Carpathia IV: Episode 102 - Tiny Local
Campsite, Unknown planet
It wasn't long after their reunion that Kit noticed the sizeable lump on the back of Amenaru's head. Right away, he pivoted toward protector and held onto Amenaru like a piece of sticky ivy. When other crew members came to welcome Amenaru back, Kit shooed them away, doggedly guiding Amenaru toward the medical tent.
Amenaru: Really, Kit, I appreciate the gesture, but it's not that bad.
Kit: Shush! I just got you back and I'm not going to lose you again to something that only Dr. Teagan can see.
Another crew member approached, smiling and waving for only a moment until Kit hissed him away.
Kit: If we stop for every well-wisher, we'll never get to the medical tent.
Unfortunately, a problem arrived that Kit could not hiss into oblivion. As an ensign, deflecting the advances of the enlisted ranks was easy. Ramei, now wobbling his way toward them in what seemed like a trance, would require more finesse. One doesn't just tell a higher-ranking officer to piss off.
Amenaru cocked his head and fronted his ears as Ramei staggered toward them, wondering why he wasn't in the medical tent himself. If Amenaru didn't know any better, he'd say Ramei was drunk and that would be... not impossible, but surely not likely. When Ramei got close, he threw his arms wide and then wrapped them tightly around Amenaru. But what was that sound? Ramei was crying? Amenaru's ears flitted about on his head, seeking an alternative source for the sobs.
Ramei: Amenaru! I can't believe you survived! It's great to have some good news right now!
Ramei pulled away and wiped his eyes, leaving behind a speechless Amenaru. He'd never seen Ramei, or indeed any senior officer, get that emotional before. While Amenaru gathered his wits, Ramei glanced down at Phobos.
Ramei: And what's this? You've picked up a tiny local along the way. I thought this planet was uninhabited.
Ramei kneeled to look Phobos in the eye.
Ramei: Hey there, little buddy. Does our universal translator work on you? Did you save our Amenaru?
Phobos rolled his eyes and gritted his little teeth while Amenaru finally found himself with something to say.
Amenaru: Ramei, that's Ensign Leingod. He's an android and he's the one who saved me.
Phobos: Maybe I can ask the Captain to make an announcement about me so I don't have to go through this charade with everyone.
Whatever was afflicting Ramei disappeared all at once. No more wobble. Ears attentive and pitched forward. Tail straight and tall.
Ramei: Phobos?
Phobos nodded.
Phobos: Yes.
Ramei: Android?
Phobos: Yes.
Even Phobos, with his lightning-quick machine mind was taken aback by the question and paused for a second before answering.
Phobos: I am. I can stay underwater indefinit... ACK!
In a millisecond, Phobos was gone. Ramei was gone, running to the medical tent holding Phobos aloft and waving him around like a glow stick at a rave.
Ramei: Dr. Teagan! Dr. Teagan!
Phobos: Put me down!
Amenaru watched, dumbstruck, as Ramei and Phobos faded into the distance.
Amenaru: What the hell just happened?
Kit, on the other hand patted his fist into his palm as though he'd had a revelation.
Kit: That's right! I didn't even think of that.
Amenaru: Think of what? I'm very confused right now.
Kit: Commander Calloway took a massive dose of zeta radiation when the core fractured on the way down. When the ship drifted out to sea and sank, the hull twisted when it hit bottom and the sections around sick bay collapsed. Ryuu and Tayet are trying to cut through the metal to get to the medicine she needs, but they can only stay down for a half hour at at time. Phobos might be able to squeeze in.
Amenaru: Oh, that's bad. Is she going to be okay?
Kit: The doctor says she needs to give her several doses of Xiodol before her cells start disintegrating. Hopefully, Phobos can get it.

The medical tent was a ramshackle affair, put together with whatever the crew could salvage from the sunken Shadowdancer. Beds from crew quarters. Chairs from common areas. Some of them were still squishy and soggy and there was a contingent of crew in charge of wringing out the matresses, arranging them in the sun, and sterilizing them. Just about everyone in the encampment appeared to have an urgent task. The ones who didn't were the ones who couldn't. The first ones to get a dried-out bed in the medical tent.
Amenaru had a chair rather than a bed, and he sat still as Tamati scanned the back of his head.
Tamati: You have an awfully big bump back there, for sure. All in all, you're in pretty good shape, I'd say, for someone who fell out of a spaceship.
Amenaru: I certainly have a new appreciation for a sunrise now. How bad is it back there?
An answer wasn't immediately forthcoming from Tamati, who only grumbled while continuing to scan.
Tamati: The bump itself isn't life-threatening, but you hit your head and then did an arduous two-day hike down a mountain. In short, your body is poo poo right now and I'm ordering some rest. You had a little cut, and I sealed that up and I'll get you an analgesic for the pain.
Amenaru: Thanks. I want to help out, but honestly, now that I'm here and relaxed, it's like all the pains I should have had two days ago started just now.
Tamati: Teren's been leading hunting teams. Fortunately, on this planet, there's no lack of food sources. You should get something to eat and drink and I'll see if I can find you a dry mattress. Go straight outside that way and you'll find our little makeshift galley. When you get back, I'll have your analgesic ready.
Amenaru: Thanks very much, Tamati.
Amenaru stood, or rather, he tried to. Forgetting his weakened state, Amenaru simply tried to stand as he normally would, but his body shouted a resounding "NO!" when he tried. His butt came off the chair maybe an inch or two before settling back down again. Kit took Amenaru's arm and gave him a little lift.
Kit: No need to rush. We'll just go slowly together.
Amenaru nodded and they gingerly shuffled out of the tent together. Waiting for them, was Aire.
Aire: Welcome back, Lieutenant!
Amenaru: Captain!
Aire: Not gonna lie, Amenaru. We all were sure you must be dead. I should have guessed that Phobos had something to do with it but we thought he got smashed under the Shadowdancer.
Amenaru: I take it you know about him.
Aire: I did. He was pretty close to divulging himself the the crew too, but circumstances sped that decision up just a bit.
Amenaru: Yes, about that. I'm sorry I left the Shadowdancer without permission, Captain.
Aire paused and scrunched up his face.
Aire: Ha! No worries, Lieutenant! We're just glad to have you back. Now run along and get yourself something to eat.
Amenaru: Will do, Captain. Um... You think Commander Calloway will be okay?
Aire gave a hesitant nod.
Aire: If Phobos is successful, I'm sure she will be. I'll let everyone know when we have news.
No need to wait for Aire to deliver any news at all, as Phobos came running from the beach holding aloft a small case from sick bay.
Phobos: I got it! I got it!
Without a word, Aire ushered Phobos into the tent. With nothing else to do, Amenaru and Kit headed to the makeshift galley for some food, but both wondered how they would be able to eat peacefully while worrying about Minnie.
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