Carpathia IV: Episode 122 - New Quarters
Polaris Deep, NCCS Shadowdancer-A, Captain's Ready Room
Aire leaned back, very pleased with himself and his new ready room with its burled wood desk and soft, spongy chair. Admiral Zhang could have sat where he was—she was the senior officer after all—but she graciously elected to take one of the two guest chairs in front of the desk. Neither she nor Sylvar, in the chair next to hers, were wanting for comfort as their chairs were almost the same as his, only lacking the high back and head support that Aire's had.
Admiral Zhang said little, mostly watching the proceedings unfold with her legs crossed and her elbows perched upon the chairs armrests. Her arms formed a bridge between them with her fingers tented in the middle. Aire kept his attention on Sylvar, with long pauses, for he appeared that he could go to pieces any moment. Indeed, he did not last farther than Aire's next two sentences.
Aire: We're all glad you've accepted. Allow me to be the first to congratulate you, Chief Specialist Sylvar.
As predicted, Sylvar lost whatever remaining composure he had left and the tears flowed down his cheeks. Through it all, he somehow managed to speak.
Sylvar: I don't know what to say, Captain. Thank you so much. I keep thinking I'm going to wake up and I'll be back in that beat-up old Vashtari ship. I can't believe this is real and I can't believe this is happening!
Aire scooted his chair close and leaned over his desk.
Aire: I assure you, Sylvar, that this is all real. You've come a long way and I can say that we're all glad you did. That said, I can't say I can relate entirely to what you must be feeling, suddenly being thrust into a completely new environment so quickly, but I know someone who can. He should be here any minute.
By this time, Sylvar had calmed himself to speak more lucidly, though still punctuated with occasional sniffles.
Sylvar: By the way, a couple of weeks ago, I picked out a last name for myself and had it officially added.
Aire: I'm glad for you! What shall we call you now?
Sylvar squeezed his limbs tight and gave a little squirm in his chair.
Sylvar: Um... Pendergast. Sylvar Pendergast.
Aire: Is that so? Seems you enjoyed your stay with Amenaru's family indeed! In that case, congratulations again Chief Specialist Pendergast.
Sylvar: Thank you, Captain.
The door chime sounded and a wide grin spread across Aire's face as he answered.
Aire: Ah, that'll be Captain Azrael. Enter, please!
The door to the ready room slid open and Azrael strolled inside.
Azrael: It is agreeable to see you again, Admiral Zhang. And you as well, Captain Valro.
Aire: Captain Azrael! I would like to introduce you to Chief Specialist Sylvar Pendergast. He's the one I told you about.
Sylvar, after a moment of surprised hesitation, finally popped out of his chair and stood up very straight.
Sylvar: I've heard much about you, Captain Azrael. It is an honor to meet you.
Azrael: Likewise, Chief Specialist Pendergast. That Captain Valro has addressed you by rank tells me you have accepted the position.
Sylvar: Yes, Captain!
Aire: Sylvar, I know we should have done something like this sooner, but now will have to do. Azrael was in a similar position to you, having been suddenly thrust from one life into a completely different one. I thought it might be good for you two to get to know each other. I suppose you can start on your way to the wardrobe department on Polaris Deep to get fitted for your new uniform. I've already told them to expect you.
Azrael: I shall be happy to share the wisdom I have acquired, Captain Valro.
Though Sylvar found himself tearing up again, he managed to keep himself from going to pieces this time.
Sylvar: Everything has happened so fast, I haven't had time to stop and think until I stayed with Amenaru's family. How did I get here anyway? A series of lucky chances? I must be the luckiest man in the universe.
Aire: Don't forget that a lot of determination and intelligence were a part of it. We want... No, I should say, we need people like you.
At a loss for words, all Sylvar could do was nod before approaching Azrael.
Sylvar: I'll be happy to learn any insights you can share with me.
Azrael: In that case, by your leave, Admiral, I shall go with Sylvar.
Teri: We've covered everything we need to cover. You're dismissed.
Azrael: Thank you, Admiral. Sylvar, shall we go?
Sylvar nodded and trotted to Azrael and then turned to Aire and Admiral Zhang one more time.
Sylvar: I won't let you down!
Aire gave him a smile and a nod as they left the ready room.
Aire: I'm sure he won't.
Admiral Zhang: He's been an incredible asset. Because of him, the Shadowdancer is now the first ship fitted with concentrated particle weapons, all based on his design, and we're still improving on his shield technology.
Aire: I'm looking forward to what he comes up with next.
Admiral Zhang pulled out a tablet she'd been keeping by her side and tapped through the menus.
Admiral Zhang: I do have another meeting to get to soon, so moving on. I expect you'd like to see your upcoming mission list. We're not sending you too far out yet, since the Shadowdancer is still in the shakedown period.
Admiral Zhang handed the tablet to Aire, who eagerly reached to take it.
Aire: That is sensible.
Before Aire even finished his short sentence, he was already flicking through the menu, all arranged neatly with titles and expandable briefs. Before he even saw the others, the first one caught his attention immediately.
Aire: Passenger transport?
Admiral Zhang nodded gravely while Aire expanded the mission briefing.
Teri: I'm afraid so. This information isn't classified, exactly, but it's not public yet, so do keep it to yourself for the next day or two. I'm afraid Blue is dying. He has expressed that he'd like to spend his remaining months on Ramewet. With the dragon's ship still being re-activated, it will have to be the Shadowdancer to take him there.
Though Aire heard, he remained silent, reading through the mission briefing. He didn't want to believe it, but there it was, not only from Admiral Zhang's mouth, but right there on the tablet. After a long sigh, he finally spoke.
Aire: I knew this day would come, but I hoped not in my lifetime. Old age, I presume?
Admiral Zhang: Yes, he's had a tough life, but he is reaching the end. I'll understand if you would prefer someone else...
Aire was already shaking his head, prompting Admiral Zhang to stop.
Aire: Thanks, but it would be my honor to fulfill one of Blue's final wishes and very fitting maiden voyage for the Shadowdancer.
Teri: It's a sad time, but I wholeheartedly agree with you. Let's give him the send-off he deserves. I would like to accompany you on this mission.
Aire: I'll be happy to have you on board, Admiral.
This was, at least, partially true. Aire respected Admiral Zhang, which was why he was simultaneously pleased to have her join them, he also desperately hoped that nothing unusual happened while she was there, on a ship where the unusual was the usual. If Admiral Zhang noticed that Aire's stomach was currently tying itself into knots and that he was screaming internally, she did not make any hint of it as she rose from her chair and straightened her uniform.
Admiral Zhang: I'll leave you to your ship then, Captain.
Aire rose too and rounded his desk.
Aire: I'll see you off, Admiral. I have to find Commander Joust and get him started on the quarters assignments.
Better than sitting in his office, another chance to tour the ship a little as he and Admiral Zhang left the ready room together.

NCCS Shadowdancer, Deck 4
Amenaru and Kit, accompanied by Mrs. Tiggywinkle trotting along by their feet, wandered Deck 4, map displayed on the tablet, and dragging their wheelie suitcases behind them. Even with the map, they were confused, mostly because the ship was so much bigger than what they were used to and everything more spaced and farther away. If they determined from the map that they need to take the "next left," that might take ten, twenty, or thirty seconds longer than they were used to. The difficulty came in the form of constant second-guessing that they were on the right path.
During their search, they came across Teek, looking just as confused as they were.
Teek: Hi guys! How was your trip?
Amenaru answered while leaning to the side to take a very conspicuous look at Teek's fresh, cone-shaped tail stump sticking out of his backside.
Amenaru: Very relaxing. How's the tail?
Teek grinned and wiggled his stump butt.
Teek: It's coming in. Took me a few weeks to get used to it not being there but once I did, it's really not too much of a problem. I'm looking for my quarters now. Deck 4, Section 12, Cabin 19.
Amenaru: Same. I'm in the same area, Cabin 17. Kit is Cabin 18.
Kit: Looks like Commander Joust put us all together.
Teek: That's good! Easier to have game night. We should look together.
With all in agreement, they continued their search, catching up with each other along the way.
Amenaru: What have you been up to while we were gone?
Teek: Mostly light duty. Captain Valro had me spending some time in flight simulators for Crystal Falchion class ships. I guess he had an idea that we might get one next. I didn't think it would be Shadowdancer!
Kit: Neither did we. The Captain called Sylvar away when we got to the bridge. I wonder what that was about.
Amenaru: Yeah, we haven't heard from him since. Couldn't have been anything bad, I'm sure.
Teek: Didn't make him walk the plank?
Amenaru: Hope not, but that would explain why we haven't seen him.
Kit: I think we're getting close. This is section 12. There's Cabin 10.
Close indeed. They counted the numbers on the doors at each one they passed. 11. 12. 13. When they reached Cabin 17, they stopped and admired the door.
Amenaru: Hey, it has my name on it and everything.
Teek: Open it!
Amenaru nodded and tapped the control on the door. All three marvelled at what they saw when the door slid open and they stepped inside. No bed. No bathroom. It was a spacious living area with a couch, coffee table, several chairs, and vast workstation. Two windows on the outer wall gave an expansive view of the stars beyond. Yet, there was more. A door on the left and two on the right. One must be a bedroom? Another a bathroom? What was the third one?
Mrs. Tiggywinkle dashed inside meowing profusely and made herself at home on the couch while the other three started exploring.
Amenaru: This isn't quarters. This is a condo!
First order of business was to set off to find out what was behind the doors.
Teek: Bedroom! And it's huge!
Kit: You got a whole bathtub in here.
And Amenaru took on the biggest mystery of the third door.
This one is a tiny kitchen. I can make my own sandwiches for a change.
Teek scampered back to the entry door and called out.
Amenaru: See ya! I'm going to go see what mine is like!
Without waiting for any acknowledgement, he was gone, leaving Amenaru with Kit.
Kit: I want to see mine too.
Kit did not dash away as quickly as Teek did, giving Amenaru time to catch up with him.
Amenaru: Let's go together.
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