Carpathia IV: Episode 145 - Calling Home
Ready Room, NCCS Shadowdancer
It wasn't long before Quenya woke up. Not really refreshed, but not weary either. Sorchae kept her under observation for a couple of hours before discharging her. Later, she was summoned to the Captain's ready room for a conversation between Aire, herself, and her dad. For any cadet, a one-on-one with the captain was stomach-churning enough, and that's without potential dad-level embarrassment. Quenya squirmed in her chair, hands folded tightly in front of her, while Aire called up her parents on his display. After a quick exchange of pleasantries, Aire allowed Quenya to share the news.
Kaoru: I knew it would come to you! Tell me all about it.
With hesitation at first, Quenya began to regale her parents with her tale from the shuttle, starting at the juicy part when she and Nalma first spotted Joust and the others running towards them. As the story progressed, hesitation faded until she got to the part where she made the water wave.
Quenya: I really don't know what came over me. Somehow, I knew what I had to do and I just did it.
Kaoru: That was the part you always had trouble with, the part about clearing your mind. You always were a jumbled mess of ideas.
Quilyon: Pretty sure you got that from your grandfather.
Aire: The good news is that her actions saved the lives of several of our crew members. However, the reason for the call is that we're interested in what we might expect next. Anything we need to know?
Kaoru shrugged as he answered.
Kaoru: I don't know. Keep a mop around, I guess? She won't be accidentally setting her bed on fire like Jaze and Tuomas did at first. So, nothing special. Maybe a plastic bed covering under the sheets and...
Quenya: Dad! Don't say it!
Kaoru grinned while Quilyon gave him a disapproving nudge.
Kaoru: Say what?
Quilyon: Nothing to worry about, Captain. Her brother figured out his water skills when he was five and it all worked out okay. As long as there's no water source for her to draw from, there won't be any problems.
Kaoru: Ryuu and Tuomas can help out with training.
Aire: I'll see if they're up for it. I'm sure Amenaru and Kit could be a part of that too. I'm not sure if you've heard, but they've acquired shapeshifting abilities.
Kaoru: Another demigod? I heard about Sassinesa, but shapeshifting doesn't sound like him.
Aire: Turns out Amenaru's pet cat was a demigod all along.
Kaoru: They should all learn together. If it's anything like the rest of us, the process ought to be similar. Clear your mind. Concentrate. Focus on what you want to do. That sort of thing.
Aire: I'm sure they'd like that. If there's nothing else, I'll have a chat with Quenya here and you can all have a private conversation when she goes back to her quarters.
Kaoru: That'll do! Talk to you later, sweetie!
Quilyon: Mummy and daddy are proud of you!
Quenya cringed as her parents winked off the screen. Aire swivelled his monitor back toward himself and then faced Quenya, friendly smile upon his face and hands folded neatly atop is desk.
Aire: Now, let's discuss your commendation, shall we?

Corridor, NCCS Shadowdancer
His diagnostic complete and his duty shift over, Phobos strolled casually back to his quarters, lost in thought, until Deimos broke in.
Deimos: Your diagnostic went well, at least.
Phobos: Small comfort. I still can't explain what happened. Can't you see anything?
Deimos: Not compartmentalized like this, no. I'm sure you'll figure it out.
Phobos: I wish you could have a peek at my side and see what's wrong.
Deimos: Not a chance. It's nice here and I'd rather not get swallowed up by your program and get lost forever. Cheer up. You'll be fine.
Phobos: I hope so.
A voice behind him brought Phobos out of his head and back to reality.
Amenaru: Phobos!
Phobos turned to find Amenaru trotting up behind him with a smile and a wave.
Phobos: Ah, good evening Lieutenant.
Amenaru: How did the diagnostic go?
Phobos: No problems found, but I'm thinking of going back for a more detailed scan.
Amenaru put his arm around Phobos's shoulder and gave him a pat.
Amenaru: Have you considered that you're... how should I put it... evolving? You're already more than your parts. Maybe this is part of another step.
Phobos: I'm not sure catastrophically screwing up is exactly an evolution.
Amenaru: Isn't it? Just about everything with a brain makes mistakes.
Phobos paused, staring blankly at the corridor wall.
Phobos: It's an interesting thought. Still, I want to rule out any kind of system failure or fault before I commit to that idea.
Amenaru: Of course you do. Say, why don't we have a game night? It's been awhile. I can get Kit and Teek to come. It'll get you thinking about other things and we can let you know if we notice anything strange that you might not realize.
Phobos: I think I'd like that. My quarters then? I'd feel more comfortable there.
A convenient suggestion indeed, since they were already approaching Phobos's quarters already.
Amenaru: In that case, let's contact everyone and get your quarters ready. I'll go fetch my deck after that.
Phobos nodded and tapped the door control of his quarters. The first thing they noticed just as the door started sliding open was a fragrant smell. A split second later, when they could see inside, the source of the smell became clear. Every clear table space, and given Phobos's neatness, this was a lot, had a vase with blue hyacinth flowers in it. In the center of the room was a stand with a wreath on it, containing a banner in the middle that read "Get well soon!"
Phobos: Baal! How did he get in here?
Amenaru: It wasn't me, but I would imagine he had help. Commander Joust sure wouldn't be above something like this.
Each paused and gazed in awe at the massive flower arrangement.
Amenaru: Aw, but this is adorable, isn't it? Honestly, I didn't know Baal had it in him to do something like this.
Phobos didn't respond and Amenaru leaned forward to get a better look, a surprising look, at his face. What he saw, he wasn't sure how to interpret. Phobos had a big, silly grin spread wide from cheek to cheek and one of his eyes twitched sporadically.
Amenaru: Are you okay?
Phobos: I... I don't know what to think about this. I guess I ought to consider this a privacy invasion, but I don't mind. I don't know what I'm feeling right now.
Amenaru: Shall we invite Baal to our game?
Phobos shook his head vigorously.
Phobos: Nope nope nope nope nope nope nope!
Amenaru: Okay, not ready for that. Fair enough.
Phobos: Maybe we should have the game in your quarters. I don't want anyone to see this right now.
Amenaru: Right-o. Let's head over there.
Amenaru put his arm around Phobos's shoulder and gently steered him toward his quarters.
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