Carpathia IV: Episode 279 - The Hand
New Berengaria
New Berengaria, the first planet of the Carpathian commonwealth and home to the capitol, Carpathia City. A peaceful planet, but one currently beset by intense anxiety. Those with means, if not already self-evacuated, at least considered the idea. As for the rest, which was most people, some waited. Some protested. Some made demands of the government. Nobody was immune from the common feeling of anxiety and dread.
The only good news, if it could be called that, was that doom was at least weeks away, as the Blood Agony had a low top speed. Still time to assess and figure out to do. At least, that's what most people thought...

Nobody saw it coming, not until it was already too late. Two Vashta ships appeared seemingly out of nowhere towing bulbous device between them. The two ships circled the planet once and then released their payload over their target, each peeling away to make their escape. Those on the ground stood little chance.

NCCS Shadowdancer-A
For Amenaru, dropping the cytos at their new planet was a bittersweet experience. It was the same planet where he died several months ago. Naturally, Aire provided the cytos with information on the stabby flora, along with technology to identify edibles and a hastily-built, portable communication station. Hana, along with five other cytos, remained on board. As they returned to space, attention shifted to getting the ship back to its usual organization. For that, Tamati volunteered for the cargo bay. With his tablet, he directed the crew where to move things.
Tamati: Okay, we're going to put the medical supplies close to the door. Let's start with the radiation therapy.
As Tamati directed the crew on the organization, Quenya sprinted up behind him.
Quenya: Lieutenant!
Tamati turned and smiled as Quenya approached, his nurse instincts forcing him to give her a quick look up and down in case she was there about some sort of malady.
Tamati: Hello there, Quenya. Everything okay?
Quenya: I'm fine! It's just that Chief has the engines running really well and suggested that I find something that needs doing. She said that's what we should do in times like these.
Tamati: She's right, you know. Not only does that help get things done that might not get done, but we all need a change of pace in times like this.
Quenya: Is that why you're here?
Tamati: That's right. I also wanted the medical supplies in a place that's quicker and easier to access, so I volunteered.
Quenya: Can I help?
Tamati: Well, let's see then. Where do you think Minnie would like some of the engineering spare parts? Fair warning, I'm not moving any of the medical equipment!
Quenya: That's fair. Let me see what we've got here.
Before Tamati could hand over his tablet, the familiar, and somewhat dreaded sound of a three-note whistle came over the speakers. The Captain was about to speak, and this was rarely good news.
Aire: Attention crew, this is your Captain.
There was a waver in Aire's voice. One that he was clearly trying to cover up, but could not, which alarmed both Tamati and Quenya even more.
Aire: A few hours ago, two Vashta ships appeared near New Berengaria towing a bomb. The two ships reached Carpathia City before any of our ships could intercept and dropped the bomb. Carpathia City and roughly 5000 square kilometers around it have been destroyed. Lord Krek and half the admiralty are missing and presumed dead. Vice Lord Flinn is in the secondary capital of Lhun and has assumed control. I will keep you updated as we learn more. Sylvar and Ryuu to my ready room immediately. Aire out.
As Aire's voice faded away with his last two words, those in the cargo bay were left only with the ambient noises of the ship. Nobody spoke. Nobody moved, too stunned to speak. Tamati finally broke the silence.
Tamati: Did you... have any family in Carpathia City?
Quenya slowly shook her head.
Quenya: Almost everyone I know is in Rune Lake. I talked to Uncle Reuli a few days ago and he is on Andrast. How about you?
Tamati: Perihana. Floristica. No Carpathia City, but I'm going to check later.
Tamati raised his head and voice, addressing the rest of the crew in the cargo bay.
Tamati: If anyone needs to call someone, consider yourself dismissed. We can find others to help.
Some of the crew darted out of the cargo bay immediately in a flat run. Others, still shell shocked, took their time and plodded away, leaving behind five crew plus Tamati and Quenya.
Tamati: You should call too, just for peace of mind if nothing else.
Quenya: I was just thinking that. I mean, I think I know where everyone is, but I can't be completely sure.
With a nod, Quenya ran off, turning back to Tamati for a brief moment.
Quenya: I'll be back as soon as I'm sure!

Ready Room, NCCS Shadowdancer-A
Aire paced in front of his desk, awaiting Ryuu and Sylvar. As soon as he heard the door chime, he rushed to his chair and sat.
Aire: Come in!
The door slid open, revealing Sylvar and Ryuu.
Aire: Have a seat. I know Voxx is probably consulting with what's left of our government right now, but I want you two to tell me what the hell is going on.
Sylvar and Ryuu rushed in and were already in their chairs by the time Aire finished.
Ryuu: If you're wondering how they avoided all of your sensor nets, I think they used a wormhole. We know they have the tech because that's how the Blood Agony arrived. We experimented with the technology long ago, but it failed most of the time. Most of the successes were unstable and dangerous. I think we were able to make two or three that were safe.
Sylvar: I'd only heard rumors about it.
Aire: So, now what? Should we be expecting Vashta ships to start popping out of nowhere?
Ryuu shook his head.
Ryuu: I don't know much for certain, but you won't mind if I speculate?
Aire: I'll take what I can get.
Ryuu: I don't think we can expect Vashta ships popping out of nowhere. The Blood Agony surely has enough power to make a wormhole, but I doubt their first try was successful. My guess is that they lost a few ships at least before finally getting that pair through. For the Blood Agony, they'd have had to make a powerplant the size of a moon to make a wormhole big and stable enough for that.
Aire: Some good news in there, at least. Still, this is a crippling blow.
Sylvar: Captain, do you think you could get a copy of the data from the Neptunus before conversion? I feel like there must be something about wormholes buried somewhere in the data. I'd like to look for it.
Aire: I will do my best to get you that information. It might take some time, given that everything is in chaos right now, but I won't stop pushing the issue. I'll let Amenaru know too, so he can supervise.
Aire's console chimed, immediately redirecting his attention.
Aire: It's Admiral Zhang. I'll ask if you can stay.
Aire tapped a few buttons and Admiral Zhang appeared on the screen.
Aire: Admiral, I have Ryuu and Sylvar here with me if that's okay.
Admiral Zhang: That's fine, Aire. The Blood Agony has changed course again and is headed straight for Polaris Deep. It won't get here for over a week, but we are evacuating. Your orders are evacuate the silmarite mines in the Melosh system. Collect as much of the silmarite as you can, but be quick. After that, you'll return to Polaris Deep to assist in the evacuation.
Aire gave a quick nod and hit his bridge communicator.
Aire: Teek, change course to the Melosh system. Q14.
Teek: Changing course, Captian. Q14.
Aire shifted back to Admiral Zhang.
Aire: Any other news, Admiral?
Admiral Zhang: Not much. Rescue efforts are still in early stages. Vice Lord Flinn is Lord now. We're not waiting to find out if Lord Krek survived or not. I have been promoted to fleet admiral. Our goals are to get a functioning government and admiralty back together as quickly as possible, get people out of harm's way, and continue rescue efforts. Also, it appears that most, if not all, of the other Vashta ships have returned to the Blood Agony's hangar.
Aire: More than a little news. Thanks for the update. Sylvar would like to study the computer data from the Vashta ship we captured.
Admiral Zhang: I'll see what I can do. Zhang out.
Admiral Zhang disappeared from the screen and Aire turned back to Ryuu and Sylvar.
Aire: If there's nothing else, I need to get to the bridge. Dismissed.
Ryuu exited through the Deck One door, headed for the lift, while Aire and Sylvar walked to the stairs. Aire took his captain's chair while Sylvar took the seat next to Amenaru and had a conversation.
Aire: Our orders are to evacuate the miners at the Melosh system. We're also...
Kit: Captain, I'm receiving a general broadcast on all channels. Audio and video.
Aire: Viewer.
A dark-skinned Vashta woman appeared on the viewer, far darker than any other vashtari they'd ever seen, with skin only just a hair lighter than Lazmaedia herself. If that weren't enough to signify her importance, her ornate headdress and gold jewellery let everyone know, even the ones who didn't know the Vashta hierarchy, that this was someone of extreme importance. She glared into the viewer, emotionless and yet somehow radiating malice all at the same time. When she spoke, her words came slowly, as though she considered carefully each one as they came.
The Hand: I am... The Hand... of Lazmaedia. You cannot defeat us. All belongs to the Great and Mighty Empress Lazmaedia. You will stand down your defences and surrender yourself to her will. This is your only chance. Continue to resist and be destroyed. Resistance is hopeless.
With that, The Hand disappeared from the screen, leaving everyone to wonder what they could possibly do next.
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