Carpathia IV: Episode 230 - Infatuation
Amenaru and Kit's Quarters, NCCS Shadowdancer-A
The night before arrival at Andrast Shipyard and Amenaru and Kit's quarters were in a shamble, suitcases and clothes spread around everywhere. Mostly Amenaru's stuff, for Kit was far more fastidious and minimalist about what he would take. His suitcase was nearly finished, with clothes folded neatly and organized into sections, as though it were being prepared for a photoshoot for an advertisement. If Amenaru's suitcase was for an advertisement, it would be one for an exorbitantly messy punk rock band.
Kit: Do you really need all that? You have an entire closet full of clothes at home.
Amenaru rummaged through the massive pile of shirts that littered the bed.
Amenaru: I can't decide which shirts to bring! They're all my favorites.
Kit: You should start with a few spare uniforms. Who knows what surprises Commander Joust might have for you down there? You should also bring some of your tools.
Amenaru stood up straight and gasped, clutching his hand to his chest, ears flitting about on his head.
Amenaru: You're right! Do you think he'd actually show up to the house?
Kit tipped his head to the side and glared at Amenaru with furrowed brow. Though Kit didn't say anything, his ears did all the talking, sliding themselves together and then pitching forward as if to say, "Seriously?"
Amenaru: Right, stupid question. Of course he would.
The door chime rang and Amenaru jumped. Could it be Joust right now?
Kit: Come in!
The door slid open and it was not Joust. Instead, front and center, was Mikado, looking very contrite as he wrung his hands together, ears splayed out and drooping over the sides of his head. Behind him was Darius, looking similarly nervous. Amenaru, however, was delighted that it was not a surprise Joust visit.
Amenaru: Come in! Come in! Boy, I'm glad it's you.
Mikado's ears returned to their usual position as he stepped in, followed by Darius.
Mikado: Really? I didn't think you'd be happy to see us.
Amenaru: I thought it might be Commander Joust paying a surprise visit. Have a seat!
Amenaru directed them to the sofa and both sat down while Amenaru and Kit took chairs facing them.
Darius: We just wanted to apologize for giving you a hard time yesterday.
Mikado: Yeah, we understand if you don't want us to come with you tomorrow.
Amenaru started to panic and desperately urged them to stop before they said any more.
Amenaru: Oh, no no no! You did your jobs well! You had me completely fooled all the way until Commander Joust gave me my rest results. You might have been having a little too much fun, weren't you?
Darius and Mikado seemed to relax a little, even smiling now.
Mikado: Maybe a little!
Amenaru: You helped me pass my test! Of course you're welcome at my place.
Darius: I can't wait! We thought you might be mad at us.
Amenaru: That's my fault, really. I was obsessing about the test result so much that I forgot that I should come and see you.
Mikado: Oh, don't worry about that!
Darius: Everything's sorted now.
Amenaru: In that case, go pack your stuff! That's an order, Cadets!
Darius and Mikado both bounded out of their chairs, standing stiff and straight.
Darius and Mikado: Yes, Lieutenant!

Amenaru's House, The Next Day
Amenaru, Kit, and Sylvar crossed the threshold into the house with Darius and Mikado following behind, all carrying their duffels. James emerged from the kitchen immediately to greet them while Meri's and Ramses's heads popped up from behind the couch.
James: Got a whole gaggle of spaceboys! Come in! Come in!
That they did and James swooped in to give his three sons a hug, the biological, the in-law, and the adopted, in turn. Then came Darius and Mikado.
Amenaru: Dad, these are the cadets, Darius and Mikado. Darius's home is on a space station and Mikado has hardly ever set foot on a Carpathian planet, so I thought they would like being here.
Mikado: Just a few days on Berengaria for orientation. I couldn't get out much.
James: Welcome! We have the guest room set up for you downstairs. It's Ramla's old room, but she doesn't use it anymore. She left her old game machines behind, so you can use those as much as you like.
While James greeted the cadets, Amenaru moved on to Meri and gave her a hug.
Amenaru: How are your classes going, Meri?
Meri: Very good! Your tokki friend is cute! You think he'd model some of my outfit designs? I don't have anyone for boy clothes. Ramses is always so squirmy when I put anything on him.
Amenaru: Yeah, that sounds about normal for him. Speaking of...
Amenaru hadn't greeted Ramses yet and he glanced around for a moment until he found him. What he saw was unexpected, Ramses seemed frozen where he stood and it took a minute to figure out why. He had to look closely at Ramses's eyes and then follow them to where they were pointing, directly at Darius.
Amenaru: Uh, Ramses?
Ramses: You never said that Darius is nekomi!
This was true. Amenaru did mention to his dad that Mikado is tokki so that he would have plenty of food available for both him and Kit. For Darius, however, there was no need. They'd have plenty of food for Darius regardless. Amenaru cast a quick glance back in Darius's direction. If he'd heard anything, it didn't show. Darius was still exchanging greetings with his dad.
Amenaru: I didn't. That's not a problem, is it?
Amenaru didn't need to ask the question, for Ramses face, getting redder by the second, told him everything he needed to know.
Ramses: Ha ha! No problem at all!
James turned, smile on his face and entirely oblivious to Ramses's plight.
James: Care to show Darius and Mikado to their room so they can put their bags down, Ramses?
Ramses got through half a gasp before his throat caught, stopping it before it could finish. Meri, much quicker on the uptake than James, stepped in.
Meri: I'll do it. I live down there anyway, so I can show them around better.
James: Ah, well, off you go then. The rest of you get your bags upstairs and come back to set the table. I've almost got dinner ready. Ramses, go tell your mother that Amenaru is here and that dinner is nearly ready.
With a quick nod, Ramses bolted up the stairs like his tail was on fire. Amenaru did not go immediately, but stayed behind for a word with James.
Amenaru: Dad, I just wanted you to know that my command officer exam is still ongoing and I could be summoned away at any time. Knowing Commander Joust, I wouldn't be surprised if he showed up at the front door.
James: Right-o. I'll keep some lunchmeat in the fridge in case you have to grab and go.
Amenaru: I hope I'll have the time. I never know what Commander Joust is going to do, but it's good to have it there.
James: You'll do fine! Now go drop your bags and get ready for dinner!
Amenaru nodded and trotted up the stairs followed by Kit and Sylvar.
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