Carpathia IV: Episode 112 - Inquiry
Space, Elai Ringship
Amenaru's eyes fluttered open and he got a good look at himself in the mirrors on the ceiling over the bed, nice and cozy under the covers and his hair more messy than usual. After a yawn and a luxurious stretch, he flipped the covers away and planted his feet on the floor.
Amenaru: Last day on the ringship. I'm going to miss this place.
Kit: We could stay. These are my people now, after all.
Amenaru went silent for a few seconds, as it was a thought that hadn't occurred to him yet.
Amenaru: Tempting, but I'm not sure I'm ready for that. It would make a good retirement plan, though, wouldn't it?
Kit nodded and shrugged in response.
Kit: I'm not ready for that either. There's still more I can do in the Exploration Force. I want to meet more species like the blobbies and Sassinesa.
A ding from the console indicated that an important message arrived. Amenaru sat at the desk and Kit climbed out of bed to join him.
Amenaru: Memo from Captain Valro.
Kit: Not a surprise, considering we're arriving today.
Amenaru and Kit both read together with Amenaru summarizing out loud as he went.
Amenaru: We're getting quarters on Polaris Deep... Details coming in the next hour... Inquiry into the loss of the Shadowdancer... Officials will be taking statements from everyone... Stuff we know already... Oh, this looks new!
Amenaru leaned in and read the last part carefully.
Amenaru: It's going to be awhile before we know what's happening to us next whether it's a new ship or something else. Good time for some shore leave. Any idea what you'd like to do?
Kit shrugged without looking up from the screen.
Kit: I don't know. Catch up on some reading and writing more reports on the blob creatures, I guess.
Amenaru: I see...
Amenaru didn't say more, but he was hatching a plan in his head already. It had been a couple of years since he'd been back to see his parents and he'd like to bring Kit along with him. First, however, he would need to see if he could afford it. Then he would bring the idea to Kit.

Polaris Deep
From his vantage on the ringship bridge, Aire watched as Polaris Deep came into view, just as lively as always, with ships of all sizes coming and going with little shuttles buzzing around like bees around a beehive. Amongst the ships was the Sentinel, evidently repaired. That, of course, meant that Adell was likely on the station.
It didn't take long for Aire to find Adell. When he disembarked the tokki shuttle, he found Adell waiting in the corridor connecting the gangway to the hub of the station. Adell's hands were on his hips and a very cross face.
Adell: You know, when Spacemom gives you the keys to the family station wagon, you're not supposed to plow it into a rock.
Aire knew what Adell was like when angry, and this wasn't it.
Aire: Are you talking about me or the time you dropped your stepmom's truck on my planet?
Adell smirked and approached with his arms spread wide.
Adell: Been a long time, Captain. Good to see you again. I'm glad you made it back in one piece.
Aire reciprocated Adell's hug and noticed Admiral Zhang strolling up with her arms folded across her chest. Adell didn't notice as he released Aire and took a step back.
Adell: You know...
Admiral Zhang reached up and swatted Adell on the back of his head while he was mid-sentence.
Admiral Zhang: And what did I say about calling me "Spacemom," Commodore?
Adell turned up the corner of his mouth while he rubbed the back of his head.
Adell: Not to do that, Admiral.
Admiral Zhang: Glad to see some part of your brain is still working. Now, Captain Valro! I'm pleased you've returned. I've been reading all of your reports with great interest.
Aire: Thank you, Admiral. It's good to be back.
Teri: How about the three of us go to Chez Ramewet? We can't talk about the Shadowdancer until after the inquiry, but I'd like to hear more about Sassinesa and the reethalit tech you found. I want to learn as much as I can before I go out there and pay him a visit.
Aire's eyes grew wide and bright at the words "Chez Ramewet"
Aire: That sounds great, Admiral! I could do with some comfort food. Thanks very much!
Admiral Zhang patted Aire on the back, with a gentle push, toward the station rotunda.
Admiral Zhang: Don't thank me, Captain. Thank Commodore Amaranth. He'll be paying.
Adell pursed his lips as he watched Admiral Zhang and Aire walk away.
Adell: Of course I am.
Adell ran ahead to catch up. In the end, he was perfectly happy to pay and hear more about what Aire found on the planet.

A few days later
The Board of Inquiry took Amenaru's statement not long after he arrived and released him for duty shortly after. It was a surprisingly casual affair, to which he could only contribute to about half the events that transpired. The day after, with no ship and no impending orders, he wandered over to the travel counter to see about getting tickets to Andrast. Though he could examine the prices on the network, it was much easier to go in person. Pages upon pages and listings upon listings to go through would give just about anyone a headache. Talking directly to someone was always best and the agents on the station had a good reputation.
Outside of the travel counter, Amenaru craned his neck at the giant screen with various travel schedules, focused especially on the ships that would be stopping at Polaris Deep soon. Many on the screen did not, but it was not unusual to make bookings on different routes and many stops at smaller locales were infrequent. Exploring the lesser known, adventure destinations was a popular sort of vacation, but hard to book. Another reason for the agents.
On the one hand, it was fortunate for Amenaru that the Polaris Deep to Andrast route was reasonably well-traveled. On the other hand, it also meant decisions about pricing and amenities. It was a two-week trip and not one he'd prefer to spend on a dirty converted cargo ship. It was not easy to study or even think outside the travel counter, located at a busy area of the station. He could check two or three before having to step aside for a large group of people or a supply vehicle coming through. However, once he decided he'd had enough and that it was time to find an agent, a familiar voice stopped him.
Baal: Planning on sneaking away before coming to visit me?
Amenaru turned with a start, finding Baal coming to him with a jaunty wave.
Amenaru: I didn't even know you were here.
Baal: I do seem to get transferred a lot. Honestly, I didn't mind at first, but I'm hoping to get something a little more permanent. You look pretty good for someone who fell out of a spaceship. Whatcha up to?
Amenaru: I'm going to take some time off. Haven't seen my parents for awhile. Hopefully, I can take Kit with me, but look at these prices! I see the Aquitania is stopping here soon, but 7800 ren for a ticket is just too much and that's just for the cheap bunk and shared bathrooms.
Baal: Oh, so you made nice with your favorite tokki! Congratulations! If you need a cheaper trip, there are plenty of places not far from here to go camping.
Amenaru: Camping!? You're not serious.
Baal: Of course I am. Nice and quiet. Sleeping outside. No command structure.
Amenaru: Hard pass on that one, thanks.
Baal: Aw, didn't your parents take you camping when you were a kid?
Amenaru folded his arms across his chest and smirked.
Amenaru: No, they didn't, because my parents love me.
Baal: Oh pbbtht. You should try it. Nice and cheap.
Amenaru: You have fun with that. I just had a lovely bout of involuntary camping and I'm not keen to repeat the experience right now. Any vacation I take requires a nice bed in the evening.
Baal shrugged and patted Amenaru on the shoulder.
Baal: Suit yourself, but it's going to cost you. Still, the Aquitania is a really nice ship. Pricey, but I sure wouldn't mind a couple of weeks on that.
Amenaru: Massages. Shows. Shopping. Massages. Swimming. Rock climbing. Massages...
Baal: I don't know what kinds of massages you think they give on that ship, but anyway, why don't we get something to eat first. Think about it before you go in, right?
Amenaru nodded.
Amenaru: That sounds good. Best not to go in hungry. There's a place on the station that does good brisket.
Baal: Done! I'll pay. You need to save your money.
And together, they left the travel counter, arguing all the way to the restaurant over who would pay.
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