Carpathia IV: Episode 243 - Scaredy Bat
Ready Room, NCCS Shadowdancer-A
All quiet in the ready room when Aire stepped inside, a marked contrast to the flurry of activity that was, and still is, the bridge. Though he did not show it, he'd been busting for a pee since Amenaru called him out of bed, so his first destination was his secret potty between the credenza and the bar. After a satisfying constitutional, he exited and went around to the other side of his credenza. There, he had a closet with a couple of uniforms inside. He took one and, after removing his dressing gown, put it on. With a grunt, he plopped into his chair and called up all available information on Aionaptara.
While he read, he waited. And waited...
Aire: Joust, I know you're up there.
Aire continued scrolling through Aionaptara's file while silence prevailed. Undeterred, he tried again after a few minutes.
Aire: Joust, come down here.
More silence, and then the saddest, mousiest voice he ever heard penetrated the ceiling.
Joust: Don't wanna.
As much as Aire tried to sympathize with Joust's position, this was a serious situation and there was a lot of planning to do.
Aire: Come down, Joust.
Not quite over his head, but a bit in front of him and between the ripples in the ceiling, a service door opened. First, two squashed ears appeared and then, slowly, Joust's face, descended from the opening.
Aire: Now, Commander.
Joust gripped the edge of the opening and pulled the rest of his body through. With a flip, he landed in the chair. Still silent, ears still flattened on his head and wings folded tight to his back. He refused to look up at Aire.
Aire: You want to talk about it, Joust?
Joust gave a vigorous, jerky shake of his head.
Aire: In that case, shall we discuss who we're sending down? We need to have something for Admiral Zhang when she calls again, and it probably won't be too long.
Joust nodded.
Aire: We should start by deciding who should go on the initial scouting missions, assuming we can get at least an approximate fix on where Aionaptara might be. Any thoughts?
Joust kept his head down, twiddling his fingers together, while he answered.
Joust: We should... um... maybe make the mission voluntary. And we'll need a variety of people. Not... erm... too many, but enough to be prepared for anything.
Aire: Certainly. Someone from engineering and medical, as usual. Communications, of course. Shall we ask Kit?
Joust nodded.
Aire: Baal and Shep. Teek to fly the shuttle.
Another nod.
Aire: I think we need to address the obvious. If Aionaptara truly does not know that there are still aptarans in the universe, a bat on the team would be...
In a flash, Joust shot out of his chair and straight into the maintenance hatch, the door slamming shut with a great thunk. Aire's sympathy wore thin. There was work to do and he needed his First Officer.
Aire: Dammit, Joust!
Trex: Captain to the bridge.
Aire threw his head back and grunted, but immediately got out of his chair to find out what new bullshit awaited him.

Earlier, Bridge, NCCS Shadowdancer-A
The tension in the room did not drop when Aire disappeared into his ready room. If anything, Joust's disappearance into the ceiling made things worse. Trex studied the display on the Captain's console for a minute before breaking the silence.
Trex: Nalma, continuous tactical scans. Not sure it would help against Aionaptara, but it's worth a go.
Nalma: Agreed. Starting scans.
Trex: Phobos, work with Baal to find the best way through the gravity eddies when we get close. Kit, call Mikado back to the bridge to take over helm. Teek, I want you to work with Phobos and Baal when he gets here.
Teek: I'll be ready, Lieutenant.
Trex: Amenaru, do a review of all systems. Let's make sure everything is optimal efficiency.
Amenaru: On it, Lieutenant.
Trex: Shep, a review of security protocols regarding demigod encounters.
Shep: Reviewing protocols, lieutenant.
Trex leaned back in the chair, hoping that giving everyone something to do would help get everyone to focus better. She did not have a chance to relax for long before a familiar grey apparition materialized in front of her, taking the form of a squirrel.
Sassinesa: Did you say security protocols regarding demigod encounters? You wouldn't mean little old me, would you?
Trex: Well, as I live and breathe! You must be Sassinesa.
Sassinesa: And you're Trex! I saw you last time I was here but we've never met, but...
Sassinesa squashed up his body and clasped his paws on front of him, swaying back and forth like a bashful little girl.
Sassinesa: Has cute little Aire been talking about me?
Trex: He has, yes, but not recently. Today, we're running some exercises.
Sassinesa hunched his shoulders as his entire body sagged.
Sassinesa: Aw, did everyone forget about me already?
Trex: You're not easy to forget.
Sassinesa: That I am not! So, where are we going today?
Trex: Ah, that's the rub, isn't it? We're going to pay a visit to Aionaptara. Care to join us?
Sassinesa suddenly stood up straight and stiff, his eyes wide.
Sassinesa: Did you say Aionaptara?
Trex: Yup.
Sassinesa: Nope!
In stark contrast to his gradual fade-in earlier, this time, Sassinesa blinked out of existence in an instant, transforming into a little black cloud with an audible "thrrp" when he did. The cloud did not disappear immediately, though, but floated wearily away to the port side upper corner of the bridge.
Trex: Captain to the bridge.

Belying any hint of weariness or frustration, Aire scrambled down the stairs to the bridge. Trex stood immediately as his feet touched the last step.
Aire: Report.
Trex: Sassinesa has paid us a visit, Captain.
Aire immediately turned this way and that, then all the way around, but found nothing.
Aire: Didn't stay long?
Trex: Actually, Captain, he's still here. When he asked me where we were going, I told him, then he turned into a little fart cloud and then drifted up to the corner by the conference room.
Trex pointed to the aforementioned corner and Aire followed. Indeed, there was a little, whimpering cloud hovering by the conference room window. Aire put his hands on his hips and called out.
Aire: Sassy, come down from there.
Sassinesa: Don't wanna.
Aire threw his head back and grumbled, rubbing his forehead.
Aire: Sassinesa, you and I both know that you can leave anytime you want, and yet you're still here. Come down. Now.
The trembly little cloud hesitated, drifting left and then right before drifting slowly toward Aire, this time, fading in slowly. What stood before him was a sad, hunched little squirrel wringing his paws together.
Aire: I understand that you probably don't want to visit Aionaptara with us. However, we can share information. I can tell you what we've just learned and you can tell us what you know about him. Perhaps you know some things we don't.
Sassinesa: Well, okay, but let's not take too long with this. I don't want to get any closer to Aionaptara than I have to.
Aire: Your help is much appreciated, Sassinesa. Before we get to that, would you mind having a chat with my first officer? He's hiding in the ceiling somewhere.
Sassinesa: Oh! I was wondering why he was up there. I imagine he's no more keen on this than I am. No worries. I'll talk him down.
With a wave and a spread of his wings, so to speak, Sassinesa shot up to the service hatch on the ceiling and disappeared inside.
Aire: Ryuu, you'll join me in the ready room? Hopefully, this won't take too long.
Ryuu: Certainly.
Once again, Aire climbed the stairs to his ready room, this time, with Ryuu in tow.
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