Carpathia IV: Episode 38 - Mind Games
Space, NCCS Sentinel
Not even wanting to overlook even the slightest deviation, Minnie checked over systems performance again as she had done many times before over the last hour. The numbers checked out again, as they always had, but she knew this was likely to change if battle commenced.
Minnie: Is the backup core ready?
Ramei: We've gone over the numbers a dozen times. It is ready to connect if we need it.
Minnie: Good. Activate the shielding around the primary core and check the numbers again. I'm not leaving anything to chance!
Ramei: On it, Chief!

Tension built rapidly on the bridge as they neared the intercept coordinates. The Vashta ship they sought was surely Ksenva's and closing fast. The other, chased by Furious Spectre, they did not know.
Teek: We have arrived at the coordinates.
Adell: All stop. Position us directly in the path of the Vashta ship. She'll try to swerve around us, so keep us in her path at all times.
Teek: Yes, Commodore.
Adell: Bugs, finger on the weapons if she tries to pass us.
Nalma: Ready, Commodore.
Adell: Time to intercept?
Amenaru: Around five minutes, depending on how she reacts.
Behind Adell, standing next to Teren with his arms folded, stood Artemis, who was not pleased about the plan currently being executed.
Artemis: I'm glad we left Phobos back at the station if you're going to play chicken with a battleship.
Adell: We have to get her to stop somehow, and the longer we can postpone a firefight, the better.
At the front, with one hand on the wheel and the other on the throttle, Teek engaged in a struggle keeping the Sentinel in line with the approaching Vashta vessel.
Teel: Commodore, she's trying to get around us.
Aire: You're doing fine, Teek. Stay with her.
Amenaru: The Vashta ship is slowing down.
Adell sat up straight in his chair, now clear on what he needed to do next.
Adell: Good. We're going to execute attack pattern Delta-Four. When the Vashta ship comes to a halt, get us as close as you can. Be ready to back off and circle strafe around her on command. Bugs, ready with the nacelle cannons. Everyone, stay sharp and focus on your tasks. I'm going to use the ability Hades gave me to reach into the ship to find some kind of stone or metal I can manipulate.
Amenaru: The Vashta ship is at full stop, 500 meters off the bow.
Kit: They are hailing.
Adell stood and straightened his uniform, taking a deep breath.
Adell: Teek, bring us in close and keep them slightly off our port. Kit, on viewer.
Adell held out his hand as Ksenva appeared on the viewer, looking even more cross than usual. An expression that lasted all of a second, as she was quickly taken aback to see his familiar face on a different ship. Adell moved his hand in front of him, probing the materials of the ship to find the bridge.
Ksenva: You again!
Adell: Hi there. Yes, it's me.
Adell pushed forward with his mind, continuing to probe the ship. He knew it would take some time to find the bridge. As expected, all of the materials he encountered were highly processed alloys, which he could not manipulate. First, he needed to find something that felt like the shape of the bridge he was looking at and hope that there was something he could use there.
Ksenva: I see they gave you a new ship, Captain.
Ksenva ended her sentence with a sneer on the final word.
Adell: Actually, it's Commodore now, thank you very much. I was promoted.
Ksenva crinkled her brow, watching Adell's curiously mysterious arm movements.
Ksenva: Ugh, never mind that. I have no quarrel with you. Stand aside and allow me to deal with our fugitives. After that, we shall leave and never return.
Adell allowed himself a slight eye-roll, knowing that nobody could possibly believe her claim that she would not return.
Adell: Oh, so they're fugitives now. Last time, you said they were lost.
Ksenva bit her lip, visibly growing more impatient.
Ksenva: It does not matter! You will stand aside and allow me to proceed!
Adell: I'm afraid I can't do that, Madam. They have entered Carpathian space and therefore shall be dealt with according to Carpathian law.
Ksenva's chest heaved and her lip twitched, clear signals that Ksenva's limited patience was near breaking point. Adell allowed himself a slight, wry smirk as he was sure he found the bridge at the extreme limit of his range. The shape and texture of the materials he sensed matched what he was seeing on the viewer. All he needed to do was find something that he could use.
Ksenva: The Great and Mighty Empress Lazmaedia does not recognize your laws. All belongs to her.
Adell: I know her kind. Just another cartoony loudmouth who thinks she owns everything. Now, I shall give you one last chance. Leave our space immediately or we will use force.
The offer was merely a formality, for Adell knew, as everyone else did, that it would be highly unlikely that she would take it. Meanwhile, Ksenva's face contorted as she curled her shaking fingers into claws. At the same time, Adell pinched his fingers. He found something on the Vashta bridge. It was small, but it was something.
Ksenva: You are an absurd, puny little creature to think you can stand up against our Great and Mighty Empress.
Ksenva's head twitched as though a fly were trying to land on her face.
Ksenva: What is this you do with your hand? Cease immediately.
Not that anyone expected Ksenva to turn tail and fly back whence she came, Adell had confirmation enough. He decided to wrap his hand around whatever he was sensing on the bridge of the Vashta ship and yank.
Ksenva: OW!
Ksenva cried out as one of her earrings tore away from her, taking a bit of skin with it. She dropped to her knees as two officers on her bridge rushed to comfort her. Adell grimaced in faux concern.
Adell: Oh, that was an earring. Sorry about that. You might want to have that looked at.
Ksenva's eyes widened while Adell felt around for something else he could use. Soon, he found something in the ceiling.
Adell: What's this? It seems like a damaged power transfer node. You've banged in a piece of raw copper for the new casing, haven't you?
Ksenva swatted away the two officers and stood, still clutching her damaged ear.
Ksenva: You're in league with the Wishmaster! The Great and Mighty Empress Lazmaedia said he was dead!
Adell made sure he had a good feel on the copper in the power transfer node and grinned.
Adell: In league? No. Your Lazmaedia was right about one thing, though. He is dead.
Adell lowered his head and grinned even more broadly.
Adell: I helped kill him.
Adell clenched his hand into a fist and the power transfer node above Ksenva's head exploded into a shower of sparks. For one brief moment, Adell saw the lights flicker on the bridge and Ksenva cover her face just before the viewscreen went black.
Aire: Attack plan Delta-Four now!
Nalma: Firing cannons!
Teek: Initiating starboard circle-strafe!
The two nacelles fired a powerful and steady stream of plasma at the Vashta ship as the Sentinel circled around, taking advantage of Ksenva's chaotic distraction.
Amenaru: We have breached their shields. They are receiving damage to their hull!
As soon as Amenaru made the announcement, the cannons stopped firing.
Nalma: That's it. We'll need ten minutes to cool down.
Adell: Switch to conventional weapons. Teek, back us off.
The Sentinel moved away, delivering a volley of disruptor fire as it went while the sawblade on the Vashta ship began to spin.
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