Carpathia IV: Episode 25 - The Chase
Space, Centaurus Void, NCCS Shadowdancer
Mercifully, the ship quickly straightened out and hurtled directly toward the path of the Sentinel. Aire was finally able to relax his grip on the console and sit in his chair.
Adell: Status of Vashta ship.
Nalma: They are powering engines and changing course to follow.
Kit: They are now jamming our communications. I managed to get the distress call out before they did.
Adell tapped at his armrest console.
Adell: Minnie, I need all the speed you can give me.

Minnie: Understood, Captain.
Minnie tapped the communication pad, closing the connection before turning and shouting orders to her team.
Minnie: Max speed stations, everyone! Ramei, set all power dampeners to lowest resistance. Quenya, watch the temperature indicators on the nacelle coils. Let me know when they're close to the red zone.
Quenya hurried to the monitoring station for the nacelles and enlarged the display for the coil temperatures and found herself next to Ramei, who was already pulling on the levers to release the dampeners.
Quenya: What have I done?
Ramei patted Quenya on the shoulder with one hand while continuing to operate the levers with the other.
Ramei: I'm sure it wasn't your fault, but for now, just focus on the job. We can worry about other things later.
Quenya glanced in Ramei's direction and nodded tentatively and already trying to push her doubts from her mind. It would not be an easy task.
Quenya: Okay.

Adell: Speed.
Teek responded while keeping a tight grip on the shaking wheel.
Teek: Q11.772.
Nalma: Captain, they are faster than we are and they are gaining.
Adell: Ready on the disruptors and aft torpedoes.
Adell glanced at his shivering display and then turned to his first officer.
Adell: Suggestions? I don't want to engage them directly if we can avoid it.
Aire drummed his fingers on his armrest. He had already been considering Adell's question when he asked not only because Aire anticipated that his captain would want advice, but also to channel his troubling thoughts into something productive, taking what he knew of Ksenva to attempt to predict how she might react. She was calm and calculating, but also clearly not used to disrespect. This is a person, Aire thought, who is used to being in control and reacts rashly when that control is taken away. The goal would have to be to buy time to rendezvous with the Sentinel.
Aire: Primary objective should be to keep Ksenva off-balance. I think she'd be very prone to mistakes when she's not in control.
Adell: She does seem to be a bit rash when she doesn't get her way.
The next subject would be more difficult, but Aire was sure that Adell was thinking about it too.
Aire: We have many protocols for evading asteroids, but not much for an actual enemy, and even those have never been tested in a real situation.
Adell: I had thought of that. Any ideas?
Aire did, in fact, have ideas, but none of them fancy. Ordering and executing a complex series of evasive maneuvers would be impossible to execute efficiently without pre-programmed and well-rehearsed procedures. It was nice, though perhaps naive, that Carpathia needed little battle training before now, but that era of peace took its toll and they were now woefully unprepared for this. Aire pushed himself from his chair and hurried to the helm.
Aire: Teek, when the order is given, strafe either left or right, then reverse engines for a split second and slide in behind the Vashta ship. Can you do that?
Aire looked at Teek's hands clutching the quivering wheel, his green knuckles beginning to turn white from the strain.
Teek: It won't be easy at this speed, but I will give it my best.
Aire: You have my full authority to be as creative as you need to be to make it happen.
Aire turned to Amenaru next.
Aire: Amenaru, keep an eye on engineering systems. Minnie might be too busy down there to tell us of problems if things get hectic.
Amenaru: Yes, Commander.
Aire: Nalma, when we slip in behind, open fire with the disruptors.
Nalma: Yes, Commander. Did you want me to aim at anything in particular?
Aire opened his mouth, but no sound came out, suddenly realizing that they know nothing about any of the Vashta ship's potential vulnerabilities.
Adell: It would be best if we can do some damage to their engines. I suppose aiming for that big, red thing sticking out the back would be best.
Aire shrugged, unable to think of a better idea.
Aire: Right, aim for the nuclear wee wee, then.
Aire returned to his chair knowing that there was little hope that they wouldn't soon be in the midst of a firefight. He still wanted to ask Adell what he knew about this Empress Lazmaedia, whose name evoked such an uncharacteristically frenzied response in his captain, but that would have to wait. In the meantime, Aire thought of what they should do after the initial evasive maneuver he communicated to Teek. Without any procedures, he knew they would have to make everything up as went and his mind was awash in dozens of possibilities. While Aire thought, Adell leaned over and spoke to him quietly so that only he could hear.
Adell: Lazmaedia the Devourer. That's her name. It was thought that she died thousands of years ago, but it's possible she didn't.
Adell sighed heavily while Aire waited for him to continue.
Adell: I'll read you in once we escape. For now, understand that if Lazmaedia isn't dead and Ksenva serves her, then that would make her extremely dangerous.
Aire: Classified info?
Adell: For captains and above until now. We all thought the chances of meeting another one were very slim.
Before Aire had a chance to ask what Adell meant by "another one," Nalma called out from his station.
Nalma: They are almost within our weapons range. It's a good bet that we'll be in theirs soon if we aren't already.
Adell stood to address the bridge crew.
Adell: Listen up! Our goal is to evade and dodge as much as we can until the Sentinel arrives. Two against one should be good odds for us. Before then, we're going to have to do a lot of improvising, so stay sharp and focus on your work.
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