Carpathia IV: Episode 137 - Something to Tell You
Space, NCCS Shadowdancer-A, Amenaru's Quarters
Once Ryuu was satisfied with the meeting and the doctor cleared Amenaru and Kit, The trio made their way back to Amenaru's quarters. On the way back, they had what could only be an entourage following them. An annoyance, for sure, but also useful when they needed to press a high button. Once they reached Amenaru's quarters, they left the crowd behind and finally had a moment to themselves, just the three of them.
Bastet: I suppose you'd like to learn how to turn back now.
Amenaru: To be honest, I'm enjoying this, but I do need to learn how to change back.
Kit: It has been fun, but I'm ready to go back.
Bastet: In that case, let's start with Kit. Eventually, you'll be able to do this just as naturally as you would wiggle your toes or wave your hand. It's a simple matter of your brain telling your body what to do. For now, you'll have to concentrate.
Kit squished his body into a little ball shape, positioning all four of his feet in a perfect straight line.
Kit: I'm ready.

Bastet didn't stop at just having Kit and Amenaru turn back to their usual selves, also training them to transform their themselves into other things. Other animals. Objects. Amenaru even tried himself on a pair of human ears, just to see what it would look like. He wasn't keen, and switched back to his usual ears quickly. Kit was far less inclined to practice beyond Bastet's training, content with his usual form.
Bastet: Now, the rules.
Amenaru stood up and held out his hand.
Amenaru: Just a second. I'd like to put on some underwear. Kit, you want to borrow some of mine?
Kit: I suppose I should. Can't go back to my quarters later like this anyway.
Amenaru tossed Kit some underwear, his zebra-striped ones, and pulled out some for himself. Now decent, Amenaru climbed onto his bed and sat cross-legged in front of Bastet and next to Kit.
Amenaru: Ready.
Bastet: I mentioned this in sick bay, but it's worth repeating. There's only one critical rule. You can't transform into anything more than twice your size. Your molecular structure will start breaking down. You'll know when you're getting too close, because you'll start feeling a stinging pain all over. If you keep going, it will become unbearable.
Amenaru: That sounds really bad. What if I accidentally go too far?
Bastet: I wouldn't worry about that. You'd have to really push to get that far. You'll instinctively abort the transformation when that starts. I can promise you that.
Kit: And there are other rules?
Bastet: Eh, more like guidelines, really. You'll find that going too small is uncomfortable and there is a limit to where you can't get any smaller. Anything that's inside you or a part of you will also transform, though gas may escape if you turn into something smaller than you are. It depends. The natural oils on your skin will transform. Your clothing will not. Dirt can be hard to predict. Kind of half and half with that. Also, you cannot transform away an injury. It will only be hidden, so just like with anything else in life, try to avoid injury.
Amenaru: Is that all?
Bastet: Pretty much. Just don't try to do anything crazy until you get the hang of this. Eventually, this ability will feel just as natural to you as wiggling your fingers.
Amenaru: And what about you? Can we see your real form?
Bastet sat up straight and held out her paws as though she were showing off a new outfit.
Bastet: This is it, mostly. I only changed a few details to match Mrs. Tiggywinkle.
Amenaru was silent for a time, his mind awash with both questions and a fixation on the past. All the times that Mrs. Tiggywinkle seemed just a little too smart for her own good. The time she scratched up his childhood bully. Her automatic hostility to anyone new coming into his life, of whom Kit was the only exception. There was, however, one particular incident that stood out in his mind.
Bastet: You have a lot of questions, I'm sure.
Amenaru: Right now, just one. How long have you been Mrs. Tiggywinkle?
Bastet: I can tell by the look on your face that you've already guessed. Eighteen years ago, I was exploring your world, taking in the sights, sounds, and smells. Watching cats and their behavior. Learning from them. I spent some time in veterinarian offices too. One day, I chanced across a little boy, crying in his parents' arms. His beloved pet was receiving emergency treatment for a very aggressive infection.
Amenaru nodded gravely.
Amenaru: Until that day, she was always very sickly. So, she didn't make a miraculous recovery after all.
Bastet: I'm sorry, Amenaru. Mrs. Tiggywinkle died that day. When the doctor's back was turned, I took the opportunity to switch places. I hope you're not mad.
Amenaru shook his head, keeping his eyes shut tight, though that did not stop tears from rolling down his cheeks.
Amenaru: No, not at all. Both you and Mrs. Tiggywinkle were the best parts of my childhood, even if I didn't know you weren't the same.
Bastet sat in silence while Amenaru sniffled and rubbed his eyes. Kit scooted in close and put his arms around Amenaru's shoulders.
Amenaru: I'm a little flattered. To think, a thousand-year-old demigod chose to be my pet.
Bastet: Well, that's a little rude. I'm 22 years old.
Amenaru froze and stared back at Bastet, wide-eyed.
Amenaru: That's it? Just 22?
Bastet: We all have to be born sometime, right? I really should have faked my own death years ago, but I didn't want to leave you. They say the first one is the hardest. However, leave, I must. Kit, you be sure to take care of him. He's a bit of an impulsive idiot, you know.
Kit: I don't know if I'm that much better.
Bastet turned her nose up and waved her paw dismissively.
Bastet: Nonsense! You two are good for each other.
Amenaru: Can't you stay? Go back to the way things were?
With her attention momentarily diverted to Kit, Bastet only now noticed that she was leaving had a profound effect on Amenaru. There could only be one answer and Bastet softened the blow with a sympathetic smile.
Bastet: Amenaru, I think you know the answer to that question.
Amenaru slowly closed his eyes and shook his head.
Amenaru: No, I suppose that's impossible. Wishful thinking.
Bastet: Don't worry. I'll check in on you from time to time. Before I go, after all these years, I finally get to tell you what I never could.
Amenaru leaned in close, wondering what grand secret of the universe Bastet prepared to share with him. She took a step toward him until she was only a few inches away and sat, swishing her tail to her side.
Bastet: I've always wanted to say...
Bastet placed her paw gently on Amenaru's leg.
Bastet: Hello, Amenaru.
For a moment, Amenaru thought this was a prelude to more, but Bastet's soft touch and sincere expression quickly gave him to realize that this was, in fact, what she always wanted to say. Whatever restraint he managed to keep broke down in that instant and the tears flowed a steady stream from his eyes and he reached out to draw Bastet into a hug.
Bastet: And thank you for taking care of me.
Amenaru: You took care of me too. I think I got the better end of that bargain.
After some time, the hug ended, sort of. Bastet settled on Amenaru's lap while he cradled her close, running his fingers down the back of her neck. There they stayed, together, for awhile, neither wanting to allow the moment pass.
Amenaru: Bastet, I get that you can't keep on being my cat, but perhaps you could stay the night at least?
Bastet: I can do that. And, you know, I think I'd like it if you kept on calling me Mrs. Tiggywinkle.

Bridge, NCCS Shadowdancer, The Next Day
Business as usual on the bridge, but missing Amenaru and Kit who, under the circumstances, received some time off to recuperate. It was a surprise, therefore, when Amenaru and Kit emerged from the lift on the bridge despite having no duty shifts.
Teren: Lieutenant Pendergast and Ensign Savea on the bridge, Captain.
Everyone on the bridge stood and turned, watching Amenaru plod onto the bridge with Kit at his side.
Amenaru: She left a few minutes ago, Captain. Naturally, she can't go on being my cat.
Aire: I know she isn't dead, but nevertheless, the crew is saddened by your loss.
Amenaru: Thank you, Captain.
Aire: When you feel up to it, I'd like to have a briefing with you and Ryuu.
Amenaru: I figured you would, Captain. If you don't mind, I'd like to get that out of the way now.
Aire held out his hand toward the stairs leading to his ready room.
Aire: In that case, let's get to it. Kit may come with you if you like.
Amenaru: Thank you, Captain.
With Aire leading the way, Amenaru and Kit climbed the stairs and disappeared into the ready room.
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