Carpathia IV: Episode 138 - Flowers and Paintings
Space, NCCS Shadowdancer-A, Ready Room
Aire decided that it was prudent to spare Amenaru a conversation with Admiral Zhang, waiting for him to leave before contacting her. After inviting Ryuu to pull one of the chairs behind his desk, he sent out the signal. Admiral Zhang appeared on the tiny holopad on his desk less than a minute later.
Admiral Zhang: I presume this is related to the Omega Directive you sent?
Aire folded his hands close to his chest and nodded.
Aire: Yes, Admiral.
Admiral Zhang listened patiently as Aire and Ryuu described the events of the last 36 hours, which, of course, included more detail than the brief updates he sent while the situation was ongoing.
Admiral Zhang: Your initial assessment, on the advice of Sorchae, was that Bastet warranted a level eight rating. Do you stand by that opinion?
Aire: On Ryuu's advice, yes, Admiral. He can explain better.
Ryuu: Since level eight is for confirmed non-hostile, she qualifies. The Bastets are known for the way they view their roles as protectors and companions. They also fancy themselves pacifists, but they're not above doing some damage. Amenaru told us of a story that Bastet scratched up one of his childhood bullies. Pretty typical of a Bastet, from what we know. They can only be pushed so far.
Admiral Zhang: Most of that was about the Bastets in general. What can you tell me about this one in particular?
Ryuu: Judging from my meeting, pretty typical for a Bastet. Her devotion to Amenaru is sincere. She's a skilled shapeshifter, but within limits. She's very young, only 22 years old, so there may be other talents that she hasn't discovered yet. She told Amenaru that she'd check up on him from time to time, and I believe it.
Admiral Zhang: Naturally, my thoughts turn to Lazmaedia. Would we expect her to help if she attacks?
Ryuu: It's impossible to know. Demigods tend to be flighty, but if I were to deem the one most likely to help, it would be her.
Admiral Zhang: I see. I look forward to reports from all of you. I believe Amenaru and Kit likely have little experience handling classified information. I'm sure you'll instruct them.
Aire: Of course, Admiral.
Ryuu: One more thing, Admiral.
Admiral Zhang's eyebrows twitched, for anyone who had dealings with dragons knew, smart people sit up and listen when a dragon says, "One more thing..."
Ryuu: You might think we've accidentally stumbled across two demigods recently, and in a sense, that is true. We did crash on Sassinesa's planet, but still he revealed himself to us. I also can't help but think that Bastet, deep down, wanted to be discovered. I think Lazmaedia's shadow has gotten longer and is stirring at least some demigods out of their complacency. I intend to put that in my report too and I'm sure Kuro will concur.
Admiral Zhang nodded, adopting a grim expression that one would when receiving useful, though unpleasant news.
Admiral Zhang: Let's hope at least some are willing to help when the time comes. I will advise the Admiralty. Zhang out.
Admiral Zhang's little holo body fizzled and disappeared. Aire leaned back in his chair and let out a sigh.
Aire: I wonder what other demigods are going to show up.
Ryuu: Probably not any that like Pat-a-Cake as much as Bastet.
Aire furrowed his brow and, without moving his head, gave Ryuu a cheeky side-eye.
Aire: Never mention that again.

Just outside Phobos's quarters
Elsewhere on the Shadowdancer, the transformation was the topic of many conversations. However, this was not true of all. Baal, pacing outside of Phobos's quarters with a bouquet of flowers, worked to gather his courage to do one simple thing: press the door chime button. How long he paced and waited, he did not know, but for a split second, something inside his brain told him, "Just do it," and that's exactly what he did. Even after he pressed the chime, it still didn't register in his brain that he had, and a voice from inside beckoned him.
Phobos: Enter!
Baal froze, straight and stiff, with no sound escaping his lips and he quickly shifted the flowers behind his back. From within, the voice grew more confused.
Phobos: Enter?
Moments later, muffled footsteps from inside drew near until the door slid open. There, Phobos stood, rock solid in his body control as always, but, at the same time, wearing an expression of surprise upon his face.
Phobos: Baal?
Baal gasped and sputtered, making all manner of twitchy faces, but could still get no words out. Phobos stood aside from the doorway, allowing Baal enough room to enter. Still, however, he stood firm.
Phobos: Won't you come in?
Baal made a frightful jump every time Phobos moved and, to answer his question, shook his head vigorously.
Baal: Um... No, thank you. I just came to apologize. I should have come to you before spreading rumors.
Phobos responded with a slow nod.
Phobos: Apology accepted. If I might return the favor, perhaps I was too mean when you visited me last time. I'm sorry for that.
Only partially listening, Baal suddenly whipped the flowers from behind his back violently enough to shake a few of the petals off, which fluttered cheerfully to the floor.
Baal: I don't know what andr... erm... what you like. Do you like flowers? I got some flowers from hydroponics. I think they're hayac... Haacyan... Hya... Um...
Baal looked away, glancing at the floor and then to the flowers.
Baal: They are blue.
Slowly, so as not to startle the already primed Baal, Phobos reached out and took the flowers from his hands.
Phobos: I've never had flowers before, but I think they're worth a try. Are you sure you won't come in?
The flowers delivered, his job done, Baal backed away down the hall, waving his hands before him.
Baal: Ha ha. No, that's okay. I hope you enjoy them!
Baal turned and broke into a sprint, rounding the nearest junction out of sight.

Just outside Tuomas's quarters
On another deck, outside of another's quarters in the civilian section of the ship, Mikado did not pace or fret. He, in fact, felt quite exhilarated by Tuomas's invite and cheerfully tapped the door chime.
Tuomas: Come in!
The door slid open and Mikado stepped in. His first time in Tuomas's quarters, he had a quick glance around before greeting. It was significantly larger than his own quarters with doors leading off to at least two other rooms. He assumed, at least, that one was another room and not a closet, for there was no bed to be seen from where he stood. What caught his eye most, however, was the art supplies scattered haphazardly all around. Canvases littered the floor, propped up against whatever had a free side, layered four to five deep. One desk was cluttered with paints and pastels while another carried piles of photography equipment. Other than the clear demarcation of the artistic mediums between the desks, there was no semblance of organization whatsoever. How Tuomas found anything in all that debris was beyond Mikado's understanding.
In the middle of all this detritus sat Tuomas, cross-legged on the floor with a paint brush in his hand and a canvas before him. Upon Mikado's entering, he dropped his brush into a glass containing a murky liquid.
Mikado: Thank you for inviting me.
Tuomas: Have a seat... um...
Tuomas looked around and, realizing there was nowhere for Mikado to sit, shoved aside some of the mess upon the couch, leaving behind one side just big enough for Mikado, who tiptoed in and had a seat.
Tuomas: Sorry about that. I suppose I could say I'm still getting myself sorted, but I've always been like this.
Mikado: I didn't say anything. My quarters might be a mess too if there were room to make a mess.
Tuomas rummaged through a stack of prints and pulled out one that Mikado instantly recognized.
Tuomas: I want you to have this.
Mikado nearly pounced on it, but discretion prevailed and, while still excited, mindfully took the picture from Tuomas's hands.
Tuomas: I didn't have a chance to get it framed, unfortunately. I hope you like it.
Mikado: It's great! Funny that I don't remember that moment. Lieutenant Fisk kept me so busy, I didn't have a chance to commit anything to memory.
Tuomas: Well, it's not so much a moment as it is an overall impression. You did kick a lot.
Mikado: That's what tokki are good at.
Mikado took notice of Tuomas's sudden change in demeanour, suddenly becoming more quiet and reserved while rubbing his ribcage.
Tuomas: I'm very familiar.
The implication was clear. Tuomas had been on the receiving end of some of those kicks, and not at all voluntarily.
Mikado: I understand you're half tokki, right? Was it the Tokkastra First people?
Tuomas slid a quarter circle around on his rear so that he could face Mikado directly. It was a slow move, as he constantly had to mind his long, floofy tail that it didn't insinuate itself into the paints or the thinner.
Tuomas: Nalma told you?
Mikado: He mentioned you're half tokki. I looked up the rest. Prince Tuomas Bond, son of Queen Maoh II and Jaze Bond.
Tuomas: That's me. Unfortunately, the title of "Prince" doesn't afford any prestige or benefits. Gotta be female for that. At best, whenever I left the royal compound to experience the city, people pointed, stared, pulled my tail, and yanked my ears. Mostly out of curiosity, but they didn't hold back. The worst were the times I had run-ins with the Tokkastra First people. The Saveas and the Shanslees, to name a couple. Now, whenever I'm on Tokkastra, I really don't leave the royal compound.
Mikado: I can understand that. My clan isn't like that, but still, they think I'm quite an oddball for wanting to come here to be a cadet. I had to go through the application all on my own. They didn't give me any support.
Tuomas: You know, I came here to draw and take pictures. I didn't think I'd socialize with tokki outside of my family for the first time.
Mikado: I'm proud to be the first, then! I think you should give Lieutenant Silaron and Ensign Savea a chance, though. They seem like they're both alright.
Tuomas: My dad told me Kit's story. I can kinda relate. I know what it's like to be the odd one out. As for Nalma, I don't know... Maybe? I've met tokki like him before. A little too enthusiastic, but they seem nice, until the ear-pulling and the tail-grabbing inevitably starts.
Mikado: Want me to be a chaperone? I can kick him in the goulies if he tries anything.
Tuomas didn't react right away, aside from his ears twitching, and then he let out a hearty laugh.
Tuomas: Ha ha! That'll get you kicked out in a hurry and then you'll leave poor Darius all alone. Speaking of, how is your bunkmate?
Mikado: He is busy a lot and he's nice. I haven't quite figured him out yet. Maybe it's a common thing with nekomi? Sometimes he just stops in the middle of things, like his brain shuts down or something.
Tuomas gave a smile and a knowing nod.
Tuomas: Can't say I'm surprised. I strongly suspect you're carbonating his hormones and he's not ready to admit that yet.
Mikado: Oh? What do I do?
Tuomas: Nothing, I suppose. He'll come around when he's ready.
Mikado: Hmmm... I guess I will wait. How about you? Am I carbonating your hormones too?
Tuomas: Not gonna lie. You are.
Mikado: Not much room to do it here, though.
Tuomas stood, brushing himself off and not bothering to hide the bulge in his pants.
Tuomas: I keep my bedroom tidy. I like to have one place that's not a wreck.
Mikado: Let's go!
Together, Tuomas and Mikado stepped over the mess, making their way to the bedroom door.
Tuomas: You know, I've never had sex with a tokki before.
Mikado: I'm the first again!
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