Carpathia IV: Episode 144 - Tornado
The tension didn't evaporate right away when the shuttle lifted off, but leaving the leeches behind certainly helped start the cool-down process. Though they all saw what Quenya did, the only thing anyone was keen on doing for a solid minute was lay on the deck and pant heavily. Tamati was the only one who got to work to see if there was anything wrong with Quenya.
Nalma: How is she?
Tamati: Asleep, as far as I can tell. I guess whatever that water wizardry she did took a lot out of her. All vitals are otherwise normal.
Nalma: That's good news. When the water started rising up, I didn't know what to do. I guess staying out of the way was the best choice. Still, doesn't this remind you of anything?
Tamati: Commodore Amaranth's rocks and Artemis's healing?
Nalma: That's what I was thinking, yes. Still, she's too young to have been on Ramewet when they were.
Tamati: Her dad was there, though.
Nalma: That means it's hereditary?
Tamati: Could be.
Joust: You're referring to the recent updates to Commodore Amaranth's file?
Tamati: Quenya ought to be able to tell us more when she wakes up, but it looks like there are similarities, yes.
Joust: That seems to be the case.
The shuttle rocked heavy to starboard and then to port, tossing the occupants around and shifting the conversation to more immediate matters.
Joust: Nalma, go copilot.
Nalma: On my way, Commander!
Nalma darted up the stairs as best he could, with the shuttle still rolling from side to side, though not quite as violently as before.
Minnie: There's some sort of leak in the new EM shielding and it's agitating the atmosphere. I'm working on tracking it down.
More worrisome than the turbulence was a new sound. The pitch of the engine grew low, and that could only mean that the shuttle was losing power.

Staggering up the stairs and down the aisle, Nalma found Teek in the pilot's chair struggling with the wheel. As much as he'd like to have taken a flying leap into the copilot's seat, his ears were already brushing up against the ceiling, so he skidded to a halt and slipped into the chair, taking a quick glance at the instruments as he did.
Nalma: What do you need me to do?
Teek: We're bleeding power from somewhere! Take whatever you can from non-essential systems.
Nalma: I'm on it!
Nalma went through as many systems as he could, from synthesizers all the way down to the toilets, drawing power from wherever he could find it. Each time, the engines would power up momentarily before losing strength again. Outside, the weather continued to worsen, with a tornado now joining the copious lightning bolts ripping up the sky. Nalma took a two-second break from rerouting power to the engines to call Minnie.
Nalma: We're about to get sucked into a tornado! How's it going down there?
Minnie: One more minute! I found the problem and I'm patching it now!
Teek: We might not have a minute.
Nalma: If it's only a minute, I can take power from life support.
Nalma tapped at his console and this time, the shuttle had a burst of energy as though a great force gave it a swift kick right up the rear end. It wasn't full power, but it was enough to start pulling away slowly from the tornado.
Teek: That's something! Let's hope it holds.
From here on, it was a battle between Teek and the shuttle's wheel. Though at least some forward momentum was achieved, he still had to fight the wind shear.
Minnie: Almost got it. Standby.
Almost indeed, for a moment later, the shuttles systems winked back on one by one. Nalma made sure that power was restored to life support while Teek gunned the throttle. With that, the shuttle finally rose again and Teek pitched the nose high to ascend as quickly as possible.

With the shuttle safely out of the planet's atmosphere, Teek was able to relax and bring it in for a gentle landing on the bay deck of the Shadowdancer. The only worry now was who would be in charge of giving it a wash, covered in swamp goo as it was. Waiting on the platform was Sorchae and a team of nurses, ready to examine the crew, along with Amenaru, Phobos, and Ramei, who had, up until recently, been retrofitting another shuttle with EM shielding, plus Captain Valro.
When the shuttle door opened, out came the injured first. Mostly bumps and scrapes aside from still-sleeping Quenya. Tamati carried her out and placed her gently on a waiting gurney.
I think she's just sleeping, but I recommend keeping a watch on her anyway. She used up a lot of energy down there. I'll explain on the way.
Sorchae: I look forward to hearing it.
Next to emerge was Minnie, who popped out of the shuttle like a hornet just flew up her butt and brandishing a piece of EM shielding above her head.
Minnie: I want to know which one of you installed this piece! It looked like it was sealed by a high school shop class flunky!
Ramei and Amenaru both turned with a start, wary of Minnie's wrath. Before they could say anything, however, Phobos meekly raised his hand.
Phobos: Um... That one was mine.
Though Amenaru and Ramei were relieved that they would not be subject to Minnie's wrath, all four of their ears popped up high and swivelled toward Phobos.
Amenaru: Phobos? You don't make those kinds of mistakes.
Phobos: I know... That was the last piece I put on, so I know neither of you damaged it.
Minnie dropped the piece to the deck and scrunched up her face as she marched over to Phobos. Grabbing him by the ear, she steered him toward the lift to engineering.
Minnie: Alright, let's get you plugged into the computer and do a diagnostic.
While Minnie led Phobos away, Shep stepped out of the shuttle and made straight for the Captain.
Shep: Corporal Shepseskaf Maseret, Captain. Thank you for coming to rescue us.
Aire: Our pleasure, Corporal. Based on what I've heard, I suspect that this planet will be unsuitable for a mining operation.
Shep: I'd recommend steering clear of the swamps, at least.
Last to exit the shuttle was Joust. Aire expected him to take a quick hop and flap of the wings to land in front of him, but instead, Joust took the standard bipedal approach of walking.
Joust: Everyone's safe, Captain. I got some bruises and burns on my wings, but nothing serious.
Aire: That's good. What can you tell me about Quenya?
Joust: That's going to be a longer story. Turns out she's a bit of a water wizard and she should be commended for saving us all. You remember Commodore Amaranth's friends who we met at Kit's ceremony awhile back? Quenya's parents were among them and I think we should give them a call.
Aire: I had a chat with her parents after Kit's ceremony and Kaoru mentioned his water abilities. I'm sure he'd like to know that Quenya has finally gotten to use them.
Joust: He can also give us an idea of what we can expect.
Aire: True. I'll wait until she wakes up before I do that. In the meantime, I'll consult with Ryuu. Shep, I'll debrief you after I meet with Ryuu.
Shep: Understood, Captain.
Aire stepped to a nearby console and rang the bridge.
Aire: Kit, contact Ryuu and have him meet me in my ready room. I'm on my way there now.
Kit: Understood.
Aire turned back to Shep one last time before he left.
Aire: Commander Joust will assign you quarters.
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