Carpathia IV: Episode 103 - Someone's Watching
Unknown Planet, Camp
After a meal, a nap, and some time for the medicine to kick in, Amenaru finally felt well enough for a stroll. Still under orders to take it easy, there wasn't much more that he could do but wander the encampment to see how things were taking shape. Though he'd only been gone for two days, the crew had already made rapid progress towards building a little town. Rescue? Maybe a week off or more. First, the Admiralty would have to notice they are missing, which wouldn't take long. Then they'd have to ascertain the Shadowdancer's last known position. The longest part would be dispatching a ship to investigate, which could take a long time given that most of the fleet wasn't near as fast as the Shadowdancer.
Captain Valro graciously gave permission for Kit to accompany Amenaru for the day to, in his words, "make sure Amenaru is okay." He suspected that the real reason was that Kit would strenuously object to being away from him. This time, Kit did not hiss away any well-wishers and boy howdy did so many people want to hear Amenaru's story. After the tenth of fifteenth time explaining what happened, Amenaru was grateful to have Kit start asking people to share the story around to each other rather than have thus saving him from telling the same thing to 1000 different crew members.
On the outskirts of the encampment, Amenaru and Kit ran into Teren, along with several members of his security team, all fanned out several meters distant from each other.
Amenaru: Commander Unas!
Teren turned with a wide, toothy grin and dancing ears atop his head.
Teren: Lieutenant!
Teren marched to Amenaru and enveloped his body in warm, furry embrace. Just before he let go, he gave Amenaru a rub on his cheek with his own and then, for good measure, rubbed his chin on top of Amenaru's head.
Teren: Word of your impossible survival has reached even my ears all the way out here. Is Phobos still with you?
Amenaru: Seems he's rather in demand right now. He got Commander Calloway's medicine and Dr. Teagan sent him back to get more supplies.
Teren: That is very good news. First you've survived and I hear that Phobos is actually an android. That's not the only strangeness that's happened recently.
Amenaru: How do you mean?
Teren said nothing, other than a deep grumble from the back of his throat. It took awhile for Teren to tell his tale and Amenaru worried that more bad news was coming.
Teren: I haven't told anyone about this. When we were evacuating the Shadowdancer, I came across a dire situation in Engineering. The core fractured during the descent and I found Ramei trying to pull Minnie out of the wreckage. Water was already coming in all around and he was barely keeping her head above water. I rushed in and started trying to lift the heavy beam. Just before the water closed in around them both, I swear time froze for several seconds. I keep thinking that it just felt like time slowed down for me, but I can't get it out of my head. I swear water stopped moving entirely. I could even see little drops hanging in the air. We all got out barely a second before the force fields completely failed and the water overtook the entire compartment.
Normally, Amenaru would feel immediately dismissive of such a tale, but Teren certainly wasn't one to make up outlandish stories. Besides, recent events made him feel a little bit more open to the concept of a miracle.
Amenaru: That's some story. I'm afraid I don't have an answer for you.
Kit: Could the force fields have had something to do with it?
Teren shrugged and cocked his head to the side.
Teren: I considered that. I suppose it's possible, but it's brand new technology that Sylvar just put together for us. I admit that I don't understand it that well yet.
Amenaru: What matters is that you got Commander Calloway and Lieutenant Sokari out. So, what are you up to now? Guarding the perimeter?
Teren: That is correct. I've seen something shadowy moving about the trees and others have corroborated this. We need to keep a lookout.
Amenaru: The doctor has ordered me not to do anything strenuous, but I don't think helping you keep watch would be at all strenuous.
Teren: I agree. I would also be keen to have your help, Kit, if you're willing. I know tokki eyes are very good for distance.
Kit nodded enthusiastically and clutched Amenaru's arm more tightly.
Kit: Happy to help!

Of all the positions on the Shadowdancer, security was always the least appealing department to Amenaru. Spending several hours on guard duty, eyeballing the same trees for the millionth time could very well make him permanently cross-eyed, he thought. Luckily, Kit was right next to him, for, at this point, you could probably drop and ocean liner into the middle of those trees and Amenaru probably wouldn't notice it.
Teren, however, saw something, evident in how he launched himself from where he stood. The rest of the security team tried to keep pace, but even the nekomi couldn't come close. Teren scrambled up and down trees and soared between branches. Nobody could seem to tell what he was chasing, but he was chasing something. All anyone could do was watch and be ready, in the small chance that they were suddenly in a position to help.
For a fleeting moment, Amenaru thought that he never felt quite so helpless, but he did, just two days ago. That didn't make him feel better, watching Teren alight from branch to branch. Occasionally, he thought he could see something shadowy dart ahead of him.
All of this kept going for 20 minutes, at least and Teren showed no signs of slowing down. Amenaru, Kit, and the rest of the security team did their best, but still failed at keeping up, changing direction like a flock of birds every time Teren zoomed off somewhere else. At last, Teren's quarry landed on the ground and backed itself into a grove of trees. Though there were plenty of avenues of escape, the creature seemed to want to make a stand there.
It took only a little time for everyone else to reach Teren. Neither made any move to attack, evidently locked into a staring contest. Though crouched, it was easy to see that the creature was quite tall if standing on two feet, taller than any of them. It resembled a squirrel, in many ways, with a long, floofy tail and rounded ears. Curiously, it had a lot of excess skin between the arms and legs.
Most importantly, the creature was wearing clothing, a simple flap of fabric in the front and back with a jewelled chain cinching it all together and a jewelled necklace. This was not just an animal.
Creature: Hiss!
The security team arrived with guns drawn, but Teren waved them down.
Teren: Easy, everyone. It's all of us against him. There'll be no need for that. Kit, might you try to communicate? I will protect you.
Kit nodded and pulled a small tablet from his pouch.
Kit: I will try, Commander. Are you sure it's a him?
Teren: I've seen enough to guess. That fabric doesn't cover much.
Kit moved closer, but Teren put out his arm to ensure that he would always be in front.
Kit: Every little bit of info helps, Commander.
Kit tapped at his tablet, keeping a wary eye on the squirrel creature, who was still crouched in such a way that he could spring out at any moment.
Kit: Hello!
Creature: Hiss!
Kit took note of the fur raising along the creature's back. Unfortunately, a single hiss wasn't enough to get anything out of the translator. A greeting didn't work, so Kit pointed at his own chest.
Kit: Kit.
The creature cocked his head from side to side. It was the first time he wasn't met with hissing. This was progress. Kit pointed at himself again.
Kit: Kit.
This time, Kit held out his hand toward the creature, hoping he would respond somehow identifying himself.
Creature: Hiss!
Whether Kit had finally had enough or had an epiphany on how to communicate with this creature, nobody knew, but what happened next astonished them all. Kit dropped onto his hands and knees and looked the creature directly into the eye, giving him a snarly hiss right back at him.
Kit: Hiss!
The creature suddenly backed away a step and plopped his butt on the ground, wide-eyed and grinning. At least, it seemed like a grin. Nobody was sure, and they were even less sure about what happened next. After surveying Kit in silence for several seconds, he finally threw his head back and laughed.
Creature: Ha ha ha ha ha!
Teren remained vigilant and the crew stayed tense, for none knew if this was a mirthful laugh or an evil one. Either way, they'd soon surely have their answer.
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