Carpathia IV: Episode 131 - Eternal Blue
Space, NCCS Shadowdancer-A
When Ramewet appeared on the Shadowdancer's viewscreen, hardly anyone on the bridge noticed it first, but instead found their eyes drawn to the massive gas giant behind it. It was only when they came closer that Ramewet drew their gazes, a brilliant orange ball floating in stark contrast to its massive parent. With the order given, the Shadowdancer was directed to land at the pad between the parliament and the governor's residence, the same place where Lord Lynx in the Carpathia One landed many years ago. Once again, Admiral Zhang made an appearance on the bridge for the landing.
Teek: Touchdown complete, Captain.
Aire: Commence shutdown procedures.
Amenaru: Starting shutdown, Captain.
Aire: Admiral, would you like to meet with Blue again before he disembarks? I would like to have a quick meeting with Commander Joust and we can join you after.
Admiral Zhang: That would be fine, Captain.
Aire: Teren, please escort the Admiral to the atrium.
Teren: With pleasure, Captain.

Corridor on the way to the atrium, NCCS Shadowdancer-A
Admiral Zhang and Teren strolled casually down the corridor of Deck 4 on the way to the atrium. It was slow-going, as Admiral Zhang deigned to stop several times to examine an access panel or acknowledge a crew member.
Admiral Zhang: This is the most time I've spent on any of the Crystal Falchion class. It's a good ship, Commander. I have enjoyed my time here.
Teren: I am pleased to hear that, Admiral.
Admiral Zhang: Still, I can't help but be just a little disappointed. The hospitality and entertainment have been marvelous, but I rather hoped that I would be able to experi...
Before Admiral Zhang could finish, she was cut off by an announcement on the ship's intercom.
Aire: Attention all crew! This is your Captain. We have arrived safely at Ramewet and our VIP guests will be departing shortly. If you are currently off-duty and would like to give Blue a cheer and a wave as he leaves, please report to the shuttle bay. I have requested that senior staff be generous for any requests to have abbreviated shifts for those who are on-duty and would also like to attend, with due consideration taken to safety and minimum staffing requirements. I wish to thank you all for making our first mission a towering success. Aire out.
Admiral Zhang turned to Teren and gave a little grin. She was about to finish her previous sentence, but before she could begin again, she, and everyone else on the ship, heard a very strange noise over the intercom. A low, long grunting noise, like the sort you'd hear from a person who had just landed in their favorite comfy chair after a 12-hour shift.
Aire: Uuuughhhh... I can't believe it. I can't believe we managed to get through this entire mission without something stupid happening.
Joust: Um, Captain?
Aire: I mean, you know how it is on the Shadowdancer. I honestly expected someone to get caught fornicating in the corridors or something.
Joust: Captain...
Aire: I guess these weirdos are capable of keeping it together at least for a little while.
Joust: Captain, the intercom is still on!
If pauses could literally be pregnant, the one that commenced just now would be nine and a half months along. After an excruciating wait, which really couldn't have been more than a few seconds, there was a flurry of activity, the sounds of debris tumbling off of a desk, and then, finally, silence.
Admiral Zhang snorted and looked over at Teren, who had his giant paw splattered over his entire face. By then, she couldn't help herself anymore and burst out laughing.
Admiral Zhang: Ha ha! I was just going to say that I never got to experience any of the insanity that the Shadowdancer is known for. How fitting that Captain Valro did it to himself!
Teren: I am so sorry, Admiral.
Teri: My dear Commander, please don't be sorry. I finally feel like I've had the complete Shadowdancer experience. I suppose Operation Behave was doomed to failure from the start. Commander Joust didn't take into account the one element he couldn't control.
Teren paused while his ears fluttered atop his head, a rare sight for him indeed.
Teren: You knew about that?
Teri: I knew something was up and a pointed question coupled with an authoritative glare from an Admiral usually gets people to spill all the beans fairly quickly.
Admiral Zhang motioned around to other crew nearby, most of whom were grinning stupidly with barely suppressed giggles.
Admiral Zhang: And your shipmates seem to be taking it all in stride.
Teren: It would not be the first time we have been called weirdos. Many in our ranks consider it a badge of honor.
Admiral Zhang: Your crew is endearing, and I know Aire feels the same. Still, I'm sure you understand that it can be a source of frustration at times.
Teren: Only too well, Admiral.
Admiral Zhang: At any rate, it's good to know that the Shadowdancer reputation will live on. Shall we continue?
Teren nodded and he and the admiral continued to the atrium.

Captain Valro intended to go to the atrium himself shortly after his announcement, but instead spent at least a half hour sulking in his ready room. Eventually, the duty and responsibility he had to see Blue off the ship overcame his embarrassment and off he went, bracing himself for disapproving glares from his crew. If he had lost their respect, he wondered, could he regain it?
His fears were misplaced. As he strolled through the corridor to the atrium, crew smiled and waved. One offered a high five as he passed, to which Aire reciprocated after a brief, befuddled pause. All this left him to wonder how, if it were the case, his blunder somehow became a positive.
But he pushed all that to the back of his mind as he entered the atrium. This would likely his last chance to speak with Blue and he wanted to dedicate all of his attention to his final farewell and perhaps pick up a bit of wisdom. With him was Kuro and Admiral Zhang.
Blue: Welcome, Captain.
Not many could get away with welcoming the captain to a part of his own ship, but Blue was one who could. Normally Aire would be irritated by this, for if it were anyone else, it would be an obvious power play.
Aire: I hope you enjoyed your time with us, Blue.
Blue: I had a fabulous time! I can see why Teri chose your crew for this mission. Your hospitality is unparalleled and nobody treated me like an invalid. At least, not more than they should. Obviously, I do need some help.
Blue paused for a moment with a firm, steady gaze on Aire's face.
Blue: I have seen a few long faces during my trip. Inevitable, perhaps, and that includes yours right now. What's on your mind, Aire?
While Aire considered his response in the most diplomatic way possible, Blue slid down and laid his head on the deck and looked up at him, as though he were a puppy angling for a pet. Aire obliged the deference and sat on the deck as well, putting both of their eyes at near equal height.
Aire: You know, I always thought you would outlive me. There was always something eternal about you, and I found that comforting.
Blue: And now you see that I am not, in fact, eternal. The future will come, but it is not for me to live, young one. Having experienced your ship and crew, I go in peace. This is a ship of people, above all else, gloriously and delightfully chaotic.
Aire gave a solemn nod. Surely, he thought, Blue heard the announcement just as everyone else did, and thought he might address that.
Aire: I did say, accidentally over the intercom, I might add, that they are weirdos, and I stand by that. Occasionally frustrating. Never boring. I wouldn't have it any other way. I'm not sure if it's right that I worry what others might think.
Admiral Zhang: I neither think it's possible nor desirable for every ship's crew to behave exactly the same. Some in the Admiralty do not feel as I do, but I think diversity, not just as species, but as individuals, makes us stronger.
Blue: Take care of your people, Aire. These days, it's easy to become enamoured with technology, but the people are your most important asset.
Aire: I'll remember that. I want to thank you for all you have done for us. Is there anything I can do for you?
Blue's ears flicked up and he scooted his head a bit closer, sliding along the floor like a giant blue worm.
Blue: Since you ask, I wouldn't say no to a nose rub.
Aire grinned and did as blue asked. He scooted closer and rubbed Blue's snout from his nose all the way up to his eyes.
Blue: Mmm... That's good. Sit with me awhile, won't you Aire? The welcome ceremony can wait.
Aire: Of course.
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