Carpathia IV: Episode 76 - Pirate Ship

Space, NCCS Shadowdancer

A dark bridge, illuminated only by the dim lights of the consoles. A quiet approach, with the bleeps from the consoles and background engine noise providing the only sound. Dark status engaged, except for the main drive engines. Aire sat stiffly in his chair with his fingers tented in front of his mouth.

Nalma: I have a visual on the Savea pirate ship, Captain.

Aire responded almost in a whisper.

Aire: Helm, slow to induction. Nalma, on viewer.

Teek: Slowing to induction, Captain.

Like a great, dirty beacon in the darkened bridge, the pirate ship appeared on the main viewer. Save Nalma, nobody had seen anything like it before. Tokki ringships were known for their clean, curved lines and mesmerizing ball of light in the center. This one looked like a dirty basketball hoop that got snagged on a power line.

Amenaru: That thing looks even crappier than I pictured it.

Nalma: It's even crappier on the inside, from what I've heard.

Aire: Okay, those of you on the rescue team, get down to the shuttle bay and grab Sorchae on the way. The rest of you, take your positions as we discussed.

Right away, a bridge version of musical chairs ensued, with Amenaru, Teek, Joust, and Nalma vacating their positions and filled with their replacements. As the rescue team piled into the lift, Aire stood and faced them.

Aire: Good luck.

The lift doors closed and Aire returned to his seat, ready to focus on the next task.

Aire: Teren, analysis of the asteroid field.

Teren: Stable and fairly sparse. Density is higher on the leading edge toward the pirate ship. We're not going to have asteroids crashing into each other around here.

Aire: Any suitable for landing?

Teren: Scanning.

Aire drummed his fingers on his armrest while he awaited Teren to complete his scans, fighting the urge to pester his crew to move faster. Instead, he did his best to wait patiently while staring at the starry void on the viewscreen.

Teren: I found one, bearing 323 mark 221. Putting it on viewer.

A large asteroid appeared on the screen with a big flat spot on one side, ideal for landing the ship.

Ramei: I have it. Set course, Captain?

Aire: Proceed at half induction. Ready grapplers and landing struts.

Ramei turned the ship and headed for the asteroid.

Aire: Quenya, contact the shuttle bay and inform them that we will be landing in 10 minutes. Once you've done that, send out two beeps on the encrypted channel to let Reylen know that we will arrive soon. You should receive two beeps in return.

Quenya: Yes, Captain. Contacting shuttle bay.

In the shuttle bay, the rescue team were all in various states of undress, either putting on, or getting ready to put on, their special operations uniforms. When the call came from the bridge, Nalma was the only one who was fully suited.

While Nalma lounged around watching everyone else suit up, Joust returned from the shuttle bay comm console.

Joust: Ten minutes to landing. Everyone, once you get your suits on, set them to stealth mode.

Nalma reached up to his shoulder and tapped one of the buttons just above his flag emblem. Right away, his suit turned all black. Even the golden fox symbol on the chest plate turned dark. Joust nodded his approval.

Joust: Good. Once we've landed, we will fly from here to the access port. There's a dense cluster of asteroids between us and the pirate ship, so be careful. You all have the access port to the tokki ship programmed into your flight computers. It's a small opening, designed for people, not spaceships, so your skiffs have been modified accordingly. No wings, and keep your spoilers retracted. They should be small enough to fit inside the opening. Ryuu will follow 10 minutes behind and hold position behind the pirate ship engines.

Amenaru: Understood, Commander.

Joust: Once you're done suiting up, check your gear. You should have a disruptor on stun setting, your universal tool pack, and basic meds. Sorchae will have the full med pack. Set your skiffs to fly in stealth. Minimal lighting and no more than half power to reduce afterburner glow.

Sorchae: Commander, how will we know this Reylen when we see him?

Nalma: I'll know him, Doctor. Not only will he be waiting at the access port, but he's my cousin. We grew up together.

The comm console beeped again, prompting Joust to trot back to get the latest message.

Joust: Reylen received our message and acknowledged. Get to your skiffs. We leave in five.

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