Carpathia IV: Episode 111 - Roses!
Space, Elai Ringship
The next day came and Nalma awoke with a fresh new mind, less encumbered with the shock of Reylen's many confessions and more thoughtful on what to do next. The evening before, he considered either Phobos or Tamati for assistance, but why not both? Regardless, it would be a big day and Nalma cheerfully went through his morning routine, breakfast veggies, brushed teeth, and 20 minutes sitting under the ear massager. After that, it was time to pick up Reylen.
Upon entering Reylen's room, Nalma found him a mess. No breakfast. No brushed teeth. No time in the ear massager.
Nalma: You cannot go see Dr. Teagan looking and smelling like that.
Not equipped to do a total makeover, Nalma would have to settle for presentable. It took some time to get him ready, but Reylen proved to be at least somewhat functional, for Nalma did not have to feed him. At the end, Reylen didn't smell funny, he was fed, and a bit more relaxed from the ear massager. There was still work to do. First Nalma would go to Phobos and then all together meet up with Tamati.
On the way to Phobos's cabin, Nalma shared a few last-minute words with Reylen to help him prepare for the task ahead.
Nalma: I'll fill in Phobos and Tamati. They can give advice, but when it comes time to talk to Dr. Teagan, you're going to have to do the work.
Reylen: I figured you'd say something like that.
To avoid explaining twice, Nalma wouldn't explain anything to Phobos when they stopped at his cabin. When the door parted, they found him inside and ready to go, albeit with his hands on his hips and a stern expression on his face.
Phobos: Three minutes, 48 seconds late.
Nalma smiled, keenly aware that Phobos was joking.
Nalma: I guess I didn't budget enough time to get Reylen ready after all. Shall we go?
Next destination, Tamati's room. Phobos, however, got a little antsy wanting to know what was up.
Phobos: You didn't tell me what this is about last night. Soon?
Nalma: Sorry, I was too tired. It'll be best with you and Tamati together. It's a long story.
Phobos wouldn't have to wait much longer, for they arrived at Tamati's room. When the door parted, they found him inside looking very comfortable indeed, dressed in a fuzzy set of pajamas and holding a steaming cup of tea. Outside of Phobos, he was the only Carpathian crew member on the ship who didn't seem entirely drained.
Tamati: Come in! Come in! I have plenty of tea ready for everyone. Have a seat.
Pleasantries exchanged. Tea all around. Butts nestled securely in the plush loveseats. It was time for the big secret to be revealed. Though Nalma took his time with the explanation, he started straight away with at least one big reveal, that Reylen is straight-leaning and mono. However, he saved the part about Dr. Teagan for the end. Phobos reacted with some surprise. Tamati, predictably, simply nodded his head.
Tamati: As soon as you told me the first part, I had a guess where this was going. So, I don't suppose we should do an extreme tokki makeover here. We can't take you to her looking like that, though.
Phobos: Agreed. Comfortable, natural, and presentable should be the goals.
Nalma: You should have seen him when I found him this morning.
Tamati: Regardless of what he looked like before, he still needs to be prettied up a bit. Maybe you two can help him with that?
Phobos: I do have some knowledge of tokki clothing. Their fashions change frequently, but Dr. Teagan wouldn't notice that anyway. What are you going to do?
Tamati: The good news is that some of the flowers in hydroponics survived the sinking. I'm going to get some roses and make a nice bouquet out of them. Dr. Teagan likes flowers.
Reylen, who'd been most conspicuously quiet up to now, shakily put his hand up.
Reylen: Of course I want to look good, but I need to know what to say too.
Tamati waved his hand at Reylen with a confident, breezy air.
Tamati: Aw, don't worry! Once we get the physical parts taken care of, we'll work on that.
Nalma: So we have a plan to get started with at least?
Phobos: Sounds good to me.
Tamati: I'm in.
Nalma: Alright. Meet us at Reylen's room when you're ready?
Tamati: Will do.
With the plan in motion, Nalma and Phobos together led Reylen back to his room leaving Tamati to plan the flower arrangement.

Standing outside the door to Sorchae's room, all three could feel the tension oozing from Reylen's body as though transmitting through his ears. Aside from his obvious discomfort, he looked nice, dressed not unlike Kit was for his sodality ceremony, just less elaborate, with a single tree embroidery and far fewer zippers, buckles, and chains. In his hands, he clutched the bouquet of roses tightly.
Reylen: I'm not ready!
It wasn't the first time Reylen tried to run away. With ample experience now at his command, Tamati reached out instantly and caught him before he was an arm's length away. The rest carried on like nothing happened, for it was no longer a novelty.
Nalma: Okay, Reylen. We'll get you started and then leave you two alone. Understand that she might say yes, she might say no, or it might be something in between. It's up to her now, so take whatever happens gracefully. Come and find us when you're done, okay?
Reylen wrung his hands around the bouquet and nodded. They'd have to get him in there quickly before the flowers themselves were ruined. Nalma pressed the door chime.
Sorchae: Come in!
The doors parted, revealing Sorchae inside, lounging in a chair with her feet up, a glass caressed around her fingers, and Tokkastran drum music playing softly in the background. Nalma and Phobos entered first with Reylen in the rear, guided by Tamati to make sure he wouldn't try to run away again.
Sorchae: Good morning, Gentlemen. What can I do for you?
Nalma: Hello, Doctor. I'm afraid we can't stay long. We're just here to deliver Reylen. He'd like to talk with you about something.
Sorchae placed her glass on the table and stood, craning her neck trying to see Reylen in the back.
Sorchae: Certainly, though I don't see what I can do better than the tokki physicians on board. What seems to be the...
Before Sorchae finished her sentence, Reylen burst to the front, pushing aside Nalma and Phobos, and he thrust the bouquet of roses at her with the resolve of a person determined to stab someone in the chest.
Reylen: HOSES!...NOSES!...TOESES!... Um... Eek!
Reylen opened his mouth one more time and emitted nothing more than a high-pitched squeak. Tamati, knowing what was about to happen before it happened, reached out and snatched Reylen by the scruff of his neck just as he attempted to run away.
Sorchae: trouble?
Phobos: Nothing medical, doctor. He'd just like a talk.
Sorchae: I see. Perhaps you should put him on the couch before he combusts.
As though controlling a puppet, Tamati guided Reylen to a nice, comfy spot on the couch and plopped him down there.
Tamati: We should leave you two alone, but he might run away again.
Sorchae waved her hand toward the door while she carefully studied the thoroughly terrified Reylen.
Sorchae: I think I can handle him from here, Tamati. I'd be lying if I said I knew what this was about. If he were human, I'd say... Well, anyway, we'll talk and all shall be revealed. You may go.
The three inched their way to the door, frequently looking back to make sure Reylen wasn't either running away or having an aneurysm. Sorchae resumed her seat in her chair and waved at the door again.
Sorchae: Shoo, shoo. I've got this.
Finally accepting Sorchae's word, the three hurried out, hoping that Reylen could handle himself.

Tamati's Room, a few hours later
Tamati: I don't think I've ever heard a tokki squeak like that before.
Nalma: It's mostly involuntary. Something that just kind of happens in emotionally charged moments.
Phobos: Tokki can control it, but it takes a lot of training. Martial arts master level training.
During a break in the conversation, Nalma glanced wistfully at the door.
Nalma: He's been in there for quite awhile.
Phobos: It's good news she didn't kick him out right away.
Everyone jumped to attention when the door chime sounded.
Tamati: Come in!
As they'd all hoped, Reylen was on the other side of the door when it opened. The others tried to get a read on him. Tired? Excited? It was difficult to tell.
Phobos: Well, sit down and tell us about it!
Reylen took tiny footsteps on his way to the lounge area, arms crossed in front of him, and sat himself on the front edge of the cushion.
Tamati: How did it go?
It took some time for Reylen to speak. It took some time to figure out what his demeanor and posture meant, but the three eventually came to the same silent conclusion: pensive.
Reylen: It went well, I think. We agreed that maybe taking things slowly would be for the best. I'm a little confused about myself right now, after all. I think the best part is that she endorsed my idea of finding a job on whatever ship she's on if possible.
Nalma: That's good news!
Reylen: We talked a lot about likes, dislikes. "Compatibility," she said. There were things I didn't understand. I have a few things to learn, for sure. There mentioned a series of letters... I didn't know what they meant, but I pretended that I did. Maybe I shouldn't have?
Reylen held up his hand and counted off each letter on a finger as he stated them.
Reylen: B, D, S, and M. What does that mean?
Phobos and Nalma looked at each other, and then together at Tamati expectantly.
Tamati: Don't look at me! I'm not privy to all of Dr. Teagan's private life!
Reylen looked confused while Nalma flopped his head over the the top of his chair.
Nalma: Alright, alright. We need another consultant. Stay here while I go find Ramei. He'll at least be able to give some perspective on the sub point of view.
Nalma grunted his way to his feet and trudged out the door.
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