Carpathia IV: Episode 142 - Leeches
Bridge, NCCS Shadowdancer
Information on the bridge was scant. Sporadic communications. Unreliable data uplinks. All leaving Aire and the rest rather impatient. Fortunately, windows occasionally opened to allow some communications and data transfer and Nalma wasted no time giving an update before he missed the chance.
Nalma: Commander Joust, Trex, and Tamati are off searching for the shuttle crew. Based on Commander Calloway's examination of the runabout, we think they were chased off by some sort of creature. The engineering team is gathering up all the data they can from the runabout so they can get out before it sinks. I'm keeping watch to protect the engineering team.
Phobos: Captain, another EM storm is moving in.
Kit: Expected loss of comms in less than a minute.
Aire: Nalma, I assume you heard that. If you still have communication with Joust, let him know to expect lots of lightning.
Nalma: I'll get on that right away. Nalma out.
The bridge went quiet, but only for a moment, while Aire tapped at his engineering call button.
Ramei: Ramei here.
Aire: How many more shuttles can we outfit with the EM shielding?
Ramei: One more. If it's not a rush job this time, we can get it done better.
Aire: Get on that just in case we need it. I'll send Amenaru down to help you out.
Aire gave Amenaru an eyeball and a nod, which Amenaru returned just before heading straight for the lift.
Aire: Also, be ready to go down there just in case. You, Amenaru, and Phobos will be the standby team.
Ramei: Oh! Then I'll do an extra special good job, then! Ramei out.

Planet's surface, stuck in the muck
The wind shear began just above the treetops, preventing Joust from flying too high. Still, the ability to soar from branch to branch kept him out of the swampy muck below. Trex was having a jolly time. Though she was confined to terrestrial movement, the mess didn't seem to slow her down too much. Only Tamati had a hard go of it, laboriously pulling his feet out of the mud with every single step, creating a sucking, gurgling noise every time he did.
Joust: Been awhile since I could see where the shuttle is. How far have we come?
Trex: Nearly two kilometres at this point. Nothing but the occasional footprint to tell we're going the right way.
Joust: I'm going to take a quick look above the treetops to see if I can see anything.
Tamati: Bad idea, Commander. Nalma said that storms are moving in.
Joust: I'll just be a minute!
Tamati shook his head while Joust gave his wings a mighty flap and he soared up into the sky. Tamati found himself a small patch of dirt and opened his medical kit.
Joust: Nothing much to see up here! Oh, wait! There's a...
As Tamati feared, there was a flash of light followed instantly by a thunderclap. Joust's cry of terror, or perhaps, pain, confirmed that the lightning hit either directly or close to him.
Tamati: Watch out in case he falls!
Trex: Haven't spotted him yet, but I'm looking!
Not quite falling, but Joust came down rather flippity flappity like an injured butterfly. It was something, at least, and his spastic flying attempts kept him from hitting the ground too hard. Trex ran to him just as he went splat into the swamp.
Trex: He's alive, but none too happy, I should think.
Tamati: Can you bring him? I'd rather look after him on this dry spot. Just be sure to support his head.
Trex: Gotcha! On my way.
Tamati sorted through his kit, setting aside common treatments or lightning strikes. Heart medication. Burn creams. Trex had Joust to him quickly and gently laid him on the ground.
Tamati: Bit of a tumble you took, Commander. How are you feeling?
Joust: Not one of my more clever gambits.
Tamati: I would say not, Commander. Can you tell me who the current Lord of Carpathia is?
Joust: Lord Anai resigned some months ago, so now it's Lord Krek!
Tamati: Sounds good. Let me check the rest of you.
Tamati began his scans. Moments after, Trex pulled out her weapon and gave a sudden turn, pointing it towards the way they were headed.
Trex: Something is coming, Tamati.
Tamati: Keep me apprised, Trex. I don't want to move him just yet.
Tamati continued his scans while Trex peered into the swamp forest.
Tamati: Heart looks good. Looks like you got off with only some bruises and some mild burns, mostly on your wings. For full treatment, we'll have to go back to the ship. Can you walk? I'm afraid flying is out of the question right now.
Joust: I can walk. I suppose we should be ready depending on what's coming, but my wings do sting like all hell right now.
From deeper into the swamp, a voice called out.
Shep: Don't shoot! I presume you were looking for us?
Trex lowered her weapon as the runabout team they were searching for burst through the trees in a healthy trot. Before any of their would-be rescuers could mutter pleasantries, Shep burst forth with a question with breathless urgency.
Shep: We need to get up the trees. Can you climb?
Shep pointed behind him. Far off into the distance, just emerging into their line of sight, appeared to be some sort of living wave of wriggling, writhing water coming towards them. Within, they could just make out small, snake-like creatures. None of them needed any more prodding. Tamati stood and hoisted Joust onto his back.
Tamati: Someone get my medkit. I'll handle Commander Joust.
Trex holstered her weapon and hastily flipped the medkit closed before making a dash for the trees.
Trex: What are those things?
Shep: I'll explain when we get up the tree. They can't climb.
The low, heavy branches of the trees made climbing less of a chore than it would have been, especially with Tamati carrying Joust on his back. He was able to hold Joust with one arm and use the other to steady himself on each branch. Shep stayed slightly ahead of him to give him a hand when the branches were spaced too far apart from him. Finally, Shep stopped, reaching a suitable height. Looking down, they could see what was pursuing them.
Horrifically ugly creatures. Indeed, snake-like, with no discernible limbs of any kind, but with large, black bulging eyes and long, needle-like teeth. They swarmed by the hundreds around the base of the trees, hoping a tasty snack might fall from above.
Trex: Well, this is just spiffy.
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