Carpathia IV: Episode 224 - Negroni
NCCS Shadowdancer-A
Thorough as always, Artemis took two full days poking, prodding, scanning, and testing Phobos and Deimos's components with Minnie's assistance. He probably would have finished faster but for Deimos's impatience. Hardly a minute went by without her squirming in her seat and asking, "Are we done yet?" Phobos, now used to extended periods of poking and prodding, took everything in stride. After the scanning was finished, it was another day of reading and re-reading the data before Artemis declared Phobos and Deimos clean.
Deimos: No more testing?
Artemis: Not daily. Once a week for now. Depending on how that goes, once a month until we're comfortable with automatic monitoring.
Deimos sulked, kicking her feet around like a scolded schoolgirl.
Deimos: Aw...
Phobos: You'll get used to it. It's like how the meatbags have to have doctor appointments.
Deimos: Mmm, makes sense when you put it that way.
Minnie: Dr. Leingod and I will work together to put a checkup regimen for you. Phobos, I will be ordering you to follow it to the letter once we have it ready.
Phobos: Gladly, Chief. Anything to avoid going through all that crap again.
Artemis: You two go have fun. We're done here. Minnie and I will have a checkup schedule for you soon.

Polaris Deep
A long journey ended. Not long for distance, but for speed, keeping pace with the hotoh ship's cruising speed, which was half of Shadowdancer's. The image of Polaris Deep on the viewscreen was a welcome sight for all. While the Shadowdancer and Cerberus took a standard approach, the hotoh ship was too big to dock at the station and would have to park nearby, relying on shuttles to visit. Also parked at the station was the Chrono Blade, making this a meeting of many of Carpathia's capital ships.
Kit: We have clearance to dock at Port 5, Captain.
Aire: Slow to half thrusters and take us in.
Teek: Yes, Captain. Slowing to half thrusters and initiating docking approach.
Kit: Message from Admiral Zhang, Captain. She wants you to meet her in her office as soon as we've docked.
Aire: Not wasting any time. I imagine she wants a debrief before the hotoh start arriving on the station.
Aire stood and gave his uniform a straightening tug.
Aire: Commander, handle the rest of the docking procedure. I will wait by the airlock.
Joust: Yes, Captain. We'll get you to the Admiral on time!

Polaris Deep, Admiral Zhang's Office
Down the long docking ramp to the station routunda and up the stairs. Aire knew the way to Admiral Zhang's office well. Her secretary gave her a buzz when he arrived and she told him to wait. Not long, it turned out, only two or three minutes, before she gave the clear.
Admiral Zhang: Send him in.
The secretary directed Aire inside and the door gave an inviting slide open. With a smile and a nod to the secretary, he strode inside to find Admiral Zhang just standing up from behind her desk. Aire stood straight while the door closed behind him.
Aire: Reporting as ordered, Admiral.
Admiral Zhang nodded as she rounded her desk on her way to the mini bar.
Admiral Zhang: At ease, Aire. I hope you'll be able to join me and Commodore Amaranth for dinner. Five courses, amongst which are Cornish game hen and boeuf bourguignon. I'm having it sent up to my private dining room.
Aire couldn't help but smirk and raise an eyebrow to this as he made his way to the sofa.
Aire: There's no way I could say no to that, Admiral. I wasn't expecting anything that fancy.
Admiral Zhang: Things are about to get pretty chaotic around here and I'd like something calm beforehand. Care for a negroni? I like a nice aperitif before an elegant dinner.
Aire: Thank you, Admiral. I look forward to a relaxing evening after such a long trip back.
Admiral Zhang was already nearly done making her own drink. Upon finishing her own, she took another glass and started on Aire's.
Admiral Zhang: A blessing for the rest of us, really, that the hotoh's ship is so slow. It gave us time to prepare for their arrival.
Aire: Not to mention time to focus on Phobos and Deimos.
Admiral Zhang: Very true. How are they doing?
Admiral Zhang turned, two drinks in hand, both bright red with a jaunty, curled orange peel resting on top. She handed one to him before easing herself into the sofa facing him.
Aire: The chunk of memory that Phobos lost mostly pertained to Baal, but they seem to be starting over. Artemis didn't find anything else after removing the surveillance chips. Aside from those issues, they appear to be thriving. I have Phobos on limited duty now and I'm hoping that he'll be able to return to full duty soon.
Admiral Zhang took a sip from her glass while she listened.
Admiral Zhang: The surveillance chips were an unfortunate choice, no doubt. That will complicate things, but it will hopefully prove to be nothing more than a hiccup in our developing relations. Time will tell.
Aire took his first sip of his own drink. Strong. Intense. A little bitter, but some sweet too.
Aire: In spite of everything, I still like them. Commodore Amaranth and Dr. Leingod are going to be a bit of a harder sell, but if there are no more shenanigans, they might warm up. Phobos and Deimos are a lot more forgiving.
Admiral Zhang: Anyway, I'm not here to prattle on about the hotoh. There will be plenty of that coming soon. You and Commodore Amaranth have handled the situation very well and the Admiralty is grateful. For tonight, our conversations will be all about shoes and ships and sealing wax, of cabbages and kings. I'm glad to hear Phobos and Deimos are doing well. Phobos has been a great asset to the service and to our culture. Whatever Deimos chooses to do, I shall watch her with great interest.
Aire smiled and leaned back, taking more than just a sip from his negroni this time around. Just the thought of a relaxing evening made the stress of the last few weeks melt away like butter in a warm pan.
Aire: Music to my pointed ears, Admiral.
Admiral Zhang: Before we get to that, there's just one thing. Orders have just come down from the Admiralty. The Shadowdancer will remain here for four days to help facilitate hotoh introductions and for Commander Unas's promotion and transfer ceremony. After that, you'll report to Andrast Shipyard for upgrades. The tests on the Chrono Blade have identified areas for improvement, especially in maneuverability. They'll be installing several new thruster modules. The process should take around two to three weeks.
Aire held his glass up high.
Aire: Cheers to that! Teek will be very pleased, of course. That will also give Amenaru time to do his Command Officer Exam.
A big gulp for Aire this time, downing the rest of his remaining drink.
Admiral Zhang: Now Aire, be careful with that or you'll be under the table in no time at all.
Aire grinned like a cheeky toddler who'd just been caught sneaking chocolates.
Aire: Sorry, Admiral. I guess the stress come-down has gotten me a bit giddy.
Admiral Zhang: Like I said, be careful. I don't need a sloppy drunk at dinner. I will cut you off if I have to.
Aire: Sorry, Admiral.
A buzz from Admiral Zhang's console and she took a quick look to check the message and tap out a response.
Admiral Zhang: Adell has arrived. I'll have dinner sent up.
The office door slid open with Adell bounding in.
Adell: Good to be back, Admiral! I guess there won't be much time to relax, though.
Admiral Zhang: We won't be having the hotoh aboard until tomorrow morning. In the meantime, join us for dinner.
Adell: Happy to, Admiral. Good to see you again, Aire. Are you okay? Your face looks a bit red.
Admiral Zhang: Just a little enthusiasm. Come, let us retire to my private dining room and relax.
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