Carpathia IV: Episode 294 - Pitchfork
Polaris Deep
Much had changed in the short time that Aire met with Admiral Zhang. The docking port, previously quiet, now buzzed with frantic activity, with crate after crate being rushed aboard. Not wanting to disrupt the flow, important as it was, he waited for a gap, as though sneaking into a faster lane during rush hour, and ran onto the ship. Inside, things were no less hectic. Though the cargo bay was far from full, he could see that it would be shortly. Keen to let everyone do their jobs and not get underfoot, he made his way to the lift.
Once in the lift, Aire finally had a chance to breathe a sigh of relief, outside of the view of prying eyes. He was still captain. This was still his ship. Admiral Zhang was right. He probably wouldn't be so lucky a third time and he hoped there wouldn't be a third time. The lift ride was short and soon the doors opened allowing him to step onto the bridge.
Trex: Captain on the bridge!
Aire's eyes panned across the room, finally landing on Joust who, somewhat distressingly, was holding a pitchfork in his hand.
Aire: You told them.
Joust: I did, Captain. We were planning a protest, but considering that you're here and still in a captain's uniform, I assume things went well.
Aire: Well enough, all things considered. As you were.
The bridge crew resumed their duties while Aire took his chair.
Aire: I feel like it would be a waste of time to ask you where you got that pitchfork.
Joust: Ah, you know, Captain. When doing a protest, gotta look the part, right?
Aire: I don't think that things would go well for you if you marched up to Admiral Zhang's office with a pitchfork.
Joust: We'll never know now, will we? Anyway, do we have orders?
Aire: I learned a lot up there. It seems our unauthorized mission did some real damage to the Blood Agony. The dragons just completed a flyby and did an assessment. They estimate 50% overall reduction in operational capacity. Lord Flinn and the admiralty seems to think that we might have a chance in a full assault. Our orders are to accompany the Elai ringship to bring critical equipment and personnel to Tokkastra while the leadership looks for an avenue of attack.
Joust: Let's hope they think of something quickly.
Aire: Yes, but for now, we do our jobs. Redouble efforts to get the cargo bay loaded as efficiently as possible. We'll be riding in the Elai ship's wake to get to Tokkastra faster. Delegate, Commander. I want you rested and fully healed if we do launch an assault.
Joust: I promise to take it easy.
Satisfied, Aire turned to the comm station.
Aire: Kit, call Reylen to the bridge.
Kit: Yes, Captain.

Ten minutes elapsed before the lift doors behind Aire opened and Reylen rushed out.
Reylen: Sorry, Captain. I was on a call with the Elai ringship. You wanted to see me?
Aire stood and gave his uniform a tug.
Aire: Yes, Reylen. To my ready room.
Reylen: After you, Captain.
With Reylen following behind, Aire ascended the stairs, looking forward sharing a drink with someone not yelling at him. The situation took a turn, however, when he opened his door and froze the moment he stepped inside.
Aire: Sassy?
There he was, the familiar grey and white squirrel, sitting in his chair with his feet propped up on his desk.
Sassinesa: About time! I've been waiting!
Aire took a few more steps in, allowing Reylen to enter and let the door shut.
Aire: First of all, get out of my chair.
Sassinesa: Right-o!
Sassinesa took a leap from Aire's chair and did a short glide, very short, as it was only a few meters, to one of the guest chairs. Aire immediately occupied his own chair to prevent any more interloping.
Reylen: Should I come back another time, Captain?
Aire: Not at all. Have a seat. Sassinesa, I'm actually glad you're here. I'd like to ask you some things, but why did you wait? You usually just appear right in front of me.
Sassinesa: I just wanted to see how you're doing. There's been a lot of demigod chatter, you know. Everyone knows that Lazmaedia is near.
Aire: I'm doing as well as can be expected under the circumstances. It looks like a battle is coming. Do you think the other demigods would be keen to help?
Sassinesa shook his head vigorously, sending little bits of fur flying around the room.
Sassinesa: Oh hell no. They're terrified. Word is that Aionaptara is on the move somewhere though.
Aire: Good news, I think, but we can't plan anything based on what we think he might do. There's something I'd like to ask you.
Previously somber, Sassinesa's face lit up as though someone flipped a swtich.
Sassinesa: Oh really! A question? For little me? Do you need me for something?
Aire: Erm, yes. I suppose I do.
Sassinesa: Say it! Say you need me!
Aire grimaced, but did as Sassinesa said.
Aire: Yes, yes. I need you.
Sassinesa: Pbbtht. I expected a little more emotion than that. So go ahead and ask your dumb question.
Aire: Sorry, Sassy. It's been a long week. Thing is, Lazmaedia has visited the Shadowdancer twice so far, in this room.
Sassinesa's coquettish smile disappeared in an instant, transforming into pure horror as he dropped from his chair and cowered under the desk.
Aire: She's not here now!
Sassinesa: You don't know that!
This was true. For all Aire knew, Lazmaedia could be listening in right now.
Aire: That's true, but we can't let paranoia get to us. Both times that she's come aboard, she did so without our knowledge. I want to know if there's any way we can prevent any demigod incursions.
Sassinesa poked his head above the desk before finally returning to his chair.
Sassinesa: Not prevent...
Sassinesa's voice trailed off, leaving Aire with only one question, something he would not or could not say.
Aire: Something else, then?
Sassinesa: Well... there is a way to detect demigod intrusions, but the other demigods will not be happy at all if I tell you how to do it.
Aire thought for a moment, but he simply had no leverage. No brig could hold him. Security would be ineffective. Then, he felt a disgust welling up within himself for even considering the idea of forcing him to comply. Circumstances were dire, of course, but he wondered if he might be in danger of losing himself. Rather than dwell, Aire gave as sensible a response as he could think of.
Aire: Is there any way to come to a solution that works for both of us?
Sassinesa: Maybe. I could modify your sensors myself but not tell you how I did it.
Aire: That might work. I'd have to get approval from Admiral Zhang. Minnie should be on board with the plan too, but she'll take some convincing. Reylen, do you think your people would be interested?
Reylen: Certainly. Knowing is better than not knowing, at least.
Sassinesa: Just the two of you, then. I can't go around making changes to a million ships.
Aire: That's far. Now that I think about it, it was rude of me to mention it, but if you're willing, then I'll contact Admiral Zhang right away. We're only here for another day, so I assume you'll need to get started.
Sassinesa: Yes, but I can go with you. You're going to Tokkastra right? I love tokki! And I get to spend more time with you too!
Aire: Still, best to get things moving. Are you ready for me to contact Admiral Zhang?
Sassinesa: Hang on. I just want to be clear about the conditions. One, I do this only for your two ships. Two, Reylen, you'll introduce me to some nice, horny tokki. Three, don't tell any other demigods. And four, I will program it to detect demigods, but exclude myself. Life would be just that much less fun if I couldn't surprise you!
Aire: I agree. Reylen?
Reylen: We'll have no trouble rounding up some willing tokki.
Aire: Let's begin.
Aire tapped at his console, making ready to contact all necessary people.
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