Carpathia IV: Episode 119 - Hot Springs
Andrast, Amenaru's house
Fortunately, the "Catnip Incident" as it would forever be known, was the only mar on what became an enjoyable, relaxing respite from space travel. Amenaru took Kit farther and farther out each day, delighting in showing Kit his hometown and beyond. Each time, Kit bought more and more clothes, replenishing his wardrobe, but with seemingly no regard for the cost of anything. In little more than a week, Kit had spent thousands of ren and it was all Amenaru could do to keep his mouth shut about it.
Through it all, Kit never lost his newfound love of seaweed and consumed every permutation of it he could find. For Amenaru's dad, this was a relief, for he, raising a family of felines, married to a feline, and very partial to meat himself, found the notion of coming up with a tokki dinner for Kit every day an anxiety hotpot. The seaweed mercifully stole the responsibility from him, as Kit was entirely content to munch on a seaweed entree every night along with whatever other raw fruits and veggies were lying around.
Sylvar, by contrast, was all about the meat and from the very first night, he and James bonded over cooking. Before long, one might think that Sylvar might have an entire cookbook inside him. All meat-related dishes. When he wasn't cooking, he spent the rest of his free time learning video games with Ramses and the theater with Meri. On some evenings, they got their instruments out and played music, each of the Pendergast offspring practicing with Reuli's voice enhancer prototype. On the nights they didn't play music, they would sit around on the couch while Amenaru regaled them with tales of the Shadowdancer, to which Kit blushed heartily whenever Amenaru praised him.
With the local areas explored, Amenaru and Kit decided travel a few hours outside of town to a secluded inn out in the forest and spend a few days there. First, it would take a train ride, a taxi, and a few hours hike through the woods to get there. This was a time not for suitcases and dress shoes. Backpacks and boots were the dress code of this day. Once ready, made their way to the first floor to embark on their outing.
Kit: You're sure they have a network connection?
Amenaru: Quite sure.
Downstairs, they found only Ramses waiting for them.
Amenaru: Is Sylvar still here? I wanted to say goodbye before we left.
Ramses: He left already. All he said was that he wanted to experience Carpathian culture on his own for awhile.
Amenaru: Ah, that's a shame. I hope he has a good time.
Amenaru wanted to wait to see his dad and sister too before he left. The telltale thunk thunk of footsteps coming up from the basement told him that he wouldn't have to wait long indeed.
Meri: Oi, you weren't leaving without seeing us, were you?
Amenaru: Just waiting for you, actually. Sylvar too, but it seems he already took off.
Meri ran up and gave both Amenaru and Kit a hug.
Meri: Hope you have plenty of seaweed packed!
Kit: I have lots, thanks.
James: Well, then. Be careful and have a good time! Also, Amenaru, if you get the sniffles, don't take felinyol! You remember what happened last time.
Amenaru: I know, Dad. You don't have to remind me every time.
Kit: What happened?
James: Ah, he came down with something when he was 12 and we gave him some. They're still working out some of the strange side effects of some medicines with nekohumans. Mostly he slept for two days, but when he was awake, he thought he was a pickle.
Amenaru curled his lip and let out a deep, glottal grumble.
Amenaru: Time to go, Kit.

Forest Path
After the train and taxi, Amenaru and Kit were on a narrow forest path full of thick trees and mushrooms as tall as a house. Fortunately, the path was clear and well-lit. All they had to do was keep the lanterns in sight and they would be fine. Otherwise, it was a peaceful, solitary hike.
Kit: We haven't seen anyone for an hour.
Amenaru: That's true. You know, hee hee, we could probably have sex, right here and now, and nobody would notice.
Kit: Okay.
Amenaru's ears seemed to react before his brain did, flipping around on top of his head before he even realized that Kit's answer did not fit any expectations. He turned around to find Kit, already with his backpack tossed aside, and unbuckling his pants as he strode towards him.
Amenaru: Kit, what are you doing? Kit... Kit... Kit!


Though now a bit late, they managed to traverse the forest path just before the sun started to set. Amenaru, now quite a lot more weary than he expected to be and not able to walk particularly well, found the sight of the inn very welcome. Together, they walked to the door, slid it open, and made their way to the front desk.
Nobody was there, so Amenaru dinged the bell while focusing on the lounge area with its comfy chairs.
Kit: You can go sit. I'll take care of this.
Amenaru only considered protesting for a moment, but the plush chairs beckoned to him, looking, as they did, like he might sink a foot into their squishy goodness.
Amenaru: I think I'll take you up on that offer.
Amenaru waddled over to one of the chairs and plopped down into it, finding it just as comfy as it looked from afar. He closed his eyes and waited. Perhaps he fell asleep, because it seemed like no time at all had passed before Kit came to him with a room key in his hand.
Kit: Third floor. Ready?
Amenaru didn't want to leave the chair. Regardless, he funnelled his strength into his arms and pushed himself up. Third floor. The top floor. No elevator. He'd manage. After a slow climb up the stairs, they arrived at the room. Kit put his key into the door and slid it open.
Kit took off his boots and strode right in, leaving Amenaru at the door with his mouth hanging open.
Amenaru: What the... This is a suite. I booked the smallest room type. This one costs 800 ren per night.
Kit put his backpack down by the table and sat in one of the chairs.
Kit: That's what the lady at the front desk said. I upgraded. I hope you don't mind.
Amenaru took off his own boots and entered, sliding the door closed behind him. Kit, meanwhile, rummaged through his backpack and pulled out his tablet.
Amenaru: Not at all! It's just...
While Kit tapped at his tablet, Amenaru searched his brain for the right words.
Amenaru: You've been spending an awful lot of money. Are you sure it's okay?
Kit didn't answer at first, frantically scrolling through several pages on his tablet. Finally, with a sigh, he set it aside and slumped in his chair.
Kit: Everything is still on track. I suppose I should tell you. Why not sit down.
Intensely curious, Amenaru slipped off his backpack and took a seat in the chair opposite the table from Kit.
Amenaru: This has something to do with all the money you're spending?
Kit: Trust me, money is no problem. The Tokkastran government completed their hearings awhile ago and they are now liquidating the Savea Enclave. One of the things they do is distribute money and property to those they consider aggrieved parties. I am on the top of that list.
Amenaru: I see. That explains the money. If you don't mind my asking, how much?
Kit: 730 million Tokkastran silver plus some real estate.
Kit didn't seem to notice that Amenaru was entirely paralyzed by this point and continued describing his now considerable assets.
Kit: They gave me first choice on what land I wanted, so I chose the section that borders the mono district that I used to go to. I've been busy buying up all the land in the mono area and, when I'm done, I plan to hand it all over to the people who live there so they can establish a new enclave. I'll keep a few hundred thousand for myself.
Amenaru's shock rapidly gave way to sincere admiration and he could feel his face and body relaxing. He slowly rose from his chair and stepped around to where Kit was sitting and finally kneeled on the floor next to him, taking Kit's hand in his.
Amenaru: That's really great, you know. I would expect nothing less than a total kindness like that from you.
Kit: Sorry I didn't tell you.
Amenaru: There's nothing to apologize for. At least now I know what you've been doing on your tablet all this time. Is everything going well?
Kit: There's still work to do, but everything is okay for now. I would just like to sit in the hot spring for awhile.
Amenaru: Let's get our stuff sorted and go down then.
Amenaru knew enough for now. The rest of the story was Kit's business to tell and he didn't want to push, no matter how intensely curious he remained. As they stowed their gear and changed out of their grimy clothes, the subject of Sylvar came up.
Amenaru: I wonder what Sylvar is doing. All I heard was that he wanted to experience Carpathia culture on his own for awhile. Symphony?
Kit: Library?
Amenaru: Theater?

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