Carpathia IV: Episode 128 - Old Friends
NCCS Shadowdancer-A, Near Draconis
The feast was in full swing, with many Carpathians and dragons in attendance. The festivities took up a massive amount of space, enough to be considered a town in itself and one could be forgiven for not exploring all of it. Most of the dragons, for their part, kept to humanoid form so as not to take up too much space or accidentally squish any of the Carpathians.
Two old friends did manage to find each other amongst the crowd.
Voxx: Sylvar!
Sylvar turned and smiled broadly at the familiar sight.
Sylvar: Hi, Voxx. I was hoping I'd see you here.
Voxx waved his hand dismissively, as though he were shooing away an unusually lazy fly.
Voxx: Oh, no, this isn't about me. Look at you! You're looking proper fancy in that black and gold uniform of yours.
Sylvar grinned sheepishly and rubbed the back of his head.
Sylvar: Aw, yeah, the uniform looks alright, but it's still just me in it.
Voxx: Don't be silly! It's you that matters. That uniform is window dressing, but very fine window dressing, really.
Sylvar: I just hope I do well.
Voxx put his arm around Sylvar and squeezed tightly.
Voxx: you'll do fine! I know they don't just hand out those uniforms to anyone.
Sylvar: So, what have you been up to?
Voxx: This and that, you know. They're letting us leave soon and we can go wherever we want. I've been busy with the engineering researchers here. I think I might go to Ramewet next. I hear they have the best beetles!
Sylvar: Let's go find you some beetles, then. While were at it, they should have a burger and fries around here somewhere for me!

In the center of the festivities and with a long line of well-wishers forming around him, was Blue, flanked by guests, Admiral Zhang and Captain Valro. Kuro was also on-hand to provide any assistance. Though the receiving line was supposed to be an informal affair, many of the attendees couldn't seem to help but speak in gloriously overwrought honorifics, much to Blue's annoyance. Eventually, enough people in the line heard Blue grumble, "Spit it out!" often enough that the problem lessened.
Aire, however, could see a new sort of problem approaching in the form of an orange and black fuzzball approaching the end of the line.
Darius: I can't believe I'm here! I've always wanted to meet a dragon and there are so many! And Blue! It's such a great honor!
Darius bowed deeply while still wringing his paws together.
Darius: I've heard and read so many stories about you! And now, finally, I'm right here! Talking to you!
Darius went on and on, mostly repeating himself and not letting anyone get half a word in. Rather than frustrated, Blue seemed more curious this time, cocking his head left and right before finally raising his mighty claw and pointing at Darius.
Blue: Is the fuzzy one okay? He appears to be vibrating.
That was an apt way of putting it, Aire thought. As amusing as it was to watch, he also felt that it was time to calm Darius. Aire sidled up beside him and gave him a gentle pinch on the back of his neck.
Aire: Why not give him your name for starters.
Darius's ears flicked up and he stammered a bit before calming himself with a deep breath.
Darius: Oh! Yes, I should. My name is Darius Bengal and I'm from Ramewet. It's a pleasure to meet you.
Blue: From your uniform, I surmise that you are a cadet, correct? Off to have an adventure?
Darius: Yes, I am! I'm really looking forward to it!
Blue raised his head and looked past Darius.
Blue: And there's a tokki behind you with the same uniform. Is he your compatriot?
A sudden burst of glee alighted upon Darius's face as he stepped back and pushed Mikado up to the front of the line with him.
Darius: This is Mikado and he's my bunkmate.
Blue: I so very rarely have visits from tokki. Tell me what brings you here.
Mikado: I'm here to meet as many people as I can. I've only met one dragon before today, and that was just two weeks ago.
Blue: I am pleased to be on your list. Are you two getting along?
Darius and Mikado looked at each other and, after only a brief hesitation, nodded.
Darius: We're still getting to know each other, but I think it's going well so far. I had to chase him down the corridor on our first day together, though.
Mikado: I didn't know I was supposed to take my clothes off after I got to the sento, not before.
Blue smiled, they thought. It was hard to tell, for he did not look much more pleasant than before. He also laughed, they thought. It was hard to tell, for he did not sound much more pleasant than before.
Blue: Horf horf horf! You small ones and your funny little clothing rituals. They look nice and feel very cozy, I must admit, but some of you take them very seriously.
Mikado: I agree with that! I always thought it would be better to have a fighting tournament with only a crotch protector and underpants to hold it on.
Blue: So you do fighting tournaments? I should like to see that. Perhaps a demonstration when we're aboard the ship? You two, perhaps?
Blue waved his massive claw between Darius and Mikado.
Darius: Oh, no no no no no no! Not me! I like model trains and old-timey vinyl records. Hand-to-hand combat isn't really my thing.
Blue: In that case, you may select your opponent. I'm looking forward to it!
Mikado: I'll do that!
Unfortunately, that had to be the end of their conversation, for there were many in line and an usher gently waved them over, signifying that their time was up. Both readily stepped away, knowing that their time with Blue was not over. He was, after all, joining them on their ship.
While they moved away, Nalma moved in right away to intercept them before they went too far.
Nalma: That was something, wasn't it? I hope you were sincere in that promise, Mikado. Dragons don't forget anything very easily, even the older ones like Blue.
Mikado: That's good, because I want to do it!
Nalma: Glad to hear it. Now, how shall we go about picking your opponent?
Darius jumped up and down with his paw in the air.
Darius: Oh! Oh! I have an idea!
Nalma couldn't help but smile at the wiggly ears and the spastic tail.
Nalma: Let's hear it, Darius.
Darius calmed, but only just enough to stop jumping around.
Darius: Let's pick his opponent in secret. Mikado won't know who it is and the other won't know it's Mikado. It'll be a surprise until it starts!
Nalma: That's a really good idea. I can talk to the Captain and ask him to keep your conversation secret to make sure it's a surprise. How does that sound, Mikado?
Mikado: That's great! It also means I don't have to do anything until the fight other than train!
Nalma: Ha! That's one way of looking at it. Alright, leave it to us!
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