Carpathia IV: Episode 222 - Dirty Little Freaks
NCCS Shadowdancer-A
The Debutante Ball is what the party came to be known and it was the subject of most non-work conversations throughout the ship. Nobody was more excited than Deimos, who spent hours sorting through potential outfits to wear. Not that there was much choice on a ship consisting mostly of uniforms, but that did not stop her. She took whatever donations she could and sewed them into something she liked, discovering an affinity for sequins along the way.
When the day of the ball arrived, people filtered in as duty shifts allowed. Adell and Aire purposefully decided to arrive fashionably late, a decision assisted by some reticence from Alka. They invited him and some of his crew along, but though he quickly approved his crew, he didn't seem to be keen to go himself, requiring a fair bit of coaxing.
Aire: What is Deimos's outfit like, Commodore? I haven't seen it yet.
Adell: Neither have I, to be honest. She wanted it to be a surprise.
Aire: In that case, we both get to enjoy the surprise!
Adell looked back to find Alka falling behind once again.
Adell: Hey, what are you doing back there? This party is partially for you too, you know!
Alka skittered forward a little faster to catch up while remaining hunched over, with his head collapsed into his shoulders.
Alka: Well... I was just doing my job. Nothing special, really.
Adell threw his arm around Alka's shoulder and drove him forward.
Adell: Nonsense! You gave me back my girl! You know, I barely had a chance to get to know her before. Thanks to you and your team, I have a second chance! I only regret that we couldn't invite your entire crew.
Alka: I guess...
Alka's voice trailed off. Even if he were going to say more, their arrival at the atrium doors shifted their focus.
Aire: Ready, Commodore?
Adell: Let's go!
With a nod and a smile, Aire opened the doors. The atrium was already teeming with people, both Shadowdancer crew and hotoh engineers, all mingling together. The trio stepped inside and awaited someone to notice them.
Adell: See, Alka? This is what it's all about. Many different kinds of people, working together to solve problems and become friends.
Alka: It is... very nice, actually.
Deimos: Daddy!
The unmistakable voice and enthusiasm of Deimos. They didn't have to look around for long, for she was already hurtling towards them wearing a very skimpy bikini and itty bitty sequinned shorts.
Deimos: How do I look?
Deimos swung her arms left and then made a flashy twirl to the right, coming to a stop at full circle, where she playfully ran her fingers through her hair.
Aire: Deimos! You certainly look... erm...
Aire did not need to finish his sentence, for Adell did it for him.
Adell: Gorgeous! And a little slutty. You really do take after me, don't you?
Deimos held her hand near her mouth and giggled.
Deimos: Hee hee! I knew you'd like it! Oh, but you should come quickly! Nalma is about to get started.
Adell: Already? I thought I was going to say a few words first.
Deimos grabbed Adell's arm and yanked him toward the crowd just as the DJ music from Nalma's console got started.
Deimos: There'll be time for that later. This will get everyone's attention for starters.
Bit by bit, the crowd started gravitating towards the sound of the music, the stage set up at the far end of the atrium. There, Nalma occupied the stage all on his own, where he stood behind his DJ console holding a headphone up to one ear with one hand and mixing with his other. With Adell firmly occupied by Deimos, Aire made sure that Alka followed, for indeed it appeared that he might attempt to slip away.
Alka: She said Adell will give a speech?
Aire: A few words, as he said. The Commodore has never been one for long-winded speeches. He would like to thank you and your team with the crew present.
Alka cast his gaze firmly at the floor.
Alka: I see.

Phobos grew impatient as Nalma played song after song of generic house music. After successfully securing a spot for himself in front of the stage, he spent most of his time craning his neck into the crowd to see if he could spot Deimos, who had gone to fetch their dad a half hour ago. First, he noticed a part in the crowd, and then Deimos, with Adell, Aire, and Alka in tow. This, it was now clear, was why it took so long. It was impossible to be Commodore or Captain without everyone paying due respect while passing by. Still, it took another 10 minutes for Deimos to finally reach him.
Phobos: About time! Nalma is waiting for you.
Deimos: Relax! Nobody's in a big hurry here.
Adell: Nah, Phobos is right. These good folks have waited long enough. Off you go!
Adell gave Deimos a nudge toward the stage.
Deimos: Alright, alright, I'm going! Sheesh.
Deimos trotted to the side of the stage and turned to give a little wave before ascending the stairs. After a short chat with Nalma, which even Phobos could not hear over the rest of the noise, Deimos grabbed the microphone.
Nalma: One and all! Welcome to the Debutante Ball! Tonight, we present Deimos Amaranth-Leingod!
The crowd cheered and Deimos waved and bowed. In the midst of the cheering, Nalma started up an upbeat pop song. Deimos first began to dance, swaying her hips and jiggling her chest, and then she sang.
Deimos: ♫ New Carpathia girls, we're unforgettable
Daisy Dukes, bikinis on top
Sun-kissed skin, so hot
we'll melt your popsicle!
New Carpathia girls, we're undeniable
Fine, fresh, fierce, we got it one lock
West Coast represent
Now put your hands up! ♫
Phobos cheered Deimos on, while the rest of the crowd did the same. As the song wound to a close, he started to feel a little pang of jealousy and, in a fit of impulse, darted onto the stage himself.
Nalma: The twins are together again! Now just a minute! I have one for both of you!
Phobos and Deimos joined hands, waving at the crowd, while Nalma fished around in his database for whatever song he was looking for. While waiting, Phobos gave the crowd a quick scan and spotted Baal right up close to the stage on the opposite side of where he had been watching earlier. He was easy to spot, not just for the brilliant red hair, but Baal was cheering harder than anyone. Though Phobos looked away, he couldn't help sneaking glances in Baal's direction. No matter how many times he looked back, it was clear that Baal had eyes only for him. To Phobos's relief, Nalma found the song. A familiar song, and one suitable for the occasion.
Phobos: ♫ So raise your glass if you are wrong ♫
And Baal cheered louder, waving his arms in the air.
Deimos: ♫ In all the right ways, all my underdogs ♫
Phobos looked away again, each time finding it more difficult to avert his gaze.
Phobos: ♫ We will never be, never be anything but loud ♫
Baal was cute, waving his hands and gyrating is adorable little tushy.
Deimos: ♫ And nitty gritty, dirty little freaks ♫
For the first time since he woke up in his new body, Phobos saw Baal not as "that asshole" but as something more.
Phobos and Deimos: ♫ Won't you come on and come on and
Raise your glass?
Just come on and come on and
Raise your glass ♫
Luckily, Phobos's android multitasking abilities meant that he did not allow the song to go to pieces from Baal's distracting antics. He performed in perfect synchronization with Deimos, but now something else garnered his attention. Alka was the only one not cheering, having spent the song first gaping, open mouthed, and then with his head hung low, staring at the floor. Now, Phobos watched as he slinked away, deftly squeezing his way past the other revellers. Phobos pointed this out to Deimos and both took a glance at each other and nodded.
Deimos: I think it's time. If he's going to do it, it's going to be soon.
Phobos: You get the Captain and the dads ready. I need to take care of something first.
Deimos: Right-o!
As Phobos made his way stage left, the side where Baal stood, he heard Deimos giving Nalma the update.
Deimos: We shouldn't be gone long! Play something for them.
Nalma: Gotcha.
Baal watched Phobos in gleeful anticipation as he crossed the stage and descended the stairs on the other side. Baal muscled his way through the crowd to meet him at the bottom of the stairs. Baal did not speak, though it was clearly killing him not to, for he fidgeted so hard he looked like he might explode.
Phobos: I saw you cheering for me.
Baal acknowledged with a shaky nod.
Baal: I hope I didn't make you uncomfortable. Look, I know what the deal is. I just want you to be happy, even if it's not with me. If you don't mind, I'd like to keep cheering you on.
Phobos: They told me everything, though I don't remember it. Unfortunately, those memories are permanently destroyed. But... Maybe... Can we start over?
Baal gasped, his eyes now shimmering with tears, and he threw his arms into the air, all the pent up energy releasing at once into a lunge. Phobos put his hand up, stopping him.
Phobos: Slowly, please. Maybe hold hands first?
Baal froze, then took a step back. With a deep sigh, he calmed considerably and held out his hand. Phobos accepted.
Phobos: Let's go. Time to meet Alka and thank him again. He just did the right thing.
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