Carpathia IV: Episode 86 - New Player
Conference Room, NCCS Shadowdancer
The Shadowdancer stopped briefly to pick up a new passenger. As he said he would, Reylen stole one of the Savea's runabouts and finally caught up with the ship. Several of the officers were on-hand to greet him as he disembarked from his runabout. As he approached, Aire spoke into the comm.
Aire: Shuttle bay secure, Commander. Resume course.
Joust: Yes, Captain. Resuming course.
Aire switched off the comm just in time to find Reylen approaching them with outstretched arms, headed straight for Nalma first.
Reylen: Nalma!
Reylen and Nalma embraced, sharing a kiss and mutual ear rubs. The others, though having heard of this tokki greeting ritual before, still had eyebrows raised as this was the first time seeing it in person for most.
Nalma: Reylen, this is Captain Valro.
Reylen threw his arms out again and wrapped them around Aire, smooching him on the lips as well. However, an ear rub did not accompany the kiss this time.
Reylen: Sorry, your ears are small and cute, but I don't know where to touch them that feels good.
Before Aire had a chance to say anything, Reylen pivoted to Kit, who was already trying to slink into the background.
Reylen: Kit! I'm glad to see that you're okay!
Before he had a chance to grab Kit, Nalma gripped Reylen's shoulder and pulled him back.
Nalma: Kit isn't really a kissy huggy sort of person. In fact, it might be a good idea to dispense with the kissing and the hugging for now.
Reylen: Oh! Well, I suppose that makes sense. No worries, Kit. We have all sorts in the Elai Enclave. A few of us, like me, sometimes get a little overexcited.
Kit untensed and nodded.
Reylen: What should I do, then?
Nalma held his hand up to his chin and thought for a moment.
Nalma: Let's see... Humans often shake hands or fist bump. Komodo touch their long tongues together. Elves put their hands on their chest and make a little bow. Nekomi often rub cheeks...
Reylen seemed very pleased by this last one and immediately approached Teren.
Reylen: I like the nekomi way! It looks so soft. May I?
Teren sniffed and, maintaining his usual granite expression, spoke.
Teren: Proceed.
Reylen lit up with excitement, though Teren did not, difficult as it was to tell if he ever got excited about anything, at least in public. Nevertheless, Teren participated in the cheek nuzzle without hesitation. Immediately after, Reylen focused on Amenaru next.
Reylen: Do nekohumans do that too?
Amenaru: Sometimes.
Taking Amenaru's response as an invitation, Reylen eagerly stepped forward and rubbed his cheek to Amenaru's.
Reylen: Well then, I'm glad to meet you! My ears are still buzzing from that rescue, but where is your doctor? I so hoped to meet her again!
Nalma: Plenty of time to plan Kit's ceremony later. Are you okay with that, Kit?
Kit: That's fine. Like you said, there is plenty of time and I'm on duty anyway.
Reylen put his arm around Nalma's shoulder but, before they left together, Reylen turned and sent a jaunty point in Kit's direction.
Reylen: I'm looking forward to hearing what you want to do for your ceremony!
Reylen paused and took his arm from Nalma's shoulder and gazed on Kit with a quiet, earnest sincerity.
Reylen: We'll be very proud to have you as a part of us.
Kit smiled and gave a nod of acknowledgement while Reylen and Nalma headed to sick bay.

Amenaru's Quarters, NCCS Shadowdancer
With regular duty shifts over, the ship settled into its nighttime routine with night shift crews maintaining the course and speed. Meanwhile, a group of officers and cadets gathered in Amenaru's quarters for their weekly game of Stellar Sorcery. This time, they decided on two groups playing two separate games. Easier to play and no harm to socializing.
Phobos: Anyone seen Tayet recently? I thought he'd be here.
Quenya: Last I saw, he was jumping off the trees in the atrium trying to learn to fly.
Teek: Ow. I hope Medical is on-hand.
Quenya: It's good he's half dragon or he'd just be a big splat on the ground by now. At least Ryuu is helping him.
While the others talked, Amenaru focused on his card decks, hastily sifting through each of them one by one.
Teek: Decided on which cards you're going to use this time?
Amenaru: Not sure. Black and blue... Green and white... Usually I decided before going to your quarters, but since we're in mine, I didn't bother.
Phobos: Does Kit know we're in here this time?
Teek: I invited him and told them we'd be here, but he said he had planning to do with Reylen and Lieutenant Silaron.
Amenaru: I managed to ask Nalma what Kit's ceremony would be like. It's all very complicated, but I'm going to learn as much about it as I can before it happens.
Amenaru set his cards aside except for one deck which he thumbed through and then began to shuffle.
Amenaru: Okay, I've chosen. You ready, Phobos?
Phobos: To kick your ass? always.
Before they had a chance to begin, the door chime sounded.
Amenaru: Come in!
Usually, the door opened right away upon invitation, but this time, it stayed closed for long enough that the others wondered if they misheard. Finally, the doors did slide open and Kit cautiously stepped in, hunched over and tapping the ends of his fingers together.
Kit: I know I said I couldn't come, but, really, I'd rather just leave the details to Nalma and Reylen. Can I still join?
Amenaru: Of course!
Teek: I'll get another zabuton.
Teek reached behind him and pulled a zabuton, a square, flat floor pillow for sitting, and tossed it to Amenaru, who put it on the floor between himself and Phobos. Kit dutifully sat where indicated.
Amenaru: We haven't gotten started yet. Do you have any cards?
Kit shook his head.
Kit: I don't. I've never played before. What's the game?
Amenaru scooted to the side a little and patted the floor next to him, inviting Kit to get closer.
Amenaru: Stellar Sorcery. Have you heard of it?
Kit shook his head again.
Amenaru: That's okay, we can play together and I'll teach you along the way. Phobos, you're fine with a sort of demo match, yeah?
Phobos: That's fun too.
Amenaru thumbed through his cards and pulled out an example.
Amenaru: Stellar Sorcery is a game of monsters and magic. I'll just give you the basics, but don't worry. You don't have to remember everything now. You'll see better as we go. Blue cards represent comets. They usually have strong support magic but weaker monsters. Black hole cards have strong monsters and magic, but there's always a downside to them.
Amenaru wasn't sure if Kit was paying attention. Indeed, he seemed to show little interest in the cards and more interest in Teek, Phobos, and Quenya watching them both with expectant smiles on their faces.
Amenaru: White is star magic. Weak monsters, but strong defence magic. Red is...
Now Amenaru was sure that Kit wasn't really listening, as he sniffled and looked away, folding his fingers together over and over.
Quenya: You okay, Kit?
Kit gave a weak nod, barely noticeable to anyone who wasn't watching carefully and even then left them with doubts.
Kit: I should have said yes the first time you asked me.
Amenaru started to tear up himself and he put his arm around Kit, pulling him close.
Teek: You're welcome to come any time.
Finally, Kit returned his attention to the cards, staring at them with confusing, cocking his head from side to side. His lip quivered still, though the others didn't know if emotion from before still held him firm or if this was new.
Kit: I've never played a card game before.
Amenaru suddenly sat up straight and clapped his hands together.
Amenaru: I have a better idea!
Jumping off his zabuton, Amenaru rushed over to a dresser and started rifling through one of the drawers. He returned in short order with a box of completely different cards.
Amenaru: If all of you are interested, we can play Uno. Good, simple game to get started with.
Phobos: Uno is fun and we can all play together.
A mass reorganization took place right there on the floor, with the others putting away their Stellar Sorcery cards and arranging themselves in a circle while Amenaru began to shuffle the Uno cards.
Amenaru: Kit, you and I can play as a team until you get the idea. Then you can go solo.
Kit smiled and nodded while Amenaru dealt the cards.

Joust looked constipated when he came into Aire's ready room, not at all his usual, jovial self. Good news, he was happy. Bad news, Joust always knew how see the the positive side. This was a new look for him indeed.
Joust: I asked for a list of volunteers as you asked, Captain.
Aire: I see. So what do we have?
Joust grimaced at his tablet once more before answering.
Joust: Not a single volunteer.
Aire: None?
Joust shook his head while Aire leaned back in his chair and mulled.
Aire: Anyone we know docked at Polaris Deep now?
Joust tapped and swiped at his tablet for a moment before answering.
Joust: Captain Azrael is there with the new Cerberus. They just finished their trials.
Aire: I'll contact Captain Azrael. Perhaps he might be able to spare a few crew to staff our critical areas for a few hours.
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