Carpathia IV: Episode 70 - Normalcy Delayed
Space, NCCS Shadowdancer, Captain's Ready Room
With Rhalma and his group of miscreants gone, the Shadowdancer was underway once again. Everything quickly returned to normal, with the exception of the galley, which needed some repairs. Given the choice between fighting the Vashta and dealing with Rhalma, Aire wasn't sure which he'd choose. Each, however, necessitated a detailed report to Admiral Zhang and Aire felt it prudent speak with the admiral directly first, before she received the written report.
Aire: And that's where it ended. We were only halfway through the tour of the weapons systems before I asked him to leave.
Teri: You displayed more patience than I would have, Captain.
Aire: What I don't understand is why they wanted to come here in the first place. My tactical officer, Nalma, seems to think that Rhalma wanted to come here specifically to intimidate his son, Kit. Rhalma was interested in seeing Kit. We said he was resting up after a long mission, but I have a hard time believing that he came all the way out here just for that.
Teri: I agree that it's a bit much. My thought is that Rhalma has been the most vocal detractor of our friendship and he strenuously objects to our plans to expand our fleet, particularly the warships we're planning to counter the vashta threat. The tokki government and our admiralty feel that he's not much more than a noisy pigeon, but Rhalma has certainly gotten under Lord Anai's skin. In my opinion, she is far too willing to cave to his demands, to the point were we're not even sure if we're going to get approval for further ships of the Sentinel Class. He may have been there to gather intel for his case against it and lost his temper with his subordinate when he got none.
Aire paused and rubbed his chin.
Aire: Hmmm... That sounds plausible.
Teri: I would appreciate it if you could expedite your report. I wasn't keen on letting Rhalma on any of our ships in the first place and I want to use his behavior to make the case that he should never be permitted to do so again.
Aire: Cheers to that. I'll have mine and the reports of everyone else involved to you within the next few days.
Teri: Looking forward to it, Captain. Zhang out.

Aire stepped out of his ready room onto the bridge, quickly finding two of the three people he needed at their stations.
Aire: Teek and Teren, Admiral Zhang has requested expedited reports on Rhalma's visit. I'd like yours on my desk by 12:00 tomorrow.
Teek: Yes, Captain!
Teren: Understood, Captain.
Aire sat in his chair, though he wouldn't stay long, for he had places he needed to be.
Aire: Commander, do you know where Nalma is?
Joust: He's in the kitchen helping get everything running again.
Aire: Good. I need to stop by there anyway. You have the bridge, Commander.
Aire pushed at his armrests, but only stood halfway before he realized that Tayet was at Kit's station.
Aire: It's been an hour since Rhalma left. Shouldn't Kit be on duty by now?
Joust: He should be. Let me call him.
Joust tapped at the control at his armrest.
Joust: Ensign Savea, please report to the bridge.
Several moments of silence passed with no response. Joust called again.
Joust: Ensign Savea, please respond.
Still no response. Aire lowered himself back into his chair while Amenaru turned in his chair.
Aire: Teren, go to Kit's quarters and find out what's going on.
Teren: On my way, Captain.
Teren pointed at Amenaru and then at the lift door. Amenaru jumped from his chair and rushed to follow Teren into the lift.

Teren strode briskly down the corridor to the officer's quarters area with Amenaru trotting behind.
Amenaru: You think everything is okay, Commander?
Teren: I hope so, but it isn't like Kit to be late.
Rounding the corner to the officer's quarters, they found a worrying sight. Kit's door was wide open, strange enough because the doors are supposed to stay closed automatically. Across the hall, a tunnel access door also hung wide open. Teren immediately drew his weapon and rushed in with Amenaru close behind.
Kit's quarters was a complete wreck. Smashed tables, broken chairs, and shattered glass covered the entire floor, but that did not stop Teren from barging in. By the time Amenaru made it inside, Teren was already in Kit's bedroom. Panic took ahold of Amenaru like it never had before. Not the vashta. Not the blob creatures. This was worse than anything he could imagine and and he feared what Teren might say when he emerged from Kit's bedroom. Moments later, he did, still on high alert, which told Amenaru that he found nothing there. Teren took out his communicator and spoke while still scanning the room intently for clues.
Teren: Security lockdown for the entire ship now!
Amenaru looked around the room with tears welling up in his eyes.
Amenaru: Commander, what's going on?
Suddenly, Teren stopped and cocked his head, looking not quite at Amenaru, but just past him. A moment later, he rushed forward and began examining a red mark on the edge of a shelf.
Amenaru: Is that... blood?
Teren leaned in close and sniffed at the red substance with his wiggly nose.
Teren: It's not blood.
Teren tapped the residue ever so gently, acquiring only a minuscule amount on his fur and then tasted it. Without any further explanation, he looked Amenaru directly in the eye.
Teren: Stay here. Don't touch anything. Do not let anyone but me, Commander Joust, or Captain Valro into this room. Understand?
Amenaru nodded curtly and before he could even say, "Yes, Commander," Teren was already out of the room shouting into his communicator. All Amenaru could do was stand in the ruins of Kit's quarters as he was told, wondering what might happen next.
Teren: All security to the galley! Nobody goes in or out! Captain Valro, please join me there! Commander Joust to Kit's quarters!
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