Carpathia IV: Episode 141 - Swamped


In spite of Amenaru's declaration on the bridge that the wind shear shouldn't have been enough to cause the runabout to crash, it was no joke. The shuttle pitched and rolled all the way through its descent. Worse still, the wind shear was so violent that the inertial dampeners were not entirely able to maintain a smooth ride for those inside.

Teek: Everything okay back there?

Minnie: Just get this bucket on the ground!

Teek: Right-o, Chief.

Teek wisely thought it best to keep silent from then and focus on flying and avoid any more frustrated outbursts. A strategy that worked, mostly, until the grumbling and muttering started as he circled the swamp near the crash site, looking for a solid piece of ground to land on.

Nalma: Do a couple more circles before you land, Teek. I want to try to get these scanners to cut through the interference.

Teek: Understood, Lieutenant.

As ordered, Teek made circle after circle around the crash site while Nalma's expression became more and more consternated after each loop.

Nalma: Go ahead and land. I'm not going to find much at this rate. I'm not getting much on scans and the foliage is too thick for visual.

Teek: Beginning landing sequence.

Teek made one more circle and brought the shuttle down for a soft landing.

Joust: First, we head to the Stinger to see if we can find out what happened to the crew. Trex, I realize you can only scan short distances, but see if you can determine if any of the nearby flora or fauna pose a danger.

Trex: I can't get much range out of my scans, but I will do my best, Commander.

The crew spilled out of the shuttle, onto the thick, weedy turf of the shuttle's landing site. Clouds of mist and haze drifted lazily around the area, enveloping the trees, with swirling wisps caressing the bushes. If not for the stagnant, knee-deep water and muddy ooze all around, "jungle" would be a better word for the sort of place they stood. Only a hundred meters away lay the Stinger, listing to both starboard and stern, half sunk into the muck. The port side door stood open, only a foot, at most, above the waterline.

Joust: Change of plan. Minnie, Quenya, and Teek. You go into the runabout. If we all go in there, we might sink it. The rest of us will try to figure out which way the crew went, if they're not still in there.

Minnie: Understood, Commander.

Joust: Keep open communication and bail at the slightest hint of trouble.

Minnie: Understood, Commander. Let's go, you two.

The others fanned out while Minnie, Quenya, and Teek made for the runabout. It was slow going, once they got their boots into the muck. Even at ankle deep, it took some effort to pull each foot out to take the next step. It took some icky, disgusting time, but they finally reached the door to the runabout and Teek was the first to climb inside, followed by Minnie and then Quenya.

Once inside, each turned on their flashlights which were fastened conveniently to their wrists and had a look around.

Teek: Doesn't look like there's anyone here, living or dead.

Minnie shone her flashlight all around, taking note the horrific condition the ship was in. Damaged cables dangling from the ceiling, open system access hatches, and hardly any console was free of physical damage. There weren't even any lights flickering. The ship was entirely dead.

Minnie: A lot of this doesn't look like crash damage.

Alongside one of the bulkheads, Quenya carefully examined one of the open system access panels.

Quenya: These look like teeth marks.

Minnie: Teek, see if you can get any of the consoles working.

Teek: Yes, Chief.

Minnie took out her scanner and joined Quenya.

Minnie: Detecting organic compounds here. Possibly saliva of unknown species. Looks like it not only chewed through the access panel, but through half the systems. Commander, are you still listening?

Joust: Affirmative, Chief.

Minnie: Teeth marks are small, but whatever did this has some real strength. Keep a lookout.

Joust: Set scanners to add small creatures to the priority.

Besides wondering what sort of creature could have done such damage, Minnie also scanned to see if any quick repairs could be made.

Quenya: The damage is pretty severe. I don't suppose we're going to be able to do much about this.

Minnie: Agreed. We should take any intact storage devices we can find and bring them to the shuttle. We're not going to learn anything else here.

Minnie nevertheless continued scanning in the vain hope of finding something, anything, she could work with.

Quenya: I'm surprised you selected me for this mission. I've never been assigned to anything dangerous before.

Minnie: There's a difference between a post-high school cadet and an academy cadet. There are no longer any restrictions on what you can be ordered to do now. How do you feel right now?

Quenya: I don't know... Excited? Nervous?

Minnie: A little scared?

Quenya hemmed and hawed, wringing her hands together. Even though Minnie said exactly what Quenya was thinking, she still wasn't sure if she should admit it.

Quenya: I suppose... a little?

Minnie: Perfectly normal. Just focus on your task and keep your eyes and ears open at all times. I want you to help Teek retrieve as many intact data storage devices that you can find. I'm going to keep examining these access panels. It looks like something not only chewed through the wiring, but drained all the backup power supplies.

Quenya: I'm on it, Chief.

While Minnie and her team conducted their affairs in the runabout, the rest of the crew continued their investigation outside.

Nalma: Commander, the runabout crew went that way.

Joust looked up, finding Nalma pointing deep into the swamp.

Joust: Did you pick up life signs?

Nalma: Nope, but this arrow right here on the ground points that way.

Joust gave a flap of his wings and made a graceful arc through the air to where Nalma stood. On the ground was an arrow formed from rocks, pointing in the same direction as Nalma.

Joust: I'll take that as a good sign. They were still alive when they left here. Okay, unless anyone has a better idea, this is what we're going to do. Trex, Tamati, and I will go that way. Nalma, you stay here and keep an eye on things while the engineering team work on the runabout.

Tamati picked up his medical satchel and slung it over his shoulder.

Tamati: Ready to go, Commander.

Joust: Nalma, two more things. First, do not go into that runabout unless you absolutely have to. If something happens, I don't want all four of you to be trapped in there. Someone has to be outside to get help, which is related to the second point. I don't know how well our communications will work the further away from you we get, so you might be on your own if something does happen.

Nalma: I'll be ready to use the shuttle's grappler if necessary.

Joust: Good, good. Hold down the fort. The rest of you with me. Let's go.

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