Carpathia IV: Episode 36 - The Greatest Adventure
Space, Polaris Deep, NCCS Sentinel
Officer's Quarters
Amenaru emerged from his new quarters having finally hauled the last box from the Shadowdancer. Next would be a trip to sick bay to do something about the scratches littering his body and face. Pondering the memories he saw from Ryuu, he wandered away from his new quarters, lost in thought, before pausing for a moment to remember how to get to sick bay on the Sentinel. It was then that he was interrupted by Kit.
Kit: Hey, what happened to you?
Startled, Amenaru twitched before turning to find Kit trotting after him. Absentmindedly, he reached up and tapped one of the scratches on his face.
Amenaru: Ah, this is nothing. It'll just take me a few minutes to get fixed up in sick bay. What about you? Did you get your stuff over here?
Kit: I just brought my clothes and a few little things.
Amenaru was only half listening and mouthed a distracted response.
Amenaru: Yeah. Clothes.
Kit tilted his head to the side and blinked several times.
Kit: Were you listening?
Amenaru's ears fluttered, neatly mimicking the reactivation of his brain.
Amenaru: Huh? Oh! Right. Um... Sorry. I was thinking about something.
Kit's ears pitched forward.
Kit: Like what?
Amenaru: You remember when we were running away from those blob monsters that were shooting glue at us? We stopped because Commander Unas's face was covered in glue and he couldn't breathe.
Kit: Yes?
Amenaru: While you were cutting the glue from his nose, several big rocks suddenly shot out of the ground. I thought there were more blob monsters under us, but now that I know what Commodore Amaranth can do with stones and other materials, I wonder...
Kit: Sorry, I didn't notice.
Amenaru: Yeah, you were busy. It's just a lot to process.
Kit put his hand on Amenaru's back and steered him down the corridor.
Kit: There's plenty of time for that. Let's go find sick bay.

Ready Room
With his rounds completed, Aire was satisfied with the condition of the Sentinel. All departments reported ready and the last step was to deliver his report to Commodore Amaranth. He stood before the ready room doors, concerned, for Adell had been a somewhat distant since their dinner together after arriving at the station, keeping to himself and giving short, terse orders. With the time of departure growing near, he hoped to see Adell back to his vigorous, talkative self soon.
Aire tapped the call button beside the ready room door and waited.
Adell: Come in.
Aire opened the doors and stepped inside, finding Adell in his chair, turned away from him.
Aire: I've finished my pre-departure inspection, Commodore. Everything is ready.
Adell turned his chair halfway, so that only the side of his face was visible. His eyes downturned and lacking their usual vigor, Adell seemed older and more worn.
Adell: Thank you. I had a tour a few hours ago. The Sentinel is a fine ship.
Aire: Indeed, she is.
Aire paused, but no response was forthcoming from Adell, who remained as he was, motionless. Aire took a deep breath. He did not know how his next question would fare with his newly moody Commodore.
Aire: Is everything okay, Commodore?
Adell's eyes darted toward Aire for just a second before returning to their melancholy state.
Adell: After we got back to the station, I had some time to reflect. I had some good memories back on Yseri, but some bad ones too. I know you saw Ryuu's memories, but it's not quite the same as being there with Wishmaster staring you down. The sound of a dragon and a demigod fighting to the death. The sight of a monster tearing your friend to pieces.
Aire stepped forward and quietly sat down in the chair opposite Adell and waited for him to continue. Adell finally turned his chair completely and faced Aire directly.
Adell: My friends, especially Jaze and Toma, had it way worse than I did. When you find yourself surrounded by hopelessness, alone, and with no possibility of reprieve or reward, what do you do?
Adell paused and gazed upon Aire earnestly. It was an impossible question, and surely Adell knew this, yet he still awaited an answer.
Aire: I don't know.
Adell nodded gravely.
Adell: I don't suppose anyone knows until they've been there.
Adell turned his chair again, facing the window as he drummed his fingers on the desk.
Adell: I had a daughter, you know. Deimos was the counterpart to Phobos. They were just robots at first, sophisticated, yes, but still just robots. The wormhole energy that gave them sentience didn't work right away. It was a slow transformation. So slow that I didn't even realize that I was helping Artemis raise two kids. Deimos sacrificed herself so that we could go home. It wasn't until later that I truly realized what I had.
Arie watched as Adell wiped his cheek, though no tears appeared present. Adell turned in his chair again, this time leaning in close on the desk.
Adell: A word of advice, if you're interested.
Aire: Of course.
Adell: The universe is full of wonders that seem like magic and terrors beyond anyone's imagination. It makes you wonder and fantasize about what was and what could be. Still, whatever happens, don't ever forget to pay attention to what's happening right in front of you. Your greatest adventure might be staring you right in the face. It only needs your attention.
Aire nodded solemnly.
Aire: I'll try to remember that.
Adell stood and straightened his uniform.
Adell: The time for pouting is over, I suppose. Shall we address the crew before we depart?

Adell stood at the front of the bridge, while all the officers turned their chairs to face him.
Adell: You know the stakes. Hopefully, we won't encounter Ksenva again, but we are going to be prepared if we do. Our orders from Admiral Zhang are multifaceted. Our most important duty is to escort and protect the Furious Spectre. We will assist her in deploying the sensor modules across the Void. If Ksenva or anyone else flies through the sensor net, we will know. If we encounter the ship Ksenva is looking for, we are to intercept it at all costs, hopefully befriending its occupants. Finally, we will be running battle drills, and I expect you to know the Condition Red procedures by heart. We depart in five hours and I expect everything at peak readiness.
A chorus of "Yes, Commodore!" rang out throughout the bridge as Adell returned to his chair.
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