Carpathia IV: Episode 129 - Blankie
Blue plodded laboriously up the ramp to the Shadowdancer's shuttle bay, assisted by two dragons flanking him to keep him steady. Once he was on the straight and level shuttle deck, he no longer needed his helpers, though they stayed with him just in case, leading him to the service lift. Blue squeezed himself in, wearily tucking his tail around his body so that he could fit. With relief, he lay down and let forth a heavy sigh. Anyone would be forgiven for thinking he had fallen asleep right then and there, mostly because it was likely.
The crew then conducted a thorough check of the systems, making sure everything functioned correctly and that no dragon bits were sticking out where they shouldn't. Satisfied that all was in order and bits tucked as they should, they closed the doors and set the lift for the atrium. The two helper dragons took on humanoid forms and followed the dragon duty crew to the regular lifts.
Blue arrived in his lift before the rest of his handlers did and the set out to getting the doors open and helping him to his feet. After a good number of minutes struggling, Blue finally managed to plod his way out of the lift and into the atrium.
And that's when he saw it.
The blankie.
A glint appeared in Blue's great yellow eyes and his ears flicked up and twisted around on top of his head. All at once, a hundred years of age seemed to melt away from him as he snorted, grunted, and bounded his way over to his treasured pink shroud, neatly folded upon the deck. It wasn't neatly folded for long, for Blue grabbed it with his teeth and gave it a death rattle shake, as though it were a large animal that he intended to kill. Anyone standing nearby would have been smacked straight into the atrium dome from the flailing blanket. Fortunately, the dragons advised all to keep their distance until Blue settled down.
And settle down, he finally did, ending his theatrics with three turns before he flipped the blanket over himself and flopped onto the deck with a mighty thud. With a contented, snuggly sigh, he fell asleep.

One person who followed Blue from his ascent up the ramp all the way to the atrium was neither a crew member or a dragon. Tuomas scurried around, sometimes taking pictures, but mostly doing quick sketches as Blue made his way onto and through the ship. His assignment was made easier by Blue's slow strides, allowing Tuomas time to sit and sketch a few pages before moving on to another perspective to do more.
Once Blue arrived at the atrium and regained some of his energy, Tuomas had a harder time keeping up, but manage, he did. The sketches were rougher and the pictures were less deliberate, but he got the job done. Once Blue was snuggled up in his blanket, Tuomas did another, slower sketch and then reverted back to his hasty ones. While he worked, he did not notice Mikado apprehensively shuffling towards him.
Mikado: It's Tuomas, right?
Tuomas's pencil came to a slow halt and he paused, lifting his eyes, but not his head, to see who it was.
Tuomas: That's right.
Mikado: I'm Mikado. We met on the bridge on my first day, but you didn't seem to want to talk much. I just wanted to say hi.
While Mikado spoke, Tuomas resumed sketching and continued for several uncomfortable moments even after he stopped. But stop, he did, and this time he put his pencil down and looked up properly.
Tuomas: That's it? No snarky comments about my ears? Ask me if my tail is real? Demand to see what I'm sketching?
Mikado: Well... I mean, your tail is nice. I guess I'm a bit overwhelmed here with all the different types of people around. I hope I'm not disturbing you.
Tuomas: Not at all. Mikado, is it? Hi to you too. And no, you're not disturbing me at all.
Mikado: I'll leave you to it, then. I still have things to do.
Mikado gave a wave and had just turned to walk away when Tuomas stopped him.
Tuomas: Wait up a second.
Mikado turned back, his ears shifting higher on his head as the pitched forward.
Tuomas: If you're interested, you can come to my quarters any time to see some of my finished works.
Mikado gave a slow nod.
Mikado: I'd like that.

NCCS Shadowdancer-A, Commander Joust's Quarters
Only two quarters on the new Shadowdancer were explicitly designed with workspaces that also facilitated small meetings. The Captain, of course, had one, and the other was Commander Joust's quarters, where he, like the Captain, had a desk that faced away from the wall with a pair of chairs in front and a lounge space behind. Today, Amenaru found himself in one of those chairs and, for a change, wasn't in trouble.
Joust: Let's have it. What's the plan for Blue's trip?
Amenaru did a quick scroll through the schedule on his tablet.
Amenaru: Kuro was very helpful in giving me Blue's likes, dislikes, and stamina for keeping his attention on these sorts of things. We have a few nights of concerts, each featuring music from several species. A few short stage shows. We got enough tokki put together for a drum session. A couple of rap battles. Admiral Zhang and Dr. Teagan will lead competing roller derby teams. There is one, however, that I'm having a little trouble with.
Amenaru paused, impatiently tapping at his screen, but not the buttons.
Joust: Something's got you consternated. What's the problem?
Amenaru: Captain Valro asked me to schedule sparring matches between some of the crew. However, he won't tell the two that he wants to go last.
Joust rubbed his hands together, almost appearing gleeful at the idea, and then stuck his pencil in his ear, which he thought made him look very official.
Joust: Oh, a mystery, is it? What did you ask him and what did he tell you?
Amenaru: I asked him if he could tell me who would be fighting so I could put them on the roster. All he did was make a big grin and he said "Nope!"
Joust reached up and rubbed the eraser of the pencil sticking out of his ear.
Joust: Hmmm... he either doesn't know or does know and won't say. From his reaction, I'd guess the latter. We're not going to get anything out of him, but I'll keep my ears open. I don't want to pry too much. If I do, we might upset our Operation Behave apple cart. However, I would surmise that the participants in the fight are not scheduled to take part in any of the events coming after, in case one of them lands in the infirmary.
Amenaru's ears did a little dance as he buried his nose back into his schedule.
Amenaru: I hadn't thought of that. Teek is doing one of the rap battles the next day, so he's probably not participating...
Josut: Send me what you have of the schedule and I'll have a look. Is there anything else?
Amenaru: Ramei said he'd like to arrange a drag fashion show. I just send the idea to Kuro and I'm waiting to hear back. I don't see a problem there. She and Blue seem game for just about anything.
Joust: In that case, thank you for your efforts and let me know of any schedule changes.
Amenaru: You'll be the first to know, Commander.
Joust: Dismissed.

Two people who did know at least one person who was fighting both shared the same tight quarters. Darius felt none too comfy holding a pair of punch mitts in each hand with a very focused and, frankly, severely underdressed tokki standing in front of him.
Mikado: Lean forward a bit more. I don't want to knock you back and have you hit your head on the bulkhead.
Darius heard, but did not react immediately, for he was finding difficulty focusing. Before him, Mikado, sweaty, toned, and wearing only tight bikini underpants.
Mikado: Hello?
Darius shook his head, as though relieving his brain of impure thoughts, and leaned forward as instructed.
Darius: Like this?
Mikado: That's good enough.
Mikado crouched before letting loose with a series of rapid-fire kicks into each of the punch mitts, sending Darius sliding backward to the bulkhead.
Darius: Shouldn't you train in a more open area? It's cramped in here.
Mikado: Lieutenant Silaron said to keep it secret and I don't want to risk anyone knowing I'm the opponent. It could be anyone.
Darius: I promise it isn't me.
Mikado: Okay, almost anyone. Let me try to step back a little more.
Mikado took a step back and crouched again, his little round butt now rubbing against the opposite bulkhead. Darius took a few step forward and did his best to brace harder to keep from sliding back like he did last time.
Mikado: Okay, let's try again.
This time, Mikado started with a series of punches, still enough to induce some anxiety in Darius, but this was something he could handle. However, the end of the sortie included a series of kicks, and one of them caught the mitt in just the right way to make Darius lose his balance. Before he knew what was happening, he heard the thunk of his head hitting the bulkhead and he dropped to the floor.
Darius: Ow!
Mikado gasped with his hands cupped to his mouth and immediately dashed to Darius, kneeling over him to check the back of his head. Darius was more surprised than injured, with the pain already rapidly dissipating. Not a hard hit at all, just unexpected.
Mikado: I'm so sorry! No blood. No bump. Seems okay. Does it hurt?
Darius didn't answer, for now he was experiencing more feelings and stirrings that he'd never had before, at least not in the presence of another male. Not that he'd ever spent much time around other guys who didn't think much of clothing before and especially not in such close quarters.
Darius: I'm fine. I didn't hit very hard. Why don't we stop for now? I need to... um... go to the toilet anyway.
Mikado: Go right ahead. I'll think of something different. It's a little dangerous to do it this way in here anyway.
Mikado stood and, with Darius still seated, he now had a perfect view of the bulge in Mikado's pants. Darius jumped to his feet, gave a quick nod, and rushed out the door.
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