Carpathia IV: Episode 118 - Clothes
Andrast, Amenaru's house
It was just after lunchtime when Amenaru awoke again. Six hours of sleep was enough to function and he already lost one day to catnip. He didn't want to lose another. After a quick stretch, he slid out of his bed and slithered down the ladder and then down the stairs, hoping that Kit would be okay this time.
Once downstairs, Amenaru found an interesting sight indeed. Sylvar on the couch consorting with Ramses over a pile of comic books. Kit sitting on a stool with his arms outstretched while Meri stuck pins in the evening gown he was wearing. Dad in the kitchen with a pile of food, whistling a jaunty tune. Mom at the dining table strumming softly at her bass guitar, but just loudly enough to mask Amenaru's footsteps coming down the stairs.
Amenaru: Situation normal, I guess.
All eyes turned to Amenaru, noticing him for the first time while his mother kept strumming her guitar.
Sylvar: Hey, welcome back! You knew about all this stuff? Comic books? Video games?
Amenaru: Is this your first time seeing those?
Sylvar: Little glimpses here and there, I guess? I've only experienced your games in your ship's holosuite, though. I didn't know there were more than that!
Amenaru: Ah, yeah, you need a lot of space and a lot of money for one of those. There is a holo game center in town. Maybe Ramses can take you there.
James: Hey, if it's for educational purposes, I can give you a few ren for spending money.
Ramses gave an immediate, enthusiastic nod.
Ramses: Oh, yes! We'll do loads of education!
James: In that case, what would you like for lunch?
Amenaru: You haven't eaten yet?
James: Well, these two goobs have been playing games and reading comics most of the morning and Meri and Kit... well, you can see.
Ramses: We can get a hamburger in town.
James: Suit yourself, but that's coming out of your pocket money.
This revelation made Ramses's ears flutter hard enough for his little hat to pop off and lay askew on his head.
Ramses: We'll eat here, then.
James: Very well.
While James and Ramses worked out the nature of their lunchtime, Amenaru made his way to Kit and Meri.
Amenaru: I didn't expect to catch you in one of Meri's dresses again.
Meri: He's such a sweetie! I noticed how well they seemed to fit on him and he agreed to wear them while I did some detail stitching.
Kit stayed stiff, only moving his head, while Meri finished out one of her threads and gave a little tug at the result.
Kit: It's kind of nice, really. I like how the fabric feels and besides, it's the least I can do after what happened.
Meri pulled out a few pins and stuck them in her pincushion.
Meri: Now, now. I wouldn't ask you to do this if weren't keen and there's no need for apologies.
Amenaru pulled up a stool an sat next to Kit.
Amenaru: Feeling up to going out today?
Kit: I'm fine and I would like to get some clothes.
Amenaru: Great! We can do that. I think we could eat out too. I know there were a few tokki-friendly places before I left. I'll bet there are more now.
Kit nodded slowly, mindful not to disrupt Meri's sewing as she broke off another piece of thread that she had just tied off.
Kit: Let's do that.
Meri: Good timing, then. I'm done with this one. Let me unzip your back so you can change.
Meri stepped around Kit and slowly let out his zipper, which slid down his back with a smooth, satisfying rip as it went.
Meri: There you go. Have fun!
Kit gave a little push and slipped off his stool. Amenaru wasn't too surprised when he began removing the dress right where he stood. He was, however, completely flabbergasted that Kit was wearing nothing underneath.
Amenaru: Kit! Um... your...
All Amenaru could do was babble and point while Kit continued to disrobe, not really sure what Amenaru was getting at. Sylvar, Meri, and Ramses, however, knew exactly what was going on and enjoying the view. Meri leaned in close to Amenaru's ear and whispered while keeping her eyes on what she most enjoyed seeing.
Meri: Not shy at all about his body, is he? He did exactly the same thing right before he put the dress on.
Amenaru whispered back while Kit continued with his unexpected striptease.
Amenaru: Why didn't you stop him?
Meri: For the same reason you're not stopping him now.
Amenaru opened his mouth to protest before he realized that he had no argument to give.
Amenaru: Fair.

Around Town
Kit clung tightly to Amenaru's arm as they strolled down the main street of the town. It was a thoroughly modern town with clean streets lined with new shops with more on the way, but far from the glitzy high-rise glamour of the capital of Starlight City. This was a modest little burg, built around old, run-down nekomi heritage sites that were now in the process of restoration. The result was a new town speckled with historic sites. Even Amenaru was impressed by how much had changed since the last time he went home.
On the way to get food, they passed by a small clothing shop, and Kit seemed interested, breaking loose from Amenaru's arm for the first time and running to the window.
Kit: Oh, this place looks good!
Amenaru: We can check if you want. Fair warning, though. This place specializes in independent, artisanal designers and they're a little pricey.
Kit: That's fine. I'd like to have a look.
Amenaru's heart warmed as he watched Kit dart between the different clothing displays, happily checking out each article of clothing. He must have gone through half the store, holding each article up, examining it, and feeling the fabric and it helped that there were no other customers inside to get in the way. Finally, Kit stopped at one rack that contained some designer exercise gear.
Kit: Oh, I like this!
Kit turned and held up a pair of bicycle shorts. Amenaru strode over, pleased with the smile on Kit's face, and felt the fabric. And then he saw the price tag.
Amenaru: Whew! 90 ren for a pair of bicycle shorts! Are you sure about that?
Kit grinned and gave and enthusiastic nod before pulling a matching top and pair of gloves from the rack.
Kit: These go well together, don't you think?
The price was growing, but Amenaru suppressed his apprehension, not wanting to lose this moment seeing Kit so happy.
Amenaru: If you're interested, maybe try them on and see if they fit you.
Kit: Yeah, that sounds good!
Amenaru should have seen this coming, yet it still took him by surprise. Right where he stood, Kit began lifting his shirt, exposing his belly, making it very clear that he intended to disrobe right in the middle of the shop floor. Amenaru yanked his shirt down and started steering him toward the fitting room while the shopkeeper giggled.
Amenaru: Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope. Fitting room. Fitting room. Fitting room.
With Kit safely ensconced in the fitting room to try on his new outfit, Amenaru let out a sigh of relief while he waited. Soon, he emerged, and Amenaru could see that the gear fit him well, especially the way it accentuated his... ahem... middle.

Kit: What do you think?
Amenaru: Oh, yes. That looks good on you!
Kit smiled again and Amenaru wondered what it was that was bringing him out of his shell. Mysterious, quiet, brooding Kit was now expressing himself in ways he'd never seen before. Did he just feel somehow more free on Andrast? A lingering after-effect of the catnip? Difficult to say, but Amenaru wanted to enjoy this for as long as possible and he hoped that Kit would too.
Kit: Great! There are other colors over there. I'm going to get a variety.
Amenaru wondered if he should say something. Could it be that Kit didn't realize how much he was spending? He didn't want Kit to accidentally blow more than he should but he didn't want to infantilize Kit by lecturing him on money either. Amenaru thought for a moment of paying for it himself, but the way Kit piled bits of exercise clothing into his arms, he knew it would just be too much. Still, he knew from the stories that Kit told that he had something saved beyond what he ran away with. He didn't know how much. Maybe it was a lot? He decided a seemingly innocuous question would do the trick.
Amenaru: Kit, you know the currency conversion between Tokkastra and Carpathia?
Kit: 0.86 Tokkastran Silver to one Carpathian ren, last time I checked. I put Carpathian ren on a travel card before we left.
Amenaru: Right. Carry on, then.
All Amenaru could do was trust that Kit knew what he was doing, though he couldn't hide his shock at the total when the cashier announced it. 1,435 ren in total. Fortunately, Amenaru was standing behind him, so only the shopkeeper could see his twisting face.
The shopkeeper handed over two sparkly shopping bags neatly taped at the top and Amenaru took one of them. Together, they left the shop to continue their walk to the old town area, where many food stalls lined the streets. Not a moment too soon, either, for Amenaru's stomach was now getting grumbly.
The old town district was the only place that was just as Amenaru had remembered. Nothing new here and the cacophony smells that wafted from the food stalls all around were just as glorious as he remembered. It was a lively place as well, with many people milling about, talking, pointing, haggling with fishmongers, cooing over handcrafted pottery—enjoying themselves.
Amenaru: If you see anything that looks interesting, we'll ask if they have tokki-friendly offerings.
Kit: Hard to say. I'm not sure what most of these smells are.
As though giving an assist from afar, both suddenly heard one of the food stall vendors shout something intriguing.
Vendor: Hey, Riku! I got Sen here! We'll need the tokki pan!
Neither had to say anything, as both Amenaru and Kit naturally gravitated toward the stall that had this mystical "tokki pan," a takoyaki vendor. Not something that a tokki could eat, but they clearly had some kind of alternative available.
Vendor: Oh, hey, good timing! Always better to fill up the whole pan than use half of it!
Amenaru and Kit looked around, but there were no other tokki to be seen, at least, not next to this stall. Just a tall, slender nekohuman with black hair and purple eyes. He wasn't dressed for a day out on the town, like most people, but in a stained gardener's apron and a bandana on his head.
Amenaru: Is there another tokki here?
Vendor: Here? Naw, but close. Senouphis here is a regular and he usually picks some up for his tokki friend. That right, Sen?
Senouphis: I'll have the usual, Kazu.
Kazu: What'd I tell ya? So, first time on Andrast?
Amenaru: I'm from here. This is Kit's first time.
Kazu: Marvelous! Tell you what. I'll whip up his batch and put one more for you to try. If you like it, I'll make you some more! I usually do takoyaki, but ever since that goof of a friend of his came along, I thought I should come up with something to offer tokki customers. Instead of octopus, I came up with a concoction of seaweed and other tokki-friendly ingredients.
Amenaru: You want to try, Kit?
Kit: I'll have a go.
Kazu: Excellent! Let me get that ready for you!
While they waited for Kazu to do his cooking, Amenaru struck up a conversation with Sen.
Amenaru: What did this friend of yours do to spark Kazu's creativity?
Sen turned up the corner of his mouth while one of his ears flattened out on his head.
Sen: When he first got here, he absolutely insisted on trying everything, even when he knew it had meat. I don't know how many times he got himself sick before he finally stopped.
Kazu: I still feel bad about that. I should have said no, but he just wouldn't stop insisting.
Sen: He ended up okay, but it was a long night.
Kazu took out two small skewers and stabbed one of each of the regular takoyaki and the tokki takoyaki and passed them to Amenaru and Kit. Kit watched Amenaru pop the entire ball in his mouth and then Kit did the same.
Amenaru: Hey, these are pretty good!
Kazu: Great! How much can I sign you up for?
Amenaru: Six. I think six will make a good lunch.
Kazu: Six it is! And how many of my seaweed type?
Kit did not answer right away, so Amenaru looked over to him to find out what he was thinking. Indeed, he could not read his face. Surprise? Illness? Kit's eyes were as wide as bread plates while he chewed slowly.
Amenaru: How is it?
Kit: I'll take four dozen.
Kazu: One to-go box coming right up!
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