Carpathia IV: Episode 132 - Spy Unleashed
Space, NCCS Shadowdancer-A
As the Shadowdancer left Ramewet, life returned to normal, even if it hardly felt normal. It was the first regular schedule most of the crew had since before the crash of the previous Shadowdancer. Regardless, few crew had the audacity to invoke a "difficulty getting back to normal" excuse for being late to a duty shift and the minuscule number who did met the cold, disapproving eyes of their commanding officers and an unpleasant assignment scrubbing toilets or something similar.
In particular, Baal had trouble from the very beginning, especially when he had bridge duty at the same time as Phobos. Even when Phobos wasn't there, he spent much of his duty shift staring at the empty chair, which was the situation he found himself in today.
Kit: Lieutenant Morningstar, the Captain will see you now.
Baal did not respond, still alternating between staring off into space and at Phobos's chair.
Kit: Lieutenant Morningstar?
Amenaru, sitting at the console next to Baal, reached over and smacked the divider between them.
Amenaru: Baal! Kit is talking to you.
Baal: Huh? Oh! Um... What is it, Ensign?
Kit: The Captain will see you now, Lieutenant.
Baal's face drooped, and everyone who saw him knew he wasn't expecting a happy meeting.
Baal: I understand. By your leave, Lieutenant?
Nalma: Granted. Good luck.
Baal slowly rose from his chair and trudged across the bridge and up the stairs to the Captain's ready room.

As the ready room doors opened, Baal found the intimidating sight of Captain Valro sitting behind his desk, a stern expression plastered on his face and posture, and Commander Joust standing beside him.
Aire: Come in, Lieutenant.
Though his mind was awash in nervous apprehension, he still had the presence to notice that the Captain only invited him in and did not offer a seat. Baal entered, as instructed, and stood stiff and straight between the two chairs in front of the desk.
Baal: Reporting as ordered, Captain.
Aire: I'll cut right to the issue at hand. We don't normally do performance reviews this soon after a transfer, but we are dissatisfied with your performance thus far. You've been distracted on duty and you've done little to organize the Stellar Cartography department since you've arrived. Those under your command have received no guidance.
Joust: I had to make a duty roster for your department because you never made one.
Aire: Indeed. We require an explanation, Lieutenant.
Baal took a deep breath, which was all the time he could give himself to think, lest the Captain berate him further.
Baal: My apologies, Captain. I've had a... personal issue. I promise I will not let that interfere with my duties any further and I will have the department running to your complete satisfaction.
The look on Aire's face told Baal that satisfaction was not what he was receiving right now.
Aire: There are counselling services available to you should you need them. In the meantime, if you can't do the job that has been assigned to you, we will find someone who can. Dismissed.
Baal: Yes, Captain.
Baal made a crisp turn and began marching to the ready room door, but stopped halfway there and turned to face Aire again.
Baal: Captain, permission to leave the bridge. I believe I can resolve this issue now.
Aire: Granted. I will inform Nalma.

After Baal left, Joust rounded Aire's desk and took a seat in one of the chairs.
Aire: Despite his recent performance, he is a good guy, and talented. When I met him the first time, I did think he was rather far up his own arse, though.
Joust: Agreed, but no worries. I have a feeling he's about to be taken down a peg or two.
Aire paused, issuing several pondering blinks, before he asked a question he thought he probably shouldn't.
Aire: Do I want to know, Commander?
Joust: I only know what Ensign Leingod told me. He said he'd let me know when things got started, which I suspect will be soon.
Aire: Whatever happens, I just want his department running properly.

Baal paced the corridor outside of Phobos's quarters, wondering what he could possibly say to Phobos. "Hi. Just wanted to check that you aren't a spy." Stupid as it was, it wouldn't even work from a theoretical point of view, since, if he were a spy, he would deny it of course. Eventually, he concluded that no amount of preparation was even possible and had to improvise. Standing in front of Phobos's door, Baal hesitated a moment before pressing the door chime.
Phobos: Enter!
The door slid open revealing Phobos at his desk, stars streaking past the window behind him. Phobos gave a nod and stood.
Phobos: I expected you to show up a lot sooner. Well, come on in, then. Have a seat.
Baal didn't move right away, simply standing in the doorway, hunched a bit with his hands clasped firmly together in front of him. Still Phobos confounded him. His heart rate remained steady. Pupils remained even. Nevertheless, he scooted himsef inside, tail tucked firmly against his leg, as the door shut behind him.
Phobos: Come on and sit. Something to drink?
Baal shuffled to the sofa, taking in as much of Phobos's room as possible. Very organized and clean. Not a speck of dust or a single knickknack out of place. Bits and pieces of tech arranged neatly on shelves. Perhaps a little unusual for a young ensign, but not outlandish.
Baal: Nothing, thanks. We haven't really met yet... I mean, I know who you are, but we haven't spoken at all... I thought I'd stop by.
Phobos picked up a tablet and started dividing his attention between it and Baal.
Phobos: I'm glad you came. If you'll pardon me for a bit. There's something I need to finish up. It won't take long.
The truth? Or a polite lie? Baal couldn't be sure.
Baal: Oh, I'm sorry. If this is a bad time...
Phobos: No, no. Not at all. I promise this will only take a couple of minutes and then I can devote all of my attention to you.
Again, a polite lie? Phobos sounded sincere in his words, but Baal couldn't be sure. Did all other non-demon species have to contend with this uncertainty? Baal scrunched up in his chair, struggling to come up with responses to everything Phobos said.
Baal: I see the ensigns get nice quarters too. Not much different from mine, really, but yours is tidier.
Phobos: Yep, and that suits me just fine. I don't really need the kitchenette or the bathtub anyway.
Phobos set his tablet down and disappeared into his bedroom.
Phobos: Just one more quick thing and I promise you have my full attention.
Baal: I don't really use those either. I prefer the sento an the kitchenette doesn't have enough room to do anything better than the canteen does.
Baal's mind drifted back to when he entered. It wasn't often that he had to devote full attention to the actual words anyone said, and it took him some time to realize that Phobos's first words to him were rather strange.
Baal: By the way, what did you mean when you said you expected me to show up?
Without responding, Phobos re-emerged from his bedroom with what looked like a large sheet of rolled-up plastic, big enough that he had to take it through the doorway longways and even then it took a few seconds for it to pass from one end to the other. Phobos kneeled on the ground, his back turned to Baal, and began to unroll it on the floor.
Baal: What is that for?
Phobos stood, but still kept his back toward Baal.
Phobos: I just need to wrap up something large in a moment.
Phobos took an uncomfortable, lingering look at Baal and then to his plastic sheet, which now lay perfectly flat on the floor.
Phobos: I know you've been watching me. I know you've been saying bad things about me. I knew a couple of demons awhile back. They came to visit me too. I had hoped no demons would come onto the Shadowdancer. If I had known, I would have planned better, but that's okay. I can improvise. Demons know too much.
Baal didn't need any of his special demon abilities to read others' heart rates or pupil dilations to know that something was very, very wrong now and he slowly scooted to the opposite side of the sofa, away from Phobos.
Baal: Um... Knew a couple of demons?
Phobos: Oh, don't worry. It will be quite painless. You see, you'll be unconscious...
Phobos hung his head low and did a slow, dramatic turn. Finally, he flipped his head up and opened his eyes wide, which now glowed flaming-red and his voice took on an otherworldly quality, as though two of him were speaking at the same time.
Phobos: ...when I throw your body out of the airlock!
Baal sat up bolt-straight and gripped the sofa like it was the only thing keeping him inside the ship.
Phobos: You know too much and you have to go!
Baal leapt from the couch and darted to the door, but it would not open.
Phobos: Ha ha! I have locked the door. You won't escape!
Hands shaking harder than one of Amenaru's vibes, Baal attempted to wrestle his communicator from his pocket.
Baal: Baal to security!
Phobos: I've also blocked your communicator! No one is coming to help you!
Phobos took several slow steps closer as Baal first squashed himself up against the door. As Phobos drew closer, Baal crouched until he became a, well, ball.
Phobos: Mwa ha ha ha!!!
Baal shut his eyes tight while Phobos reached out and poked his forehead with his finger.
Phobos: Boop!
The room fell silent, leaving Baal wondering what might come next. When nothing happened, he opened one eye and looked up at Phobos. His eyes were back to normal and he now sported a stupid grin on his face.
Phobos: Ha! Next time you have a question, ask me instead of following me around and spreading rumors.
Baal: But... how... Your eyes. And all this time, your blood pressure was rock steady. How do you do it?
While Baal spoke, Phobos tapped at door control panels, prompting the doors to slide open. On the other side was Amenaru, Kit, and Teek not even trying to stifle their giggles. Amenaru held a tablet with a video feed of Phobos's room.
Amenaru: Baal, I told you to just ask. I told you that Phobos is a good guy.
Baal: But... how?
Baal hadn't noticed until now that Phobos had started taking off his tunic after he opened the door. Now, he was completely topless and Baal noticed the large "03" tattooed on his upper-right chest close to his shoulder.
Phobos: I am an android.
Phobos opened his chest cavity doors to reveal the real him inside.
Phobos: This my real self. This body is just a shell.
Baal leaned in and gazed at tiny Phobos carefully, stammering nonsense as he did. Finally, he looked to the other three for sympathy. Amenaru just shook his head.
Teek: Should have listened to Amenaru.
Baal: Bah!
With nothing left to say, Baal pushed his way past his little audience and stomped off down the corridor.
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