Carpathia IV: Episode 123 - Handover
Polaris Deep, NCCS Shadowdancer-A, Captain's Ready Room
The next few days passed in a frenzy of hundreds of crew moving in and exploring their new ship. Much was very familiar, similar to the old Shadowdancer, just jumbo-sized. It was the new features that frequented many conversations. The carpet that lined every corridor. The voice controls on the lifts. The condo-like quarters and that anyone at lieutenant rank and above received a bathtub and a kitchenette.
After a few days of exploring and learning, everyone had a chance to take a break for the official handing over ceremony to Captain Valro, which took place in the station's rotunda, accompanied by a massive buffet. The speechmaking was mercifully short and ended with Admiral Zhang officially putting Aire in command of the Shadowdancer-A.
Admiral Zhang: On this day, September 28, N.E. 213, I officially hand over command of the NCCS Shadowdancer-A, CER-9294-A, to Captain Aire Valro. May your seas be calm and your winds be always at your back.
In what was, evidently, a new custom, Admrial Zhang produced an oversize golden key and passed it to Aire.
Aire: It will be my honor, Admiral.
One last brief speech from Aire and it was all buffet from there as the crew of the new Shadowdancer and the crew of Polaris Deep mingled together.
Bridge, NCCS Shadowdancer-A
With copious amounts of food consumed, the day was still not over for the senior and bridge officers. Aire asked them to congregate on the bridge to introduce them to several of their new crewmates, and arrive they did, lethargic and with substantially overstuffed bellies. There, they found Aire and the new crew members having a breezy, casual chat at the front of the bridge, a couple of whom weren't actually new, but old faces with new jobs. As the officers spilled out of the lifts, Aire directed the new crew into a line to introduce them.
Aire: Thanks for coming, everyone! Just some quick introductions and I'll let you mingle, though I have no doubt some of you have already met over the last few days. Let's get started, shall we?
Aire moved to one end of the line, where an orange komodo wearing a blue uniform stood.
Aire: This is Lieutenant Trex Fisk. Until recently, she was part of the team designing, implementing, and tweaking the security systems on the Crystal Falchion class. Most recently, she's been working on integrating Sylvar's force field design into the security systems. She is our new Deputy Chief of Security.
Trex: Thank you, Captain. I'm glad to be here and I'm looking forward to seeing the security systems in practical application!
Aire moved next to the demon standing next to Trex.
Aire: Since this ship will have a significantly more robust stellar cartography department, Lieutenant JG Baal Morningstar will be heading up that department.
Baal did not answer right away, but instead cast furtive glances in Phobos's direction while Amenaru looked on, more surprised than anyone. This was not the behavior of the always overconfident Baal that he knew.
Aire: Lieutenant Morningstar?
This second attempt finally got Baal's attention, as he seemed to suddenly snap back into reality as though someone flicked a switch in his brain.
Baal: Oh, yes, Captain! Sorry... um... I look forward to working with all of you!
Unfazed, Aire scooted to the next person, one who everyone already knew very well.
Aire: It would be a cliche to say this is someone who needs no introduction, but under the circumstances, he actually does. Familiar face with a new name. This is Chief Specialist Sylvar Pendergast. He'll be working under the supervision of Ensign Leingod developing new tech.
Sylvar: Hello again!
With a dad-like pat on Sylvar's shoulder, Aire scooted in between the next pair of new crew.
Aire: These are our new cadets.
Aire turned slightly to his left first to indicate the nekomi, who looked like he was about to explode into a little cloud of orange and black fur.
Aire:This is Darius Bengal. He'll be helping out in sick bay.
Darius: I'm so happy to be here! You know, I've been around medicine all my life, since my dad is... a...
Darius's voice started trailing off when Aire gave him a friendly "shut up" pat on the shoulder.
Darius: Um... a story for later.
Aire then turned to his right, indicating next the silver-haired tokki.
Aire: And this is Mikado Skeyes. He'll be helping out on the bridge.
Mikado gave a shaky wave and stammered out a greeting.
Mikado: H... hi everyone!
Aire: Much has happened between the Tokkastran and Carpathian governments since Rhalma was arrested and Lord Anai resigned. As we speak, there is a small group of Carpathian young people headed to Tokkastra to serve on ringships the same way Mikado is serving here. Some of their ringships will also have Carpathian liaison officers and we have one from Tokkastra now.
With that, Aire moved to the next person in the line, another who everyone already knew.
Aire: Please welcome Reylen Elai, our Tokki liaison.
Reylen: It's great to see you all again!
Three left, an Aire stepped next to a person with unusual features indeed, with his tokki-esque ears and long, superfloof tail.
Aire: All ships of the Crystal Falchion class have an on-board artist and archivist. Tuomas Bond will be documenting our journey in sketches, paintings, and photography.
Tuomas: Don't mind me if you see me sketching. I'm going to be doing a lot of that around here.
Finally, Aire got to the final two, the Shadowdancer's veteran cadets.
Aire: Our cadets' time on the ship is up, but the good news is Quenya has chosen to enrol in the Academy. She'll be starting her studies here, which means her role will change to a lot of intense study and practical experience.
Quenya: I'm happy that I get to stay!
Aire: And finally, Tayet. Unfortunately, he'll be leaving us when we arrive at Draconis. Cadet Tayet Arapaesis, you were a great asset to the ship and we will miss you.
Tayet: Thank you all for being so nice to me. I'm sorry I couldn't perform up to anyone's expectations.
Aire did his best to comfort Tayet, though a hug was out of the question. Tayet's young dragon scales would tear him to pieces. For this, Aire had to settle for a gentle, fatherly squeeze on the back of Tayet's neck.
Aire: Nonsense, Tayet. You did your best every day and we're all proud of you.
Every crew member on the bridge nodded in agreement while Aire took a few steps in front of the new crew.
Aire: Before you go back to your cabins, stay and mingle a little while with your new shipmates.
Like any time when someone in charge declares an end to official proceedings, it took several minutes for any actual mingling to take place. It started slow, with people chatting with those closest to them before they finally started to move around and true mixing took place.

One of the first to break away from his spot and approach the new crew was Amenaru, who plotted a direct course to Baal.
Amenaru: Baal, you cheeky devil. You didn't tell me you were joining the crew!
Just as before, Baal seemed to have difficulty concentrating, still sneaking glances in Phobos's direction.
Baal: I wasn't asked until yesterday. Of course I said yes.
After yet another distracted peek in the other direction, Baal himself asked before Amenaru could.
Baal: Who's the silver-haired nekohuman?
Amenaru: That's Ensign Leingod. He's our science officer. I can introduce you if you want to meet him.
Baal immediately whipped his head back now facing the opposite direction from Phobos, eyes darting all around, leaving Amenaru very perplexed. This was a side of Baal he'd never seen before.
Baal: Ah, um... no thanks. Perhaps another time. How about I meet Kit, the one you're always telling me about?
Even while Baal was speaking, he was still glancing at Phobos, like he was the town villain who just barged through the saloon doors instilling everyone with a case of the collywobbles. Though he wanted to ask, Amenaru thought it best to leave it for later and distract him by introducing Kit as suggested.
Amenaru: Let's go find him then. You know, he's a bit more cheerful and open these days. I wonder if the catnip did him some good.
Baal: Catnip? I didn't expect you of all people to start drugging him up when you got home.
Amenaru: Not me. Mom. But that's a long story. Fortunately, everything worked out fine in the end.
Amenaru's ears fluttered, sensing Kit's distinct laugh from the other end of the bridge. In the same way that Kit so carefully enunciates all his words, so does his laugh come out as a perfect, "Ha ha."
Amenaru: Sounds like him over there. Let's go!

Elsewhere on the bridge, Nalma and Mikado had already exchanged greetings and now engaged in other welcoming pleasantries.
Nalma: I'm so glad you made it! I've been following your application process with great interest. How do you feel?
Mikado gave a heavy sigh and rubbed his bleary eyes.
Mikado: Honestly, I'm exhausted. The screening process took ages and I only just got my approval a week ago. I arrived here yesterday and got my uniform this morning. I'm glad to be here, but it doesn't feel real yet.
Nalma: Unfortunately, the increased screening is necessary, but that's a long story. What's important is that you made it. I'll chat with the Captain later and ask that he wait a bit to put you on duty so you can explore a bit. With all the prep work going on, it might take a bit to schedule your orientation anyway.
As Nalma got to the end, he started to notice that Mikado didn't seem to be listening, his head and eyes lazily drifting around the room, only occasionally pausing to focus on one of the crew.
Nalma: Still with us?
Like a light suddenly flipping on, Mikado snapped back to attention.
Mikado: Oh! Sorry, it's just... before yesterday, I've never really socialized with any Carpathians in real life before. Mostly just meet and greet at the martial arts tournaments.
Nalma: Ha! You'll get used to them, eventually. They're kind of crazy, you know, and I don't just mean this ship. It's kind of their superpower. We tokki can be too cautious, honestly, so I think we can complement each other well.
Nalma's ears did a little wiggle as he spotted Tuomas by himself, seemingly in transit from one little conversation pod to another.
Nalma: Ah, there's someone I've been wanting to meet. Tuomas, right?
Tuomas turned, expression neutral, and immediately gave Nalma a quick top to bottom once-over with his eyes. Nalma stepped forward, hand extended.
Nalma: So nice to have another fellow tokki on board!
Tuomas's expression immediately transformed from neutral to sour, as though he'd been presented with a nice piece of cheese with a giant booger on top. Just as Nalma realized that he'd made some sort of unintentional blunder, Tuomas swatted his hand away.
Tuomas: I'm not a tokki.
Without another word, Tuomas turned and strode away, leaving a befuddled Nalma behind.
Nalma: I guess I don't know everything yet.
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