Carpathia IV: Episode 125 - Operation Behave
NCCS Shadowdancer-A, Conference Room
Senior staff and bridge crew milled about the conference room aimlessly, forming little conversation pods around the wide space. The windows were a popular location, watching the mesmerizing streaks of stars zing past. Without instruments, it was one of the only ways most could even tell the ship was moving. The new Shadowdancer lacked the subtle vibrations of the old. Indeed, this was a popular topic of discussion.
Minnie: I was able to tell you exactly how fast the ship was going just by feeling the deck plates on the old Shadowdancer. Now, I can't even tell that we're moving.
Baal: Even Polaris Deep has a bit of a vibration. I'd already gotten used to it and I reckon I'll get used to this too. For now, I'm having trouble sleeping.
Ramei: Get yourself some quarters close to the engines and you'll feel it.
Baal: Eh, I got a nice window, so I think I'll stay put.
Ramei: Suit yourself, but a window does sound nice.
Minnie: Anyone know why we're here?
Ramei: All I got was an order from Commander Joust to be here at this time.
To answer that question, door slid open and Joust entered, skittering across the upper door jam and across the ceiling. Once he positioned himself neatly over the chair at the head of the table, he did a dainty flip and dropped into his seat.
Joust: Thanks for coming, everyone. Gather around!
It didn't need to be said, for as soon as Joust entered the room, everyone already began gravitating to the conference table.
Trex: Are the Admiral and Captain coming?
Joust: This meeting is about Captain Valro and this mission and I'd rather he didn't know about it. I'll be quick, so everyone have a seat. Pull some of the other chairs over.
After all the chairs around the table were occupied and even after the four lounge chairs were pulled in from the back, there were still a few standing.
Joust: I'll be quick. We have Admiral Zhang on board. Once we reach Draconis, Blue and Kuro will travel with us to Ramewet. The old Shadowdancer had a reputation, and since much of the same crew is here, I expect the new one will too. Nevertheless, for the sake of Captain Valro, while our guests are on board, I would like for you to be on your best behavior.
Joust paused, immediately noticing the shifty, befuddled eyes all around him.
Joust: What?
Nalma: It's just that you're you, Commander. We all almost expected you to tell us to up our prank game.
Suddenly a little squirmy in his chair, Joust wrung his hands together.
Joust: You know... Captain Valro... Because of him, I got to be a part of taking down two big hoity toity assholes. You can't buy that kind of satisfaction and I want to do something nice for him.
The others briefly looked around at each other and nodded.
Sylvar: We can call it "Operation Behave Ourselves!"
Teren: We should keep it short. "Operation Behave," or just OB, in case Admiral Zhang is nearby.
Tamati: Our sneaky secret code for good behavior.
Joust: I'm glad we're all in agreement. Do inform your staff, but keep it subtle. I want Captain Valro to carry on as he normally would. If there's nothing else, I'll let you get back to your duties.
Before anyone had a chance to break for the doors, Amenaru stepped forward with his hand up.
Amenaru: I have something, Commander. Have we considered setting up some entertainment for Blue? We could do a concert or a theater show. Maybe both. It's more than two weeks from Draconis to Ramewet. I think he might like some entertainment besides movies and well-wishers.
Joust: Capital idea, Lieutenant. I'll contact Draconis to find out if it's up for that and what he might be interested in. After that, you can be in charge of planning. Sound good?
Amenaru's ears gave a flutter while his tail swirled around behind him, delighted to be in charge of such a fun project.
Amenaru: That sounds very good, Commander!
Joust: Then it's settled. I'll contact Draconis as soon as I can and let you know. If that will be all, you're dismissed.

Shadowdancer-A corridor, near Medical
It wasn't Aire's first tour of the ship. Naturally, he strolled around the corridors and rooms shortly after he was informed that the command was his and almost every day since. Even now, there were still places he hadn't visited yet, but he would get there eventually. As Captain, he had to know every inch of the ship. Today, however, was different. Today wasn't about the ship, but the people. Now that they were underway and the crew had a chance to settle into their new duty stations, he wanted to find out how they were doing.
One of his stops was Medical. There were two, actually. The main one as close to dead-center in the ship as the designers could muster, and a smaller emergency medical bay just off the shuttle bay, for cases that could not wait even a couple extra minutes to go from the shuttle bay to the main surgical room. Rather than have a slow, leisurely stroll like he often did, Aire stayed vigilant of his surroundings, for this was one of the places that he had to commit to memory quickly. Just in case.
Before opening the door, Aire took a quick glance to his left and right, making a mental note of what the bow and stern directions looked like, and entered. For a brief moment, nobody noticed him as the cacaphony of medical staff darted this way and that, still busy organizing. Sorchae, her back turned to him, leaned over a desk several feet in front of him, in conversation with another of the staff, a conversation which quickly ended when he stepped in.
Sorchae: Go see who that is, Darius.
Yes, Aire thought. The orange and black fur should have clued him in immediately, but with so many things on his mind, realization came slowly in this case. Darius trotted toward him with eyes wide and mouth open.
Darius: Captain! I didn't know you were coming! Is Ryuu with you? I didn't get a chance to meet him on the bridge the other day.
Aire: Not with me right now, no. He's...
Darius: Oh, that's too bad. I didn't get a chance to meet him on the bridge the other day. Well, I guess eventually, right? Too bad dragons rarely get sick. I don't suppose he'll come in for a check-up.
Darius suddenly gasped and clasped his hand over his mouth.
Darius: Oh! That must mean you're here for personal reasons!
While Darius yammered on, Sorchae seemed to take notice and strolled up behind him with a throughly bemused expression. Aire thought he'd wait to see how Sorchae handled Darius, especially considering how he couldn't get a single word in the middle of the verbal onslaught he was facing.
Darius: You are looking a little green. Are your ears feeling a bit droopy? It could be elfoid fever!
Sorchae finally arrived and stood in front of Aire, Darius to her right, with her arms folded across her chest. Darius didn't seem to notice and started exhaustively listing all the potential medical conditions that Aire might have, each more deadly than the last. Finally, Sorchae had enough and, without breaking eye contact with Aire, reached out and clamped Darius's mouth shut with her fingers on his snout and thumb on his chin.
Sorchae: Cadet, when a patient comes into sick bay, let them tell you what the problem is. Don't just start speculating right away. Understand?
Aire couldn't tell if Darius nodded his own head or if Sorchae was moving it for him. Nevertheless, he did hear a muffled acknowledgement in the affirmative.
Darius: Mrph mrph.
Satisfied, Sorchae released Darius's muzzle.
Darius: Sorry, Captain. What brings you here today?
Aire: I'm just paying a visit to all the departments to make sure everyone's settling in.
Sorchae: A little hectic, but we're managing. Once we get everything sorted and procedures in place, things will be running very smoothly.
Aire: Good to hear, Doctor. Be sure to let me or Joust know if you need anything.
Sorchae: Will do, Captain.
Aire next turned his attention to Darius, who had been uncharacteristically quiet since Sorchae freed his mouth.
Aire: How are you finding the ship so far, Darius?
Darius: It's very nice, Captain! I haven't seen much of it yet, but it's almost like a luxury liner.
Aire: Take your time. There's plenty to see and do.
Darius: I already know I'm going to be at the sento every night!
Sorchae: Will there be anything else, Captain?
Aire: I'll let you get back to your work. I'm just checking in. I'll probably stop by again in a couple of days when Admiral Zhang is free to join me. She's in a conference with new government administration right now.
Sorchae: Here's hoping Lord Krek is better than the last one.
Aire: I'm going to see how Engineering is getting along. I'll let you know when Admiral Zhang is coming to visit so you can be ready.
Sorchae: Ready any time, Captain.
Aire: And Darius, listen to the doctor. She has a lot to teach you.
Darius stood straight and raised his fuzzy paw to his brow in a little salute.
Darius: Yes, Captain!
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