to the bridge, for it was a slow plod with Alka stopping to examine every little detail. Not only the crew, but he was also interested in the texture of the walls and the carpets. Aire did his best to usher him along without coming off as pushy and he only hoped that Admiral Zhang wouldn't be too cross when they finally got there. Finally, they made it to the lift and, after a short ride, the bridge.
Joust: Captain on the bridge.
The officers on the bridge stood up straight, hands behind their back, prompting Alka to emit a yelp and hide behind Teren.
Alka: Eep!
Aire: No worries, Alka. This is standard procedure when there is an important event, and an esteemed guest such as yourself is important.
Alka sidled away from behind Teren and back to Aire's side.
Alka: In that case, thank you.
Aire: Kit, we're ready for Admiral Zhang now.
Kit: Yes, Captain. I've been keeping her updated.
Moments later, Admiral Zhang appeared on the holopad.
Admiral Zhang: Greetings. I am Admiral Zhang.
Alka: Alka Minas, madam. Oh! You have round ears! You must be... um... what did you call that? Hoo...
Admiral Zhang: Human, yes. It is good to meet you and I bid you welcome to the New Carpathia Commonwealth of Planets.
Alka: I don't know what to say... Thank you? I don't think we've been welcomed anywhere before.
Admiral Zhang: I'm pleased to be the first and I hope you will experience many more. Now, I've heard the updates from Captain Valro, but tell me about yourself. I'd like to hear from you.
Alka: Even most of what I know are stories. Our ancestors set off from our home planet over 200 years ago and we've been searching for a new place to live ever since. Five ships, total, each going in different directions. I don't know if Lazmaedia destroyed our home world, but she certainly had her eye on it in a very uncomfortable way.
Admiral Zhang: We have only recently learned of the existence of the vashtari ourselves...
Alka did several rapid back and forth head twists between Aire and Admiral Zhang, finally ending with him pointing at Aire.
Alka: But...
Admiral Zhang: Long story, but I understand why you're confused. I would very much like to meet you in person if you're willing to come to visit us at Polaris Deep. We can share some information and get to know each other better.
Alka: I'll have to take your proposal back to our council, but I do not anticipate objections.
Admiral Zhang: Good to hear. Finish your tour, have some dinner with Captain Valro, and consult with your council. We eagerly await your response.
Alka: I look forward to meeting you.
Admiral Zhang: Enjoy your stay on the Shadowdancer, Alka. Zhang out.
The image of Admiral Zhang on the holopad fizzled away and Alka, suddenly weak-kneed, plopped into the captain's chair behind him.
Aire: Are you okay, Alka?
Alka: I'm fine, Captain, thank you. It's all just a bit much to take right now.
Aire: In that case, take a rest and let me know when you're ready again. I'll introduce you to our bridge crew.
Alka nodded and Aire waved each bridge crew forward, one by one, starting with Ryuu, to greet Alka.
Ryuu: Pleased to meet you. I'm Ryuu.
Alka: Dragon! We've heard many stories and we weren't even sure you existed. I want you to know that we always assume that whatever Lazmaedia says about you is a lie.
Ryuu: We have heard that she's been telling porkies about us.
Alka took his time meeting each of the bridge crew while Aire stood by patiently while he conversed with each one.
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