Carpathia IV: Episode 136 - Pat-a-cake
Space, NCCS Shadowdancer-A, Sick Bay
Bastet hesitated at Sorchae's invitation to hop onto the bed, giving her an incredulous stare as she licked her chops.
Bastet: You're taking my little reveal surprisingly well.
Sorchae cocked her mouth to the side and gave a single nod.
Sorchae: I suppose that's a fair guess, but believe me when I say my brain is about ten seconds away from short circuiting right now. After a few years on this ship, one learns how to hide it.
Bastet found her attention divided. Though she focused primarily on Sorchae, she was also very well aware of Amenaru's gaping mouth and wide eyes glaring straight through her body.
Bastet: You know by now it's not a disease or anything. Sometimes I play around turning Amenaru into different things while he's sleeping. I think I overdid it this time.
Amenaru reached out with his paw, as though trying to point at Bastet, but before he could say anything, Aire and Ryuu appeared on the holopad behind them.
Aire: What's this about an Omega Directive?
Sorchae stepped aside, leaving Amenaru, Kit, and Bastet in full view of Ryuu and the Captain.
Sorchae: We have Amenaru, Kit, and Mrs. Tiggywinkle, who has informed us that her real name is Bastet.
Bastet raised her paw and gave a little wave.
Bastet: I suppose I should thank you for your hospitality.
Aire: You're welcome? I take it to understand that you're a demigod?
Bastet: To be precise, I'm a lesser demigod. I don't have quite the level of power that the biggies have.
Aire: I hope you understand that Ryuu would like to have a chat with you right away. He's in the best position to gauge your intentions.
Ryuu: Mostly a formality, really, but I want to get to know you and how you're related to all the other Bastets.
Aire furrowed his brow and gave a side-eye to Ryuu.
Aire: The "other" Bastets?
Ryuu: There are at least 300 that we've heard about. Not that we know where any of them are. They frequently disguise themselves as peoples' pets and act as their silent protectors, which it seems like what this Bastet has been up to.
Ryuu looked back through the holopad to the Bastet on the lab bed.
Ryuu: I take it the original Bastet was your mother?
Bastet: Grandmother.
Ryuu: Oh, you must be young, then!
Aire: Ryuu, perhaps you should go down there and talk to her in person.
Ryuu gave a quick nod and disappeared from the holopad area.
Aire: Ryuu will be down there in a minute. In the meantime, Bastet, can you turn them back?
Bastet nodded slowly, giving Aire the impression that there was a "but" coming.
Bastet: I can, but, see the issue is that I accidentally used too much oomph when I turned them the last time and I transferred some of my power to them. It would be best if I teach them how to turn themselves back and explain some of the rules.
Sorchae: Rules? I'd be interested in those too.
Bastet: Only one is critical. They can't change into anything more than double their original size or their molecular structure will start breaking down. Other than that, it's just minor things. Depending on the form they choose, some internal gas could escape. To put it simply, changing form gets a little farty sometimes.
The doors to sick bay slid open and Ryuu trotted in, making a direct line to the lab.
Aire: Ah, good. Before we do anything else, why don't you and Bastet have a chat.
Ryuu: Can do, Captain. I won't be able to read Bastet's mind, but I don't think this should take too long. I know a few things to ask to confirm who she is.
Bastet stood, but Sorchae held our her arm, blocking her from jumping off the lab bed.
Sorchae: Before you do that, is it okay to leave Amenaru and Kit in this state?
Bastet: It's actually better. The more comfortable they are in these bodies, the easier it will be for them to turn themselves back, especially the first time. It takes a fair bit of concentration.
Ryuu: Given what I know about the Bastets, I agree that it shouldn't be a problem.
Sorchae: You two can use one of the empty ward rooms if you want.
Bastet grinned and pointed her paw at Amenaru and Kit.
Bastet: That'll do. You two play with each other! I want you comfortable with yourselves when I get back!
Amenaru and Kit both popped their ears and glanced at each other while Bastet trotted off down the corridor, followed by Ryuu.

Sick bay, one hour later.
After Condition Orange was cancelled and word spread throughout the ship, a little crowd of curiosity seekers gathered around sick bay. Captain Valro, Commander Joust, Amenaru, Kit, and many other crew held vigil just outside the ward room door where Ryuu and Bastet were having their meeting. Aire, especially, seemed to be getting more impatient by the minute while Amenaru and Kit, true to Bastet's instructions, were having a grand time chasing each other around sick bay. Kit, for his part, discovered how high he could jump and made a great game of leaping over Amenaru whenever he charged.
Amenaru: Damn, Kit. You can get really high.
Kit giggled and did another leap a full meter straight up into the air.
Kit: This is fun! Come at me again!
Amenaru crouched, setting up his charge with his wiggly butt sticking up into the air. Kit stared with intense concentration, waiting for Amenaru to make his move. And he did, sort of. Amenaru surged from his crouch but stopped immediately, and Kit bought the ruse, making a graceful leap into the air, right over absolutely nothing.
Amenaru: Gotcha!
Kit: Sneaky!
While Amenaru and Kit played, the others watched, some amused, some with mixed feelings.
Ramei: Not gonna lie, Tamati. I'm a little jealous.
Tamati: They do look like they're having fun.
Quenya: I'm just happy to know I wasn't going crazy after all.
The only one who didn't seem interested in the shenanigans occurring on the floor was Aire, who wore a scowl on his face while he tapped his food impatiently with his arms folded across his chest.
Aire: For heaven's sake, they must be done by now. What could they be doing in there?
Aire reached out and gave the door control a slap. As the doors slid open, everyone else stopped what they were doing to look inside to the strange scene before them. Ryuu and Bastet both sitting up, each alternating between slapping their knees and each others paws.
Ryuu and Bastet: Pat-a-cake! Pat-a-cake! Baker's man! Bake me a cake as fast as you can!
Ramei: They seem to be getting along pretty well.
Aire touched the door control again, sliding them shut. Then, he strode away swiftly, muttering under his breath.
Aire: How is it always this ship and no others?
Teren: Captain, where are you going?
Without breaking his stride, Aire shouted his answer.
Aire: To see if there's any bourbon left in the officer's lounge!
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