Carpathia IV: Episode 282 - Rescue Team
Shuttle Bay, NCCS Shadowdancer-A
Aire flitted around the ship checking the progress of the various projects, but none moreso than the car modifications. As much as he tried not to impose as he knew he had no business getting involved in technical things, he couldn't help himself. Minnie seemed to expect this, as she consistently sent spacehands to run interference and provide updates. Even though he understood why she did this, and even agreed with it, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of irritation. This time, arriving back in the shuttle bay, managed to keep himself away for an entire 30 minutes. This time, Minnie herself came to give him updates.
Minnie: Long time no see, Captain.
Aire scrunched up his face. Again, as much as he would like to say something, the sarcasm was on point, so he held his tongue.
Aire: Har har. Where are we at?
Minnie: Going very well! Phobos in particular has been a major help with the engine designs. He's helped us simplify it so that we can build faster. He's the one who got us on track to remember that these only need to be used a couple of times. It's harder for the rest of us to think in those terms.
Aire: That's good to hear. Phobos is back to his old self, then?
Minnie: Personality-wise, he's better. As far as his capabilities as an officer are concerned, yes, we can trust him now.
Aire: That's great news, both for him and us. Phobos!
Phobos, fortunately not with his hands on anything at that moment, turned and rushed to Aire, ears up and pointed forward.
Phobos: Captain!
Aire: I'm going to send Teek down. I think you're the best person to educate him on everything he needs to know about this engine.
Phobos: I was thinking the same thing, Captain. It's a good, solid design, but it does have some peculiarities.
Aire: In that case, I'll send him right down.
Phobos: Good idea. I was about to suggest that. It'll be good for him to attend the rest of the assembly so that I can point out things he'll need to know.
Aire: Then I'll let you get back to work. Minnie, we'll be going over the rescue team soon. If you have any recommendations, send them up. We're going to be very choosey, since we can only take as many as can fit in the car, minus two, of course.
Minnie: I already have ideas. I'll have a list sent up within the hour.
Aire: Perfect. I'll leave you all to it.
With a nod, Aire turned and left the shuttle bay, back to his ready room.

Ready Room, NCCS Shadowdancer-A, One hour later
Rather than just send a memo to Aire's ready room, Minnie showed up herself and Aire invited her in to join Joust and Trex. Minnie pulled a chair out from the lounge in the back and, with everyone cozy, they began the discussion.
Aire: This is not an easy away team to assemble, but we need to do it quickly so that they can get prepared. While it would be nice to sneak in, get Quenya and Sylvar, and sneak out, that is highly unlikely. From what we've learned, their guards are highly skilled, and I think we need people who are both capable and able to fight in unconventional ways to keep them off balance.
Trex: The first person that comes to mind is Phobos. Nobody would expect his capabilities from looking at him.
Minnie: I thought of Phobos first too, but as devastating as it would be for anyone to be killed or captured, it would be catastrophic if the Vashta captured him and started learning from his technology.
Aire: The thought also crossed my mind and I wondered if you would agree. Joust?
Joust: Agreed. We can't send Phobos.
Aire: That's a shame, since he would be a major asset. Who else do you recommend?
Minnie: We've already discussed Teek. He's the top choice to drive the car and he has scythe experience.
Joust: Teek is the one must-have.
Aire: Right. Trex, you're better at security tech and Shep has more field experience. One of you will stay here and one of you will go. Which should it be?
Trex: I don't see any reason why it can't be both of us. Each of us has skills the other lacks and we have many highly qualified people who can take over here in our absence.
Minnie: We need the best odds of success and having both on the team will make that happen.
Aire took a deep breath and drummed his fingers on his desk.
Aire: I have to admit, the thought of losing more than just them is a heavy weight. This mission will be exceptionally dangerous. I can't even begin to guess the possibility of success. I hope this is the right call.
Joust: Captain, there isn't anyone on this ship who doesn't want to get them back. Also, tactically, I still think it's a good move. We've been on the back foot for too long. We need to start taking initiative.
Aire: In that case, both Trex and Shep. Who else?
Joust: Amenaru and Kit. They can transform and will be really useful for stealth. Even if they are spotted, any Vashta would be so confused that we'd have time to jump them.
Trex: They can also fit into tight spaces if we need that.
Aire: Joust, you'd be a surprise to them too.I want you to command the mission.
Joust: I expected that you'd ask me. I accept.
Aire: I want someone from medical and not Sorchae this time. Tamati, is it?
Trex: He'll be an asset. We might need someone strong and he's one of the strongest on the ship.
Aire: That leaves two more slots. Baal?
At this point, with the most obvious roles filled, the rest struggled to come up with ideas and each spent some time mulling over the idea of Baal.
Trex: Baal is certainly capable and it might be beneficial to have him there if we run across any other demons. Unfortunately, I can't think of anything else unique that he'd bring to this particular mission.
Minnie: Similar for me and Ramei. Engineers could be useful, but with Teek and Trex, you've got the tech expertise you need.
Joust: I have an unconventional idea. How about Tuomas? He has Wishmaster's fire ability and he's dragon trained.
Trex: Oh, yes! If we find ourselves in a spot of bother, he would be glorious to have around. I think only The Hand would stand a chance against him.
Aire: That complicates things a little, since I can't order him to go, but I think he'll probably be willing.
Aire reached up and tapped the bridge call button on his computer.
Kit: Kit here, Captain.
Minnie: I have one more unorthodox suggestion first.
Aire: Kit, send Tuomas to my ready room and await further instructions.
Kit: Understood, Captain. I'll keep the line open.
Minnie: Mikado is also a scythe user too. I think he and Teek would make a good team.
Trex: They won't see that coming. Everything we do to keep them guessing is to our benefit.
With a nod, Aire leaned back into his communicator.
Aire: Kit, send up Mikado too.
Kit: Contacting Mikado, Captain.
Aire: Okay, that's capacity. Once we assemble the team, we can plan infiltration methods and I'll check with Nalma to see if we have a suitable hiding spot for Shadowdancer.
Before anyone could offer their thoughts, a thumping noise came from the door leading to the lift. Silence, while all looked at each other, puzzled, and then thumping again.
Minnie: Is someone... knocking?
Trex: Only one person on this ship who doesn't know what a door chime is. Permission to get the door, Captain?
Aire: Ah, Hana. Yes, please do, Trex.
Trex: With pleasure!
Trex sprung from her chair and rushed to the door. Upon opening it, they found their expected globular visitor who wasted no time bouncing inside.
Aire: Always a pleasure, Hana. What brings you here?
Hana: I hear that you will go save Sylvar and Quenya.
Aire: That's true. We're planning that right now.
Hana: I want to help.
Aire paused, considering his reply. His first instinct was to express his regrets, but as the seconds ticked by, his mind became awash with possibility. Possibility that the others in attendance also considered.
Joust: You know, Hana fits the criteria. He has unique abilities. The Vashta would never predict anything like him coming. Finally, he would be able to squeeze into the car no matter how close to capacity we are.
Aire reached the same conclusion, but he still needed Hana to understand the situation, a difficult prospect. The front of the ready room was about to get a little crowded with Tuomas and Mikado on their way, so he decided a change would be in order.
Aire: In that case, Minnie, Trex, thank you for your advice. Joust and I will take it from here. You're dismissed.
Minnie and Trex: Yes, Captain.
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