Carpathia IV: Episode 126 - The Spy
NCCS Shadowdancer-A
The Shadowdancer carried on to Draconis, as smooth as can be, meeting and exceeding all expectations. As the third in the line, many of the kinks were already worked out, leaving Aire feeling comfortable enough to test its maximum speed and find its highest cruising speed. In maximum speed tests, she topped out at Q12.92, tantalizingly close to Q13, and Minnie assured him that she'd be able to get her past that number eventually. For now, she cruised at Q9.3 and, in most areas, felt like a building of solid granite.
If Minnie was pleased with the ship's performance, only those closest to her could tell. As always, she rushed this way and that, tablet in her hand, scrutinizing every decimal point of every system. Her staff too diligently monitored and tested all systems, reporting back to her immediately whenever she asked.
At the halfway mark between Polaris Deep and Draconis, Minnie decided on a systems performance audit and now Engineering was filled with not only the usual staff, but key people from other departments involved in other related operations. It was still a half hour before the start and participants were still arriving.
Trex: Phobos! It's good to see you.
Phobos: Good morning, Lieutenant. I haven't seen you much the last couple of weeks. Is Commander Unas keeping you busy?
Trex: Very busy! Jeepers, you know, I haven't served on a ship since I was an ensign. Policies, procedures, protocols. All the pee pee pees! Lots of study, but it's very exciting. I think I was due for a change-up.
Trex giggled, half of which came out as staccato snorts. Giggle-snorts, really, if a name had to be put to it.
Phobos: You're in the right place, then. I don't think we're quite on the cutting edge as you were in the science lab, but we have some exciting things under development here.
Trex: That's why I was hoping to come here. I'd like to find some time to meet with you and Sylvar about the tech you've been working on.
Phobos: Happy to, Lieutenant. Just let me know a time that works for you.
Trex: Oh, golly, Phobos. You can call me Trex. No need for this Lieutenant business. That is, unless I have to throw you in the brig. I suppose a certain degree of formality would be required under those circumstances.
Phobos paused with a smile and a slow, knowing nod.
Phobos: I think you're going to do just fine on this ship.
As they spoke, Quenya arrived for the meeting with a glorious bedhead and a cup of coffee in her hand.
Quenya: Good morning, Professor... Ensign? I'm not sure what to call you now.
Phobos: I don't think we need to get too fussed about that. Professor when we talk about class things and Ensign on duty. If you accidentally mix it up, no big deal.
Quenya: I'll do my best!
Phobos: Trex, have you met Quenya yet? I'm teaching her quantum mechanics for her academy credits.
Trex: I should surely say not! I mean, I saw you on the bridge when Captain Valro introduced everyone, but we haven't spoken in person yet.
Trex held out her hand and Quenya accepted with a vigorous shake.
Trex: Academy training on board! What a great way to get real experience. How is your workload treating you?
Quenya did her best to stifle a yawn, but it was no use. Still, she covered her mouth with her hand and resisted a wide-open howler with all her might.
Quenya: I'm managing so far. Three half-time duty shifts per week and classes in the middle. Sometimes I have to do remote lessons with academy professors, but I like the one-on-one classes I get with the crew the most.
Trex: Oh, yes, those must be great. I have to admit, I'm jealous. I never got an opportunity like what you have right now. Maybe I'll be your teacher for a future class.
Trex let fly with another giggle-snort while Phobos guided Quenya to the meeting table.
Phobos: Let's get ready, then. And make sure you keep that coffee mug away from the sensitive equipment.
Quenya: Oh, don't worry, Ensign Leingod. I know what the Chief will do to me if I spilled anything around here.

Near Engineering
Amenaru knew as well as anyone that it was highly inadvisable to arrive late for a meeting that included Minnie. As such, he was over 20 minutes ahead of schedule as he approached Engineering. Just outside, however, he found a peculiar sight. A red-headed crew member with a pencil and paper pad casting sneaky peeks around the corner at the crew. Could it be...
Amenaru: Baal?
Baal jumped up, flailing around like a frightened rabbit. When he finally pulled himself together, he leaned in and gave Amenaru a shush, a counterproductive one that was loud enough to be heard several meters away.
Baal: SHHHH!!!
Curious, though getting a little exasperated with the antics, Amenaru smirked and folded his arms across his chest.
Amenaru: If you want quiet, maybe you should start with yourself. You sounded like a pressure cooker just then. What has gotten into you this time?
Baal jabbed his finger behind him, to the corner he was just peeking around.
Baal: Look over there!
Amenaru shrugged as he marched to the corner to take a quick look. Nothing amiss, as he expected.
Amenaru: Just Engineering and Operations staff having a chat before the meeting.
Baal shook his head and waved his hands frantically.
Baal: No no no! Take a look at that Ensign Leingod!
Amenaru didn't have to look. He just looked and he knew Phobos well enough that he didn't need to look anyway. With a grimace, Amenaru folded his arms across his chest and shot Baal a disbelieving look.
Amenaru: What about him?
Baal: Can't you see? He's too perfect. His tail is under absolute control. His ears betray no emotion. His facial expressions are always dead-on point with no tells. It's like everything he does is a pre-calculated, pre-determined response, even all the way down to his blood pressure. Nobody can do that without intense training! I tell you, he's a secret agent or something. A spy? An interloper? What is he?
Baal tiptoed to the corner again and gave a quick peek around.
Baal: He's still doing it!
Amenaru: Doing what?
Baal: Nothing! And you know what's even more crazy? Once in awhile, he'll do something entirely unpredictable, like he turns into another person just for a split second. I can't read him!
Baal first rubbed his face and then started running his fingers through his hair, grabbing patches of it and tugging. Finally, the light bulb winked on in Amenaru's head, now fully understanding Baal's consternation.
Baal: I feel like I'm going nuts. Tell me, am I having a breakdown?
When Baal finally laid eyes on Amenaru's placid face, he gasped.
Baal: You know something!
Amenaru grinned, if only slightly, now more amused than concerned over Baal's behavior.
Amenaru: What makes you say that?
Baal: Your ears. Your tail. That serene expression. Your skin undulations just slowed, indicating a drop in blood pressure. What do you know?
Amenaru considered for a moment what he should do and came to what he thought an obvious answer rather quickly.
Amenaru: I can assure you that Phobos is no spy or secret agent. He is a good guy, but his story isn't mine to tell. If you want to know more, I suggest you ask him.
Baal leaned in close and gave Amenaru a squinty glare.
Baal: Pupils normal. Blood pressure unchanged. You're serious, aren't you?
Amenaru: I have to go, Baal, or I'm going to be late. Word of advice, though. Maybe you should stop thinking about physiology so much and start thinking about actual people.
With a shake of his head, Amenaru brushed past Baal to his staff meeting.
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