Carpathia IV: Episode 44 - Making Peace
Space, NCCS Sentinel
Though Aire promised he'd send Amenaru to sick bay to tend his arm when things quieted down more, he realized quickly that quiet time wouldn't happen for awhile. This, Aire decided, would be as quiet as it was going to get for awhile and gave Amenaru leave from the bridge to look at his arm.
A trip to sick bay meant a chance to see Kit and for this, Amenaru was a bit more excited than a normal person would be at the prospect of a visit to the doctor. As such, he was notably more squirmy while Tamati was examining his arm.
Tamati: Hold still, ya little bugger. I need to scan you.
Amenaru's squriminess subsided, but only slightly, as he glanced around the room.
Amenaru: How's Kit?
Tamati: He'll be fine. Just needs fluids and a few days rest.
Amenaru smiled and then winced when Tamati pinched his arm. At this time, Dr. Teagan showed up to check on them.
Sorchae: How is our patient doing?
Tamati: Just some inflammation around the break area. I'm going to prepare an analgesic.
Tamati put down his scanner and loaded a jet injector with medication.
Tamati: Amenaru was just asking about Kit.
Amenaru nodded like a kid being offered a chocolate bar, hoping to get more information.
Sorchae: He's still on IV, but I think he's awake now. He might like a visitor.
Amenaru smiled and then winced again as Tamati pressed the jet injector into his arm.
Amenaru: Ack!
Tamati: I told you to hold still. Now just try not to exert yourself for the next hour or so.

Amenaru gently pulled the curtain and stepped quietly near Kit's bed. Though Kit was awake, as Sorchae thought earlier, he did not look at Amenaru, staring blankly at the ceiling.
Amenaru: Hey, how are you doing?
Kit slowly rolled his head to face Amenaru and then rolled away to face the opposite wall, answering curtly.
Kit: Doctor says I'll be fine.
Amenaru waited, but Kit did not seem keen to offer anything further.
Amenaru: I'm grateful for what you did. You bought time for the medical team to get to me and...
Kit: Just stop.
Amenaru froze in mid-sentence, more out of shock than at Kit's behest.
Kit: Look, I appreciate your being nice to me, but I'm not a good person. I didn't do what I did to help anyone. I was angry, just like that time I kicked Teek, and I couldn't control myself. You're better off just staying away from me.
Amenaru stood where he was with his mouth hanging open before he could finally muster the ability to say anything.
Amenaru: But... no, Kit. Don't say that. You are a good person.
Kit rolled over in his bed, further away from Amenaru, though he could still see tears begin running down Kit's face.
Kit: Just leave me alone.
Though Kit's voice cracked, there was still a finality in his voice. Amenaru's mind raced with thoughts of what he should do next. Leave, as requested? Stay, despite inevitable protests? Either decision could go horribly wrong. In the end, he decided on something between the two. He would go, but not before having the last word.
Amenaru: I'll go. I see you need time to think, but listen up. You are not a bad person. Everyone on this ship cares about you and if you ever need to talk or even just sit with someone and say nothing at all, you come and find me.
Amenaru turned and brushed the curtain aside. Leaving sick bay, he wondered if he made the right decision.

Aire watched the Furious Spectre's shuttle through the glass as it gently sailed inside and touched down. With him were Ryuu and Teren making up the welcome party for Captain Yoshida. The shuttle bay doors closed and Captain Yoshida stepped out, along with his dragon advisor, Kohai, and the komodo and elf from earlier. Only partly surprised, Aire had a guess why they were there. With the shuttle bay ready, Aire walked out to greet his guests.
Aire: Welcome to the Sentinel, Captain Yoshida.
Keiichi: Thank you. Sorry about the unexpected guests. They found out I was coming here and insisted on meeting you in person.
Voxx and Sylvar continuously shifted their attention between Aire and the shambled shuttle bay. Eventually, Voxx stepped forward and, before he had a chance to introduce Ryuu and Teren, Voxx bowed deeply.
Voxx: I'm very sorry to have caused so much trouble. It must have been a terrible battle. I hope we can repay you for your help.
Only a bit taken aback, Aire recovered quickly.
Aire: It wasn't easy, for sure. If you want to repay us, we hope you can provide us with information in the future.
Voxx: I will tell you anything you want to know! Except, of course, the color of my underwear.
Voxx grinned, and Aire returned the smile, though he didn't quite get the joke. A silly gag common to his culture, perhaps. Aire took a step back and gestured toward his two officers.
Aire: This is our dragon advisor, Ryuu, and Security Chief Teren Unas. Unfortunately, they are unable to join us for dinner today.
Aire noticed right away a sudden look of sheer alarm on the faces of both Voxx and Sylvar.
Voxx: What is he doing here?!?
Aire finally realized that Voxx and Sylvar weren't looking at them, but past them at something behind. Aire turned and was horrified to see Kain entering the shuttle bay. If the situation weren't so serious, Aire would have laughed, as absurd as Kain looked dressed in jeans and a t-shirt with his sword fastened to his waist.
Aire: Kain! What are you doing here?
Kain put his hand on his chest and bowed his head.
Kain: Apologies, Master Aire. I observed a shuttle from my window and decided to see for myself.
Sylvar frantically grabbed at a pouch hanging from his side.
Sylvar: I don't have my gun! I don't have my gun!
It was a good decision that Aire made, bringing Teren with him to greet Captain Yoshida, for he reacted swiftly when Sylvar lunged at Kain. Teren leaped in front of Sylvar and snatched him away in his giant paws.
Sylvar: Let me go! I'll tear him to pieces!
Sylvar continued to flail impotently against Teren's mighty paws, shouting at Kain who kept a stoic expression.
Teren: What would you like me to do with this, Commander?
In Teren's grip, Sylvar was no longer a threat, but Aire kept a wary eye on Voxx while he considered what to do next. He didn't want to disinvite Captain Yoshida, but it appeared that might be the only option. While Aire mulled, Kain slowly pulled out his sword. Everyone but Aire prepared themselves for a fight. Aire held out hand, upturned, imploring everyone to stop.
Aire: Wait!
Kain kneeled on the ground and held out his hands with the sword perched on top of them, as though offering it.
Kain: Master Voxx. Master Sylvar. I offer you my sword. You may do with me as you wish.
Sylvar immediately stopped struggling and now hung limply in Teren's arms, wide-eyed and stunned into silence. Kain remained where he was, unmoving.
Aire: Kain defected during the battle, rescuing another male vashtari like you.
Sylvar: Uh...
It was all Sylvar managed to say before he looked back to Voxx for guidance, though he didn't seem to know what to do either.
Sylvar: You can let go of me. I promise I won't do anything violent.
Teren did not relinquish is grip and looked to Aire.
Teren: Commander?
Aire made his decision quickly. It was a risk, but he decided the best opportunity for peace would be if it were on their terms.
Aire: You may release him.
Teren slowly relaxed his grip and plopped Sylvar onto his feet once again. To everyone's relief, he did not immediately try to lunge at Kain again and instead beckoned to Voxx, who now approached. Together, they approached Kain and Sylvar put his hand on Kain's sword, pushing it away.
Sylvar: I don't know if I can forgive you, but... maybe we can talk?
Kain looked up at Sylvar while he sheathed his sword.
Kain: I would like that very much, Master Sylvar.
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